Passed my first grading!


Brown Belt
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
Hi all, Sorry for such a self-congratulatory thread but I'm so made up about it I just had to post! I took my first grading this evening for my yellow stripe and got an "A" pass! I'm no longer a complete beginner! :)

I was more nervous than I thought I would be so made a couple of minor slip ups that I thought would exclude me from getting an "A" pass so I was really surprised when my name was called.

I hope I have as much luck with my driving test tomorrow!
Damn right you should feel pleased with yourself! congratulations and well done!, it's an achievement and the first of many hopefully! people talk about getting your black belt as a great experience,which it is but oh the joy of getting your first belt! it's a fantastic feeling!

Good luck with the driving test, my daughter has hers next Thursday.
No appologies necessary. This is the perfect place to post that kind of info. Congratulations!!!!! That is fantastic!!!
Be happy and proud, you have earned that right Congrats:partyon::partyon::partyon::partyon:
Congrats!!! I can almost remember my first time testing...................almost.
Thanks for your kind words everyone I really apreciate your support. I'm off to bed now as I've an early start tomorrow! Hope your daughter passes her driving test next thursday Tez!
I concur with all the above - passing that first hurdle is always an achievement because you are travelling into unknown territory without a map.

As to the driving test - if you pass first time then "Huzzar!" but don't worry if you don't - all the rumours about 'quota's' are entirely true. Even I, all-round-ubermensch that I am didn't pass first time :lol:.
i remember my first test, for yellow tip on my white belt, sept 1984.

here is the trick, the tests get harder, but TESTING get easier, the first step on a long road my friend. Congrats!
Hey many congratulations.

The first grading, in terms of nerves etc. is probibly the hardest.. so one mile stone has been passed.

well done.

i remember my first test, for yellow tip on my white belt, sept 1984.

here is the trick, the tests get harder, but TESTING get easier, the first step on a long road my friend. Congrats!

Hey many congratulations.

The first grading, in terms of nerves etc. is probibly the hardest.. so one mile stone has been passed.

well done.


Both of these posts are on target. Once you've tested, you've crossed maybe the biggest psychological hurdle you'll ever face in the MAs. And it's a major achievement, so celebrate appropriately! :)
Good for u myusername, congrats are in order. I remember when I began my TKD training a while back I couldn't wait to move beyond a white belt and get into the color belt ranks. Hope you stay with it, good luck... :asian:
Congrats!!!!! I will be doing my first promotion test April 25, Kinda of nervous about it but looking forward to earning my yellow stripe. Congrats again:redcaptur
Damn right you should feel pleased with yourself! congratulations and well done!, it's an achievement and the first of many hopefully! people talk about getting your black belt as a great experience,which it is but oh the joy of getting your first belt! it's a fantastic feeling!

Yes, what she said...
Congratulations. That first belt is the best because now you have proven to yourself that you can do it and do it well. People no longer look upon you as the "newbie". On the down side, they now expect you to know a little more.
Thanks again everybody for your kind words. It has been a very good week for me as I also passed my driving test this morning! Funny thing is I am still more pleased about my TKD grading! :boing2:
Thanks again everybody for your kind words. It has been a very good week for me as I also passed my driving test this morning! Funny thing is I am still more pleased about my TKD grading! :boing2:

Congrats on that too! make going to training easier lol!
Congrats! I've got my first promotion test in Seido coming next week, and while I've had a few promotions in TKD, the first one is always a nerve wracker. Well Done! :D
Thanks again everybody for your kind words. It has been a very good week for me as I also passed my driving test this morning! Funny thing is I am still more pleased about my TKD grading! :boing2:
You got the hard part out of the way, so your driver's test was easy. ;)

Grats on that, too!

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