Pack your uniform in your car, or go home first?

I'm just curious, do you bring your uniform with you as you start your school/work day before class that night, or do you get a chance to go home first before class? Or maybe you have a locker at your school?

Didn't understand the question until I saw that you are in LA. ;) Today's temperature is 36. I'm not keeping my uniform in the car, because then I would be the Iceman.
Didn't understand the question until I saw that you are in LA. ;) Today's temperature is 36. I'm not keeping my uniform in the car, because then I would be the Iceman.

Haha. I'm originally from Chicago. I used to carry all my gear (whether it was TKD or boxing) in my car in any weather. I usually went to class in the morning before work back then, but boxing was still 25 miles away.

I run my own school now. I usually get to head home & pick up my gear before class. Today was the first time in awhile I had to pack it before hand.
My training time varies sometimes it is right after work and others I have a chance to go home first. I usually keep sparing gear in the locker room and bring fresh uniforms to change in when I take class. Yeah changing into a uniform that has been out in a cold car can be shocking but at least you are awake when you get on the floor.
I'm just curious, do you bring your uniform with you as you start your school/work day before class that night, or do you get a chance to go home first before class? Or maybe you have a locker at your school?


I pick up my gi, at home, on the way to the school. I have about an hours worth of time in between.

I use this time to relax a bit, grab a bite and "powder my nose" before class. If I had to, and have in the past, I will carry my gi and "stuff" to work and go to class from there.

An interesting question.
Thank you,
Milt G.
I leave all my gear at home. I like to go home first and relax on the couch with a drink (water or protein shake) for 30 minutes or so after work. Usually when I work I need some de-stress so its nice to go home first to prepare myself for training. Then try to get to class about 40 minutes early for warm up stretches and if the junior class needs someone to hold pads or practice drills against then im there ready to go.
I'll try to head home first, grab something to eat, then bring a uniform with me.

Our school has a limited number of lockers; I keep a spare dobak, my belt, sparring gear and weapons there.
I actually thought of this thread when I loaded my gear bag in the car this morning, in case I can't run home first.

It is 34 Deg this morning and I'm not sure what will be worse, a cold gi or the jock and cup :lfao:
I usually don't have time to stop off at my house before class, since the traffic on I-65 can get pretty bad. When I leave for work in the morning, I'll take my gear bag with me. This way, in case of a traffic snag, it's awfully nice to have those extra 7-8 minutes of time that would have been spent picking up my stuff.
I'm fortunate enough that I can come home before class, but I've gotten into the habit of carrying an extra set of gi bottoms in my car just in case I can squeeze in some extra training time at the gym on base. I keep a seperate bag in the car with my sparring gear so I always have that on hand. Being from MN I personally vouch that nothing says "I love you" like putting on a gi that has been sitting in the car all day long when it's below zero degrees outside.
I usually go home during the week. I pick the baby up, she and I go grocery shopping for dinner, and then I head home where I change into casual clothes and grab a quick snack. By then my older kids are home and take over watching the baby for me while I head out to class.

Training in BJJ, I only have a water bottle and a gi, so I usually fold the gi up and wrap it backpack style with my belt. Works out pretty well.
After cleaning my gear, I usually keep everything in my bag, and in my trunk so I can go directly from work.

If I do go home, I end up snacking on something, which doesn't go well with me when I train. So I refrain from going home before training.
My class is at 8 am Saturday morning so I just get up, get dressed in uniform minus jacket and belt and go straight to the dojo. I always keep my weapons bag with my bokken and jo in the car so I don't have to lug it in and out of the house.
I always take mine with me, don't have enough time to go home after work, so I bring pretty much everything I'll need in my duffel bag. Uniform, training pants, t-shirt, sparring gear, etc... Except for weapons, generally I'll only bring the weapon that I'm training with at the time, haha Chinese martial arts I would have to take a bus to house all the CMA weapons!
Youcoulddooeofafewthigsput it in your car in the mornings ,go home and change, or see if there is someplace at your training hall you can keep it
My wife and I work 12 hour nights, Fri-Sat-Sun. So Tues & Thurs class we leave from home. We generally take our gear to work with us Fri night. If we actually leave the hospital on time, we have plenty of time to go home, but over the years we've learned not to count on leaving at the official end of our shifts.

I know that if we're late, Quest will make me do 6000 knuckle pushups and then kick me in the head....
In the warmer months I keep my uniform in a bag in the car. When it starts getting below freezing, it starts coming inside with me.

My weapons will always come inside with me. Leaving my sword outside in -20C, then bringing it into a warm dojo, is simply not a good idea.

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