Outsiders in your school!


Brown Belt
Feb 19, 2009
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I'm getting ready to host a competition poomsae seminar in my school next week. Big deal for me as a have never invited outsiders (other schools) to any of my seminars. Poomsae is a touchy subject with some masters so I don't know how well the response from other schools in my area will be. I was wondering if any of you have had experenace with this ether with a seminar or whatever.

I have gone to and our school has hosted seminars. Those interested will show up. When they do give them their money's worth. Make sure you have a game plan. I have been to seminars where the person just jumped from one subject to the next and by the time the seminar was done, you had no idea what you learned. In your case you are doing poomsae seminar. That is a very broad topic so break it down into specific topics... "Summary of the KKW standards", "Tricks to make a better looking form", "Practical application of the poomsae". These are just a few items you can zero in on.

Good luck.
G.M. West always gives a great introduction speach. In it he thanks everyone for coming and also mentions that there are variations on everything. Not bad...different. He then asks for the purpose of this event and since its held at his venue that for today everyone try it the way its being shown.

Dave O.
we do workshops as part of requirements in the ITA. (fun thing to drive 3 hours for a 2 hour workout session...if it even is that long)

anyhow, have you gameplan ready, maybe if you use them release forms to be signed when folks walk in. Depending on the crowd that can be expected, have assistants lined up.

We did an all around BB seminar, including sparring and target drills.

But the deal that was really good was to get a different perspective on your work. (especially on stuff you have automated by now, like the 'easy' forms)
Like others have said have a firm game plan and whay the people should expectduring there time with you, also what type of poomsae and variation you will be going over.
I'm getting ready to host a competition poomsae seminar in my school next week. Big deal for me as a have never invited outsiders (other schools) to any of my seminars. Poomsae is a touchy subject with some masters so I don't know how well the response from other schools in my area will be. I was wondering if any of you have had experenace with this ether with a seminar or whatever.


As a founder member of IAOMAS I can truely saying, having others to you school is fantastic. That said, doing a poomse seminar is pretty 1 dimensional, so i would hope those that attend from out side, either a0 come to learn or b) come to see a different POV.. either way, hopefully it will all go well.

Share the art and the arts :soapbox:

NPTKD, I don't think your concern is valid. Masters won't come to a seminar to debunk or argue at a poomsae seminar. If they disagree with the way you teach them, they simply won't come. If you have like-minded folks around you, they'll be there.

I wish you the best.
First of all congratulations in hosting the seminar.

I think you've received some good responses thus far. In my experience, only those interested in expanding their knowledge will be coming to the seminar (especially if there is a charge!). That said, Competition Poomsae is different than what most people do in their dojangs so you are likely to get a pretty focused group.

Good Luck!
Nothing wrong with having outsiders come to a seminar. It helps having different perspectives. I just went to a seminar at a Ninjutsu dojo in the area, and we weren't the only people that weren't ninjutstu students. There were some JKD guys, a MT guy, and a few BJJ guys there. I learned a lot at that seminar. It was a Self-Defence seminar btw.