Ontario prostitution laws could be lifted Saturday

**wonders how much trouble he'd get into to suggesting a Girls of MartialTalk swimwear calender.....or a Guys of MT bikini calender....* :D

Well, I'll wear the banana hammock but don't expect me to shave my back. Winter's coming, and I need that extra layer.
Well, I'll wear the banana hammock but don't expect me to shave my back. Winter's coming, and I need that extra layer.

**Reaches for the bleach to blot out a visaul that could cost a fortune in therapy.
**Reaches for the bleach to blot out a visaul that could cost a fortune in therapy.

hehe. Wanna hear about my mole?
My wife wouldn't mind!

In college (the year before we met), she lent out a bunch of her teeny tiny bikinis for a bikini photo shoot around campus for the engineering paper. Having seen some of the bikinis, it's fairly shameful that the guys fit into them... then again, it was February in Ontario, Canada. At least, that was their excuse ;)
Ontario prostitution laws remain, for now

Here's an interesting point from the female judge who initially ruled the existing laws unconstitutional:

"I have found that the law as it stands is currently contributing to danger faced by prostitutes," Himel wrote after spending a year sifting through 25,000 pages of evidence.

"By increasing the risk of harm to street prostitutes, the communicating law is simply too high a price to pay for the alleviation of social nuisance."

However, the laws will remain in place pending appeal.
Another little wrench is the fact that some men, well OK lots of men, are willing to pay for certain pleasures that are not normally on the menu. Pesonally I am of the mindset "who I am I to Judge" but I am also aware that I am in the minority in this regard. Once again, supply and demand.

I like how you put that. "certain pleasures that are not normally on the menu."

Was wondering if you'd mind answering my questions I posted in post #60. Must have missed'm.

Your Brother

i did (i blushed) sorry...

I don't buy that sex is as much of a need as air and should be placed in the same category as that guy placed it. So yeah. i disagree with him.

as for capitalism and prostitution, i didnt say its entirely rooted in capitalism its also rooted in sexism as well. but you're right of course they're ideas made by HUMANS.

I'll always believe prostitution is disgusting and i wouldnt legalize it.
hmm, dig a bit into the history of prostitution...it is interesting.

You also have to consider that at times marriage was a privilege. The couple had to prove they were able to afford offspring.

It is the oldest profession of the world...let's face it, guys need it...
hmm, dig a bit into the history of prostitution...it is interesting.

You also have to consider that at times marriage was a privilege. The couple had to prove they were able to afford offspring.

It is the oldest profession of the world...let's face it, guys need it...

Need? Need? Now that is a Whole new discussion and a different can or worms entirley, isn't it? There are "Needs" and Drives and there are "Wants" and there's where the free market comes in. You may need to eat but as far as I know there is No biological advantage in having an off menu happy meal with asian twins dressed in red patten leather thigh high stillettos and PVC bondage gear. But if you want to and can afford it . . . . . but No you don't Need to.

I think as this is an open all ages forum I''l stop there.

Need? Need? Now that is a Whole new discussion and a different can or worms entirley, isn't it? There are "Needs" and Drives and there are "Wants" and there's where the free market comes in. You may need to eat but as far as I know there is No biological advantage in having an off menu happy meal with asian twins dressed in red patten leather thigh high stillettos and PVC bondage gear. But if you want to and can afford it . . . . . but No you don't Need to.

I think as this is an open all ages forum I''l stop there.



No, seriously... I am crying I am laughing so hard! :lfao:

Maybe that part is not a need...but the result of it...
Was wondering if you'd mind answering my questions I posted in post #60. Must have missed'm.

Your Brother

John, how about debating Me on this one? If a guy says he "needs" sex like he needs air and quoted Maslow to me I'd bloody wipe the floor with him! ( funny, none has tried that line on me yet ) Just curious but have you read Maslow's published works? Can you understand how this relates to Frueds "Toward Death"? Being that all organisms are seeking to relieve tension or stress.( Reaching towards a "0" state, the ultimate "0" state being, well, death ) That is why Maslow includes sex as a primary need. Because it creates tension. Know how you can relieve sexual tension? Vasaline and a Hussler!

If you want to bring the psyche into it, go to Harlow or Frueds later works. Maslow thinks you're a reptile.

John, how about debating Me on this one? If a guy says he "needs" sex like he needs air and quoted Maslow to me I'd bloody wipe the floor with him! ( funny, none has tried that line on me yet ) Just curious but have you read Maslow's published works? Can you understand how this relates to Frueds "Toward Death"? Being that all organisms are seeking to relieve tension or stress.( Reaching towards a "0" state, the ultimate "0" state being, well, death ) That is why Maslow includes sex as a primary need. Because it creates tension. Know how you can relieve sexual tension? Vasaline and a Hussler!

If you want to bring the psyche into it, go to Harlow or Frueds later works. Maslow thinks you're a reptile.



Imo (which is admittedly not based on extensive experience) this is only true for the physical component, not the emotional part. That part is not relieved at all by that, or visiting a prostitute. You can only relieve both when having sex with the woman (or man) you love. One without the other makes for an incomplete whole.

That is also why I think hustler (and most porn) is boring as hell. The images are purely mechanical depictions, devoid of even the smallest hint of emotion or affection. ymmv of course.
I think that Bruno is pretty close to the mark.

There are other things that biological drives that make sexual expression a need, in my opinion. I do not think that sex with a prostitute is a viable 'expression' that would meet this need. I think it's a case of 'Looking for love in all the wrong places'...but that humanity is rife with that kind of 'wrongness', to the point that it almost defines us.

I don't think that Maslow looks at humans as reptiles, but perhaps not having read ALL of his works I've missed important parts. Please direct me if that's the case, love to be enlightened. He's not really my favorite theorist, but I enjoyed reading what I have of his and those that've followed his theories of Humanistic Psychology. Honestly I think that the idea of "Humanism" and that of thinking of mankind as 'reptiles' sounds dichotomous, but I've been wrong before. Seeing as how his psychologies lynch-pin is "Self Actualization" and "Peak Experiences".....and I don't know many reptiles that seek self actualization.
I know that "Wikipedia" is NOT the end all / be all of academic level research, but if ANYONE wants to get a slight handle on what Abraham Maslow's theories DO resemeble, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Maslow it does not resemble snake handling. :-D
I even think that Dr. Maslow would be VERY against the idea of prostitution as being a viable means of meeting a humans NEED for sex. He was all about meaningful context, and the context of monetary transaction for human contact....would probably send him up the wall.
ALL I'm saying regarding him, as applies in this discussion, is that a very prominent 20th century leader in Psychology and human drives makes it plain that humans have a foundational NEED for sex.

Prostitution is no more a viable solution to a 'sex need' than an inflatable doll is a suitable or satisfying surogate for human interaction.

I'm not arguing FOR the legalization of prostitution.
I'm just saying that sex is a need.

Your Brother
I don't care what anyone says...I do need "having an off menu happy meal with asian twins dressed in red patten leather thigh high stillettos and PVC bondage gear" but my mean wife won't let me have it. I tried holding my breath til I turned blue, but all she said was "batteries". I knew then that I could never compete against something powered by Briggs n Stratton. :(