Online Game Notice! Legend of the Green Dragon

Rich - Nope. :D

Northern - I can't give the Devil any souls....already traded em all in for a cookie. (Was Choc-Chip...n very tasty) :D

My Karma ran over my Dogma. :)
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Rich - Nope. :D

Northern - I can't give the Devil any souls....already traded em all in for a cookie. (Was Choc-Chip...n very tasty) :D

My Karma ran over my Dogma. :)


Good, then you have a real reason to ignore me :D now!
A chocolate Cookie, those are my favorite. :cool:

Dogma is a great movie and recommend anyone with an open mind to watch it. I am sure the laughter has brought my karma around to the point of no return ;)

First Val, then Dinin.... he he he ... chortle chortle chortle...

I better watch my back. :)
LOGD Update:

Character Retirements:
I'm considering making it mandetory that characters be retired after 30-40 dragonkills. The game is -really- unbalanced at those levels.

New Addins:
Expanded Inn
More forest events

New Monsters:
we've added several interesting characters recently

New Rides:
Try the BalRog....its delicious!

they are immune but can they attack with pvp


I had not read the thread on the site
good idea keeps the hostilities down a little till the newer players get to know everyone
Theorectically, no.

It checks to see if you've killed the dragon at least once. If not, you don't even see the PvP options. :)
Hmm dusty... lets revive this thread shall we...
Well Now I'm hooked and I have already died twice. Stupid babarian and stupid camper. Eh oh well must wait for the next day...
I pop in from time to time and play a few rounds. I'm sadly usually too busy to play much.

Once more folks sign up, the PVP will be interesting. :)
Damn you, Bob Hubbard, damn you to Hell! ;)
I just stumbled across the game while checking out your other site. It's a bit addictive, to say the least. No, that's not true, I can stop playing whenever I want...

hehehe. I'll eventually be adding in a few more. Been too busy to evaluate them the last 6 months or so. :)
It got hacked and I don't have time right now to try and repair it. May look at the new version in January and install it then. Supposed to be alot of new tweaks in there.
I recommend two free MMOG related to martial arts - martial heroes and 9Dragons. Both great games, considering they're free.

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