One of the endless supply of n00bs....


Green Belt
Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
Hey, wasn't really sure where to start, so I thought I'd put my first post in here :)

I do traditional Japanese Ju-Jitsu and I'm currently an orange belt (5th kyu). Absolutely love it- bit of an addiction, can't seem to get through a week without training lol

Hopefully I'll be able to contribute something useful to someone at some stage.......

Oh yeah, and I like pie.

So how is everyone?
You have, indeed, come to the correct place to post greetings! Welcome, and happy posting! :wavey:
Welcome to MT :wavey:

pie is good...mmmm....cherry....
welcome to the forum
I think we all have been hit with that addiction in one form or another
Welcome LM :D. MT is indeed full of friendly and knowlegeable people; as you can see above, some even like pie, so guard your stocks carefully. :lol:

For a quick peek at what arts we all do, try visiting the profile for each of us - that'll in most cases give you a broader idea of what we're like as people too.
Heh, these are two great quotes!

:lol: Thanks! I'll have to make sure I claim the copyright on them now :p

I think we all have been hit with that addiction in one form or another

Don't worry- I'm sure we'll all get through it together ;)

For a quick peek at what arts we all do, try visiting the profile for each of us - that'll in most cases give you a broader idea of what we're like as people too.

Ah, that is indeed a very good idea. Although I think I might know what Stickarts does without going that far :jediduel: lol
What better place to start than a n00b thread. Everyone starts somewhere I guess. I am working towards my Blue belt in BJJ at my brothers school in VA.

This site seems to have everything.