On a Island by yourself


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Ok TKD'ers, I have read alot response abot certification and how does it work, well here is another way around the block lets say you are not affiliated to any organization and you teach both style ITF and WTF and you have a student here in America that is the best fighter you or anybody else has seen, how do you get him inthe Olympics without proper certification. Since if you do not belong to the USAT and are not Kukkiwon they will not let you play what option do you have.

I myself see a wrong being played out by the USAT and the USOC it is plain and simple a monopoly on TKD being in the Olympics, I mean if you where a skater and won a event to qualify you would be on the team regardless of what org. you belong to, how come TKD get to play with there own set of rules. Is this far or not?

Terry Lee Stoker
USA Boxing is that way, too. (You have to belog to to fight). You just have to have a certain # of fights to be at the "elite" level. There is a difference (you're right, Terry) in that many other folks give out BB's (other than Kukiwon or USAT). There aren't any others in boxing "certifying" fighters.
I'm an ITF (ATA) guy. I have always thought it was kind of fishy, but, there needs to be some set standard for acceptance. I don't love the idea of being told that I do not qualify because I'm not KKW certified, but that's the price that is paid for acceptance. Olympic rules are WTF rules, not ITF, ATA, USTF or HTF. A standard has been set, meet it to qualify or don't go.

If I had a student who is the next Perez, I have plenty of WTF friends, I would council them to seek KKW certification thru them.
What do you mean without certification? Is he/she a black belt? Or what training has he had? Since you can test for WTF certification, what is the problem? If he has been trained ITF, then he needs to be trained for the WTF way and rules don't you think? TW
My instructor ran into this with at least one of his students. As a second dan, he could not give his students their Kukkiwon certification for being a black belt so e sent them to another school in town to train for six months or so to get certified as BB there, becuse they wanted to compete in events that required certification
I thought that this problem had been corrected a couple of years (2) ago. Didn't the USOC rule that for American TKD'ists they did not have to answer to a foreign party - WTF/Kukkiwon? The AAU if I'm not mistaken, was also a player in this action, for they also have their own TKD certification process and train folks for the Olympic TKD also.
TigerWoman said:
What do you mean without certification? Is he/she a black belt? Or what training has he had? Since you can test for WTF certification, what is the problem? If he has been trained ITF, then he needs to be trained for the WTF way and rules don't you think? TW

ITF ceritification is not the same as KKW/WTF certification. I'm not saying that either is less of a certification but to be concidered for the US Olympic team the rules are simple.......KKW certification and you must go thru the AAU/USOC tourney's. Anyway that's what I understand. I really do not care that much about the entire political FUBAR (cuz that's what it all is). I'm way to old for myself, and I tend to focus my students on other attainable goals.
Brad Dunne said:
I thought that this problem had been corrected a couple of years (2) ago. Didn't the USOC rule that for American TKD'ists they did not have to answer to a foreign party - WTF/Kukkiwon? The AAU if I'm not mistaken, was also a player in this action, for they also have their own TKD certification process and train folks for the Olympic TKD also.

Brad although they teach WTF they cannot send without Kukkiwon or USAT certification AAU player at this time can't go under there certification SORRY
Master SToker
Fluffy said:
ITF ceritification is not the same as KKW/WTF certification. I'm not saying that either is less of a certification but to be concidered for the US Olympic team the rules are simple.......KKW certification and you must go thru the AAU/USOC tourney's. Anyway that's what I understand. I really do not care that much about the entire political FUBAR (cuz that's what it all is). I'm way to old for myself, and I tend to focus my students on other attainable goals.

COrrection Fluffy not AAU instead it is USAT or Kukkiwon in America
Master Stoker
Fluffy said:
Thanks! :partyon:

Master Fluffy

Sorry Master Fluffy, I kind of like that name can I borrow it sometime for a tournament:asian:
Master Stoker
terryl965 said:
Sorry Master Fluffy, I kind of like that name can I borrow it sometime for a tournament:asian:
Master Stoker

Do you look the part? A DS gave it to me in boot. I was, am, way to heavy. :rolleyes:
Fluffy said:
Do you look the part? A DS gave it to me in boot. I was, am, way to heavy. :rolleyes:

No I'm more like the Pilsbury Dough Boy myself.
FearlessFreep said:
My instructor ran into this with at least one of his students. As a second dan, he could not give his students their Kukkiwon certification for being a black belt so e sent them to another school in town to train for six months or so to get certified as BB there, becuse they wanted to compete in events that required certification
That's just way too political more like playing childrens games or something. Just to get a chance to compete in the olympics people have to go through this process?
Fluffy said:
ITF ceritification is not the same as KKW/WTF certification. I'm not saying that either is less of a certification but to be concidered for the US Olympic team the rules are simple.......KKW certification and you must go thru the AAU/USOC tourney's. Anyway that's what I understand. I really do not care that much about the entire political FUBAR (cuz that's what it all is). I'm way to old for myself, and I tend to focus my students on other attainable goals.

So what if I decided to wallpaper a wall in one of my rooms of my house with certificates:) . I decided to join every possible group/organization/affiliation known to man plus on ebay and the general populous that will send me a certificate for a couple of bucks. What will that get me? At that point could I be some grand pooh bah that people would recognize little 'ole me:) . I'm wondering if people at this point will take me for my word that my instructor promoted me to "x" and I wouldn't have to really test again or even be in front of said persons just send me a certificate for a few bucks. Sounds like a plan. Now I just need to figure out which wall of the house my wifey will let me wallpaper with martial arts certificates.
Yeah, baby.
jfarnsworth said:
That's just way too political more like playing childrens games or something. Just to get a chance to compete in the olympics people have to go through this process?

To compete in the tourney's you must understand the rules, do you really expect an ATA fighter to jump into a WTF tourney and do well, in most casses no - you need to work on it. I don't think of it as political (FUBAR) more of understanding the level of comp (very high) and basic rules.
jfarnsworth said:
So what if I decided to wallpaper a wall in one of my rooms of my house with certificates:) . I decided to join every possible group/organization/affiliation known to man plus on ebay and the general populous that will send me a certificate for a couple of bucks. What will that get me? At that point could I be some grand pooh bah that people would recognize little 'ole me:) . I'm wondering if people at this point will take me for my word that my instructor promoted me to "x" and I wouldn't have to really test again or even be in front of said persons just send me a certificate for a few bucks. Sounds like a plan. Now I just need to figure out which wall of the house my wifey will let me wallpaper with martial arts certificates.
Yeah, baby.

I do not have a KKW cert, I would like one someday - but not high on my list. It's more of a control thing. It's something they know can be given to someone who has gone thru a certain progrm. I would like to see something more obtainable for those of us who have not been involved with the WTF........but that's the way it goes.

Master Fluffy
Fluffy said:
........but that's the way it goes.
I have often thought about certification for myself in a specific organization but eventually said "why". I'm not as good as some but better than others out there. If people couldn't tell about my skill level or teaching that I was somewhat descent why should I go out and get more certificates, especially by someone who didn't grade me a certain level? There's one school in our area that teaches the olympic style TKD so it really wouldn't be practical for me to get certification for that. You also have to be careful before joining any organization because you never know what you are signing up for.
jfarnsworth said:
I have often thought about certification for myself in a specific organization but eventually said "why". I'm not as good as some but better than others out there. If people couldn't tell about my skill level or teaching that I was somewhat descent why should I go out and get more certificates, especially by someone who didn't grade me a certain level? There's one school in our area that teaches the olympic style TKD so it really wouldn't be practical for me to get certification for that. You also have to be careful before joining any organization because you never know what you are signing up for.

Yup. It's and school to school, you really need to get to know someone involved with that org to understand where they are comming from. You don't want to get stuck in a cult or something.

Most WTF school are not cults, in any way........so don't anyone missquote me!

Master Fluffy

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