Obama takes NC

...and Hillary edges him out in Indiana. Her spin really is getting ridiculous. She claims Indiana is a "tie-breaker" and is acting like she has won something larger. Her win there gave her a net gain of 4 delegates, while Obama's larger win in North Carolina gave him a net gain of 16 delegates. Meanwhile, Obama is still ahead by more than 150 delegates. I can only imagine the cognitive dissonance necessary for her supporters to still think she can win.
Not to mention with him OWNING her in NC he equalized her PA win.
Hillary is clinging to straws.
It will be who can convince the super deligates at the right time.
It will be who can convince the super deligates at the right time.

I agree.

At this point I don't see how the democratic party could give it to Hillary. It seems Obama has survived the Rev. Wright controversy and now he's leading in all areas. I think Hillary is hoping some more things come out against Obama.
They've already gone over him with a microscope, a telescope and a proctoscope. There's no dirt though the Republican Noise Machine will doubtless manufacture some. Even with Rush's Drooling Dittoheads coming out for her, Clinton's 12-20 point lead in Indiana turned into a squeaker. Her supporters are leaving. She has to lend herself millions of dollars to pay the campaign bills. Her candidacy has descended to the Tricky Dick level. Superdelegates are deserting her. Her old fund raiser jumped ship. George McGovern whose campaign she worked for decades ago has urged her to pack it in.

She's lost. But she doesn't care. And she will do just about anything to tear down the front-runner even if it means handing the GOP ammunition for the general election.
They've already gone over him with a microscope, a telescope and a proctoscope. There's no dirt though the Republican Noise Machine will doubtless manufacture some. Even with Rush's Drooling Dittoheads coming out for her, Clinton's 12-20 point lead in Indiana turned into a squeaker. Her supporters are leaving. She has to lend herself millions of dollars to pay the campaign bills. Her candidacy has descended to the Tricky Dick level. Superdelegates are deserting her. Her old fund raiser jumped ship. George McGovern whose campaign she worked for decades ago has urged her to pack it in.

She's lost. But she doesn't care. And she will do just about anything to tear down the front-runner even if it means handing the GOP ammunition for the general election.

Probably setting herself up for a 2012 retry.
Probably setting herself up for a 2012 retry.


If McCain wins she can run against him as the wheels fall off the country.
If Obama wins it will be hard to run against your own Party's incumbent. 2016? That would make her 68 and a little long in the tooth for the race.

In a McCain-Obama race look for the Clintons do the absolute minimum or actively sabotage the Democratic Party at the national level.
Probably setting herself up for a 2012 retry.
Doubtless, and yet, the democratic party has never been very accommodating to those who try and fail. McGovern, Kerry, Gore, were all at one time the democratic nominee, and yet, four years later, they were just another has been.

If McCain wins she can run against him as the wheels fall off the country.
If Obama wins it will be hard to run against your own Party's incumbent. 2016? That would make her 68 and a little long in the tooth for the race.

In a McCain-Obama race look for the Clintons do the absolute minimum or actively sabotage the Democratic Party at the national level.

Hmmm. Puts me to mind of Senator Ted Kennedy challenging President Carter's leadership -- what was it? -- one year into his term in office.
Doubtless, and yet, the democratic party has never been very accommodating to those who try and fail. McGovern, Kerry, Gore, were all at one time the democratic nominee, and yet, four years later, they were just another has been.

And the sad part is.. I can see it happening with her too. McCain puts America in a worse place than it is now and thus, perfect conditions for Hillary to come in looking like a life saver. Ehhh.
..........She has to lend herself millions of dollars to pay the campaign bills.......
Just think of it as the 'Hilary Economic Stimulus Package' ! ;)

I would be really concerned about the superdelegate issue, though. It is the only reason I can possibly see that she is staying in the race at this point, and not throwing her support to her party's popular vote leader. With the case history of win-at-any-cost, torpedo-the-other-guy, I am seriously concerned that any superdelegate that can be bought will be bought.