Obama...messes up off shore...too bad he isn't Bush...

Yup. Manufacturing things to complain about.

You dress funny. You have hairy toes. Your choice of pizza topics offends my ancestors so I shall have to wage bloody war against you until the end of time, or my shows back from commercial.

Yup--everything is polarized party-vs.-party, not looking forward for what's best for the country. I suppose there's always been that but it's so entrenched now.
not looking forward for what's best for the country.

But "Best" is a matter of opinion. My idea of "best" disagrees with your idea of "best". So which of us is correct? That's opinion, and might actually be incorrect. We disagree, we hold to our ideas passionately, and so we argue.

Well, others do. Now I just sit here and laugh at it all because it keeps my blood pressure down. :D
But "Best" is a matter of opinion. My idea of "best" disagrees with your idea of "best". So which of us is correct? That's opinion, and might actually be incorrect. We disagree, we hold to our ideas passionately, and so we argue.

Well, others do. Now I just sit here and laugh at it all because it keeps my blood pressure down. :D

And there lies the problem, opinions. All we need to do is stop haing them. ;)

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But "Best" is a matter of opinion. My idea of "best" disagrees with your idea of "best". So which of us is correct? That's opinion, and might actually be incorrect. We disagree, we hold to our ideas passionately, and so we argue.

Well, others do. Now I just sit here and laugh at it all because it keeps my blood pressure down. :D

There is really only one problem that is afflicting the capitalist countries of the Old World and the New - there are two pyramids.

One is the pyramid of effort and production. This is wide at the bottom and narrows to a point at the top. It is this pyramid that creates the wealth which is the life blood of our interlinked economies. There is another, inverted, pyramid. This is the pyramid of the distribution of wealth and is narrowed to a point at the bottom and is very wide at the top.

Figure out out to have both pyramids the same way up without dislocating society and the crisis is over. Don't figure that out and we are done for as the arterial system of the economy is chocking from lack of flow.


For someone alleged to have grown up in Asia, Barack Obama is repeatedly clueless about customs there.
It’s one thing if you’re a tourist. But as the president of the United States? More problematic. …
Eager to take advantage of such a photo opportunity before the world media, Obama leaned in for a little kiss, as a Chicago pol might at a South Side rally where women would squeal for a presidential peck. Obama is a big political kisser. He kisses females everywhere. Introduce him at a rally, you get a kiss. Hug too, probably. He knows the ladies love it.
But Asia ain’t Hyde Park. Public kissing, even between husband and wife, is rarely seen. Between a man and woman not married it’s downright outrageous, even scandalous. So Obama’s presumably affectionate but impolite, totally out of place smooch created an international moment more awkward than a first date.
Aung San Suu Kyi appeared to instinctively pull back from the male suddenly entering her personal space. But Obama’s arm was wrapping around her.
Turning her face away, she eventually consented stiffly to the foreigner placing his lips on her cheek to avoid a scene. She did not reciprocate, even with an air kiss. Or a gracious smile.

Coulda been worse. What if he was Bil Clinton. ;)

Seriously though, like I said, he's poorly prepared for the job, his staff fails to prep him for dealing with other cultures, and his arrogance won't let him see how poorly his screw ups are taken by other nations. His supporters dismiss his failings in much the same way the Bush faithful dismissed his.

*shrug* He's just the latest Clown In Chief.
The problem here is, in the past he bowed when he should have been shaking hands, then, when he should have been bowing, he lip locks her. This guy can't win for trying................ :)
He did bow to her when she met him at the car. It was the polite two hands together in front bow of the region. I guess that and the kiss on the cheek disqualifies him, huh? Wonder what some people would do if he puked on someone? :)
He did bow to her when she met him at the car. It was the polite two hands together in front bow of the region. I guess that and the kiss on the cheek disqualifies him, huh? Wonder what some people would do if he puked on someone? :)

Have an Obamism?
ROFL ...it'd be good for probably two weeks of news cycle and calls for impeachment from the more knucklheaded of the right wing, I think :)
Whoah... I just typed in "Obama Kiss" and did a google image search. Got about 1,000 results. Maybe that pic is real. Either way, after scanning through all these real and photoshopped images of the president smacking, I've lost my appetite. No, I'm definitely not going to do a similar search on Clinton. ...or Bush, or any other politician. Yechhh!

What's with all this kissing anyway. Yo, birthers...forget that Kenya theory. Maybe the president was born in ...France?!? :uhyeah:
OK, point made with funny picture. ...but if you want to get serious, recognize that this is PHOTOSHOPPED. Look at it closely, check out the President's left arm extended into space... heck ask Bob, he's the photo-pro. Or better yet, consider the source!

Photo's too lowres for me to say on quick glance. Though the kiss seems real.

Obama was greeted by motorcades and large crowds everywhere. A few years ago, no one would have expected to see U.S. flags in the streets of Myanmar. But what the public appreciated the most was the kiss Obama gave to opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Although Myanmar remains a conservative country, almost everyone online did not think it as inappropriate and even praised it as a “royal kiss“. Thin Thin Tun describes[my] it as a gesture of friendship between the two countries

Navigating the global etiquette of "PDAs," or public displays of affection, can be a challenge for American travelers, including President Obama, whose recent embrace of Burma's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi has raised questions of whether his cheek plant was in poor taste.
Obama's kiss of the Burmese leader during Monday's historic visit at her home in Yangon "has surprisingly elicited little or no comment in the global press thus far â?? quite unusual since public displays of affection represent a grave breach of custom in virtually all Asian countries," says the International Business Times.
Public kissing "is not at all the custom (in Burma, also known as Myanmar) as it is here in Hawaii, and (Suu Kyi's) backing away is almost instinctive for most Burmese women, even those brought up in or have lived a long time in the West," Michael Aung-Thwin, professor of Asian Studies at the University of Hawaii, told the publication.
Photo there however is a different one.

And there is this video, check the 40 sec mark.
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