Obama Effigy at George Fox U


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
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May 27, 2004
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NEWBERG, Ore. (AP) -- Officials of a Christian university say a life-size cardboard effigy of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was hung from a campus tree, suspended from a branch with fishing line around the neck.

The school promotes diversity and is meant to reflect the "character of God," Baker said. "We will not tolerate such displays and condemn it in the strongest terms," he said.

George Fox University was founded in 1891 by Quaker pioneers. Its campus is in Newberg in the Willamette Valley south of Portland. About 1,800 students are enrolled. The school said Wednesday that nearly a quarter of first-year undergraduate students at the school are members of minority groups.


A message was attached to the not home-made cutout reading "Act Six Reject," referring to a full-scholarship program for high-potential students targeting leadership.

At this writing and without deep digging by me, no one has come forward to claim responsibility for this. One must wonder if this was done by a campus member or someone else.

people make and hang/burn effigies of President bush all the time.

yes, I know, i should be agast cuz black folks used to be lynched.

if this is racial, then BOOOOOO bad form

if it is just political, then eh
First clue: fishing line around the neck...check out the students who fish.
Made me laugh.

Seriously, an effigy of Obama who has been treated by the press as nearly Godlike hanging in the air, seemingly unsupported, could be an Obama supporter...

Ah, my alma mater. Says the atheist. GFU had something to do with that. GFU is an interesting place. Christian through and through, but stratified. Maybe 1/4 or 1/3 of the students and most of the faculty are fairly liberal Christians, or at least reflective and not judgmental. A few of the faculty and most of the rest of the students are stridently religious bordering on fundamentalist, seriously judgmental, and ferociously politically conservative. As a bio major, my annual ritual fun was watching parents of new students throw **** fits because an Evolution class was on the biology curriculum.

The school is also almost completely homogenously white, with a strong tilt towards students from rural areas. The board has had a recent drive towards including students from different ethnic and religious backgrounds. Thus, I am not even slightly surprised that racial tensions have resulted. This was done by a student, almost certainly. I don't think it says anything to a wider world other than you can find idiots anywhere.
if this is racial, then BOOOOOO bad form

if it is just political, then eh

They made the political personal (and racist). Tying this representation of Obama to a local school program tilting heavily minority is an obvious slap in the face to those students. This was no isolated political statement, it was saying "You ******s don't belong here!" to the very outnumbered local students of color.

I know you're no big fan of black people, but try putting yourself into the shoes of one of these students. Especially given the context from my above post.
Not even context in that particular school: think context of our nation's past.

I can't see any way (given that context) that this could be construed as anything other than racist.
They made the political personal (and racist). Tying this representation of Obama to a local school program tilting heavily minority is an obvious slap in the face to those students. This was no isolated political statement, it was saying "You ******s don't belong here!" to the very outnumbered local students of color.

I know you're no big fan of black people, but try putting yourself into the shoes of one of these students. Especially given the context from my above post.

Hold the phone

I am no big fan of blacks?

Please back that up or retract it.

PS- nice bit of mind reading on your part, you claim to be able not only to read the minds of, and know the intents of the students, but me too!!

Is your name Kreskin?
They made the political personal (and racist). Tying this representation of Obama to a local school program tilting heavily minority is an obvious slap in the face to those students. This was no isolated political statement, it was saying "You ******s don't belong here!" to the very outnumbered local students of color.

I know you're no big fan of black people, but try putting yourself into the shoes of one of these students. Especially given the context from my above post.
Psychology. a.the tendency to ascribe to another person feelings, thoughts, or attitudes present in oneself, or to regard external reality as embodying such feelings, thoughts, etc., in some way.
Boy, you sure accuse a lot of people...
Hold the phone

I am no big fan of blacks?

Please back that up or retract it.

Well, while I won't profess to be able to "read your mind,"I can read your posts, and I can see how you and Mr. Hands could get confused about this. Allow me to help.

There's this post

And this one

And this one

ANd this one

Twinfist said:
sorry, i know the dems have bought the black vote in america with 40 years of hand outs, but it doesnt change the basic way they think and treat people. Not the people per se, but the basis of the party thought

And this one
TwinFist said:
Nope, not happening, dont believe it, cant make me believe it.

What "priviledges" do I enjoy?

I have been poor my entire life. I was born poor and I am still poor. I havnt had a college graduate in my family YET. on Either side.I have never owned a new car.

My high school had "beat up a white boy day", so it wasnt a rich school by any means, but I graduated, went to the military, and learned a trade.

TODAY, no one (the possible exception of the American Indians) has anything stacked against them but their own ambition, or thier own lack of ambition.

TwinFist said:
We both know why this happens, and it isnt racism or discrimination. I would be happy to elaborate further, but someone might get offended. Despite the FACT that everything I would say is factually true.

And this one

TwinFist said:
I knew this was gonna come to the whole "blacks in prison" thing.

Everyone knows the truth, no one wants to say it.

I could go on, but I think I've been.....helpful enough, for now. :rolleyes:
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yeah elder, except you helped ME, not EH

"sorry, i know the dems have bought the black vote in america with 40 years of hand outs, but it doesnt change the basic way they think and treat people. Not the people per se, but the basis of the party thought"

that slams dems, not blacks

"Nope, not happening, dont believe it, cant make me believe it.

What "priviledges" do I enjoy?

I have been poor my entire life. I was born poor and I am still poor. I havnt had a college graduate in my family YET. on Either side.I have never owned a new car.

My high school had "beat up a white boy day", so it wasnt a rich school by any means, but I graduated, went to the military, and learned a trade.

TODAY, no one (the possible exception of the American Indians) has anything stacked against them but their own ambition, or thier own lack of ambition."

doesnt even mention blacks

"We both know why this happens, and it isnt racism or discrimination. I would be happy to elaborate further, but someone might get offended. Despite the FACT that everything I would say is factually true."


I think you are inferring a lot that isnt said, now the problem with that is if you accuse based on a feeling, with no real evidence, thats pretty dishonest, isnt it?

or do you have the same magic beenie that EH does that allows him to read minds?
yeah elder, except you helped ME, not EH


I think you are inferring a lot that isnt said, now the problem with that is if you accuse based on a feeling, with no real evidence, thats pretty dishonest, isnt it?

or do you have the same magic beenie that EH does that allows him to read minds?

Actually, I said both of you might be confused about the matter, and I offered to help. I didn't say who I was helping. I didn't infer anything, or accuse anyone of anything; I merely posted some examples that might have led to misunderstanding. I think you're inferring a lot that wasn't said, and misreading what was said.

Magic beenie? Pot? Kettle? :lfao:

Glad to be of help, though.

Back on topic-if the effigy had been captioned with a political slogan, it would be political. Instead, it was captioned with one clearly directed at the minority population of the school, and is clearly racist in nature.
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uh, not quite

if,as the article says, it was a cardboard cutout of Obama, then it could be political instead of racial, tho it could be seen either way

if it was "random black dude" thenit would be clearly racist

BTW Elder, you dont help, you NEVER help, you just like to stir things up and sit back and watch
Well, while I won't profess to be able to "read your mind,"I can read your posts, and I can see how you and Mr. Hands could get confused about this. Allow me to help.

I could go on, but I think I've been.....helpful enough, for now. :rolleyes:

Glad to be of help, though.

Out of curiosity, adding inneundo to Empty claims helps whom? How?

Anyway, since people are throwing in guesses, assumptions, and accusations, I'll try one. . .

Maybe a 'pro-equality' Project 21/Ward Connerly type hooked the cardboard cutout to the fishing line? Maybe later she thought, "Oh crap, I should have ran the fishing line under the arms!"

Out of curiosity, adding inneundo to Empty claims helps whom? How?

Innuendo? And out the other? :lol:

There was no "innuendo." There were only direct quotes and links to posts. As I said, it was to clarify how someone could get the idea posted, no more, no less. TwinFist says it helped him, so there you go.

TwinFist said:
BTW Elder, you dont help, you NEVER help, you just like to stir things up and sit back and watch

TwinFist said:
yeah elder, except you helped ME, not EH

Are you calling yourself a liar? :lfao:
that was a twisting of events of "tripple lindy" proportions Elder...

you know full well you like to stir things up, it aint nothing to be ashamed of. Bob is notorious for it. So your in good company

But you dont really try to "help"

your idea of help is "throw some crap out there and watch them run around in circles reacting to it"

I suspect you have quite a lot of fun doing it to. And thats ok too.

If you ever do actually help, it is by accident, like when you helped me disprove EH not so subtle charge of racism.
If you ever do actually help, it is by accident, like when you helped me disprove EH not so subtle charge of racism.

Maybe we should take this offline, but how do you know that wasn't my intention? While I often find cause to disagree with what you say, perhaps especially in this regard, I've seen no reason to ascribe overt racism to your statements, or to accuse you of being a racist. Having been the object of all sorts of racist statements in the past, including the subtle "Not me, I'm no racist" kind, I can somewhat tell the difference. On the other hand, I can also see how some might attribute the things you say to racism. This has as much to do with the way you express yourself as anything else-not so much what you say, but the way you say it.

just my $.02
This just shows the hidden prejudice of America. Incidenlty, I got an email from someone in Oregon on My Space, with all kinds of racial slurs and threats towards me, because I support Obama.