No more smoking in France


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
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May 27, 2004
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PARIS - A ban on smoking in public spaces came into effect Thursday, a change that may alter the image of a country defined in part by its smoky cafes and cigarette-puffing intellectuals.

France’s 15 million smokers will be banned from lighting up in workplaces, schools, airports, hospitals and other “closed and covered” public places. More than 175,000 agents are to enforce the ban, handing out fines of $88 for smokers and $174 for employers who look the other way.

In a year, the ban will extend to cafes and restaurants — sure to be the moment of truth for a certain image of France, where writers like Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre are remembered with cigarettes dangling from their mouths.

Good. I believe in limited gov't intervention in individuals lives but I also understand most individuals inability to look out for themselves and most importantly the people around them.
That's the way it is in Denver - and even more in Boulder. There is no smoking in public buildings, restaurants (except cigar bars), and some public places.
I believe our state is to be "Public Smoke-free" by 2008. Several counties and cities have already went this direction. Great for me and mine.
Dude, you have gotta be ******** me. How could such control on ones freedom's be a good thing? I guess it is O.K.; until it is your behavior that is being controlled, huh?
In fact, I think that too many people are fat. And watching people around me eat garbage at restaurants only temps me to eat unhealthy myself.

I will be writing my congressmen soon so we can pass a law to prevent the sale of unhealthy and greasy food. It'll probably be good for the collective population.

Now if we can only do something about swearing, and smelling funny...%think%
I will be writing my congressmen soon so we can pass a law to prevent the sale of unhealthy and greasy food. It'll probably be good for the collective population.
My favorite chicken wings get banned, and someone's getting a cigarette put out on their forehead... :p
Overkill, IMO. Will workers be able "to go outside" and smoke? If not, it is a bit totalitarian (Big Brother).
Overkill, IMO. Will workers be able "to go outside" and smoke? If not, it is a bit totalitarian (Big Brother).

I agree... I just don't see what is so wrong with companies and establishment owners deciding how they want to run their business and work environment. Many workplaces and restaurants are smoke-free environments, or have designated smoking areas.

I just don't know why a removal of freedom and choice would be worth celebrating, even if you don't like smoking...
. . . I also understand most individuals inability to look out for themselves and most importantly the people around them.
Could you expound on this for me?

Also -- as a cigar smoker in Washington State, where an indoor ban was enacted, I have never heard one comment by a person supporting the ban that was not, at it's very core, utterly selfish in nature.

I think cigarettes are filthy and that cigarette smokers are some of the laziest people on the planet. (Why else would they toss their butts all over the ground rather than simply disposing of them in a recepticle?) But, in our State, 80% of restaurants and lounges were already smoke free. That was not good enough for the selfish in Washington who just had to insist that they could go into any establishment they wanted to just because they wanted to.

Where do I smoke my cigars nows? Strolling down the city streets or out in the parks where passers-by can enjoy the aroma with me. If they complain, I just remind them that they drove me outdoors by their selfishly inflicted restraints. Otherwise, I'd be in the pub laughing it up with my other stinky friends out of range of their senses -- which is what they want anyway -- to not be bothered, because, you see, it's not really about anyone's health, it's about whiney, selfish, individuals who are encumbered by themselves, but who hide themselves behind the children.

But isn't smoking bad for one's health? Some people snow ski all their lives without being harmed. Some, like me, develop knee problems. But who knew? Now that we know skiing can cause lifelong health issues . . .

And driving . . . and martial arts . . . and fireplace pokers . . . and white bread . . .
I agree... I just don't see what is so wrong with companies and establishment owners deciding how they want to run their business and work environment. Many workplaces and restaurants are smoke-free environments, or have designated smoking areas.

I just don't know why a removal of freedom and choice would be worth celebrating, even if you don't like smoking...

You know, I see your point. That's why I'm going to start throwing all of my old car batteries into the pond on my land and start burning all of old tires in my front yard. If my neighbors don't like it, they can move. They make the "choice" to live next to me...
Could you expound on this for me?

Also -- as a cigar smoker in Washington State, where an indoor ban was enacted, I have never heard one comment by a person supporting the ban that was not, at it's very core, utterly selfish in nature.

I think cigarettes are filthy and that cigarette smokers are some of the laziest people on the planet. (Why else would they toss their butts all over the ground rather than simply disposing of them in a recepticle?) But, in our State, 80% of restaurants and lounges were already smoke free. That was not good enough for the selfish in Washington who just had to insist that they could go into any establishment they wanted to just because they wanted to.

Where do I smoke my cigars nows? Strolling down the city streets or out in the parks where passers-by can enjoy the aroma with me. If they complain, I just remind them that they drove me outdoors by their selfishly inflicted restraints. Otherwise, I'd be in the pub laughing it up with my other stinky friends out of range of their senses -- which is what they want anyway -- to not be bothered, because, you see, it's not really about anyone's health, it's about whiney, selfish, individuals who are encumbered by themselves, but who hide themselves behind the children.

But isn't smoking bad for one's health? Some people snow ski all their lives without being harmed. Some, like me, develop knee problems. But who knew? Now that we know skiing can cause lifelong health issues . . .

And driving . . . and martial arts . . . and fireplace pokers . . . and white bread . . .

:partyon: :partyon:

Amen, brotha. Everyone Rep. this guy. This is EXACTLY correct!!
You know, I see your point. That's why I'm going to start throwing all of my old car batteries into the pond on my land and start burning all of old tires in my front yard. If my neighbors don't like it, they can move. They make the "choice" to live next to me...

Wow...golly, that is just like smoking! I see now how inconsiderate all those smokers are who just force the non-smoking public to be around their filth. Um... or not.

Show me a statistic that proves smoking as a hazard to our environment, anymore then driving in your vehicle for a few blocks. And with all the establishments that are smoke free out there without a law, tell me honestly that people don't have the choice to go elsewhere with ease (without having to relocate their living space)! :rolleyes:
You know, I see your point. That's why I'm going to start throwing all of my old car batteries into the pond on my land and start burning all of old tires in my front yard. If my neighbors don't like it, they can move. They make the "choice" to live next to me...
That is a very different situation. If a place of business such a resturaunt allows smoking it it, one simply doesn't have to patronize it. The actions you are talking about are taking place near where people live and are also bad for the environment.

You know, if they ever make soap usage a requirement, and outlaw snails and fronglegs, France as we know it will cease to exist!

Viva La Revol'ution!
Wow...golly, that is just like smoking! I see now how inconsiderate all those smokers are who just force the non-smoking public to be around their filth. Um... or not.

Many people have to deal with a variety of situations. The amount of people who have no choice but to work in an area filled with 2nd hand smoke would surprise you. In an economically depressed area with , often these are the only well paying jobs. This also occurs in areas that have an economy based on tourism.

Of course, you could just tell these folks to move, but then I would have to point out that NOW the example that I gave above dovetails nicely with this situation. Jobs determine your standard of living and often your place of residence.

Show me a statistic that proves smoking as a hazard to our environment...

See the Surgeon General's Warning.

...anymore then driving in your vehicle for a few blocks.

Fuel emissions cause the same kinds of ailments that exposure to ciggarette smoke causes and they contain many of the same harmful chemicals.

And with all the establishments that are smoke free out there without a law, tell me honestly that people don't have the choice to go elsewhere with ease (without having to relocate their living space)!

This statement is heavy with the undercurrents of Privilege. See what I wrote above and try to imagine some of those situations.