No Judy Chopping on Air Marshals, Guys!

Firstly, I do have to agree, Bill, aye - very bad idea on that fellows part.

But, secondly, that judy-choppin' followed on from a possibly even more inexplicable bad idea! I mean, what ... ?! "Snakes on a Plane" was a crazy proposition for a movie but this chaps propostion was even crazier!
i might recommend that you should not fondle random womens faces and gesture to your crotch to indicate you need sexors!!!!! unless of course you have Tigers Blood and are named Charlie Sheen... otherwise...
the rest is all aftermath lol
Well, aren't Air Marshal's actual real law enforcement types?
He's just lucky he didn't fondle my face, is all I'm sayin. I would have gotten myself arrested too.
What about ninjy whompin' action, are we still good to go on that?