No Black Belt test for me this year


Purple Belt
Oct 13, 2002
Reaction score
I was supposed to test for Black Belt in June but I injured myself almost 2 weeks ago. I thought it would be healed by now but its not.My orthopedic surgeon says no way can I test. I go to class anyway and sit against the wall and watch. What is the worst injury you have suffered training and what is the worst condition that someone has tested for Black Belt in that you know of? Im looking for hope that I can still test. Thanks


MTS Alumni
Mar 17, 2002
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N.C. Ohio
I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure it really sucks at the moment. Is there any chance that you may be healed by then? It's very unfortunate that it happened. I feel bad that you are this close but may not get a chance to finish. There was a woman I was training with years ago. She was set to take her BB test with 2 other guys when the Tuesday before the Friday she was to test and something went wrong on a self defense tech. It injured her knee to where she needed immediate surgery on it. I haven't seen her since but don't let this set you back. Remember your goals and don't let go.


Senior Master
Jul 19, 2004
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Hamilton, New Zealand
That just sucks, sorry to hear! best you take care of yourself now and fully heal than push yourself and possibly end up with more trouble than necessary.

My worst injury, ripped adductor, that was about a year ago and I didnt rest it enough, so it still gives me a lot of trouble today.


Paul B

3rd Black Belt
MTS Alumni
Aug 29, 2004
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Northwest Indiana
That really sucks! At least you know you'll be able to give it a 110% when you get better.

My worst injuries include:

seperated shoulders..that's right,both of 'em.Different incidents,thank god.
fractured ankle
numerous elbow "tweaks"
broken toe...that's a long story
wrist hyper extended
a million minor cuts,bruises,and bumps along the way.

It's to be expected,though. Why else would all the "higher ups" be hobbling around with braces on every joint,and the smell of tiger balm wafting off of them? Our bodies do go through rigorous excercises and eventually something is bound to get tweaked,it comes with the territory.

I'm sorry, but I've never heard of a BB test where someone went in to test injured. Coming out is a different story....:lol:


Master Black Belt
Jun 30, 2003
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Northern California
Very sorry to hear about your injury Rachel and I hope you heal very quickly. Take all the time you need and don't rush it. I admire your determination and dedication: still going to classes to watch and such.

In the middle of my second degree brown test, I blew out my right knee. I tightened the neoprene brace I was wearing and finished the test and passed!! Next day at a seminar, I had to strap on a friend's beater of a knee brace and stand there for my kick- I was shaking like crazy. A month later, I had my surgery and the doctor said I might have done some of the other damage to it by completing my test- I kept falling down which probably aided in tearing more tissues, etc. Ever since then, I have had to wear a form-fitted de-rotational knee brace when I practice.......especially if it is sparring or anything that requires a lot of pivoting, etc. So I tested for first brown and black with my knee brace on.

A good friend of mine (who tested for 2nd black when I tested for black) and I always laugh during spar nights cuz we sit down amongst the younger practitioners who are geared up and ready to go in no time and out come our ankle braces, knee braces, elbow braces in addition to all the padding, etc. We've decided they need to add a division in the tournaments for all of us with old injuries- both for sparring and kata.......some of us just can't physically drop into the low stances, bouncing our tender knees against the gym floors anymore!! :)

Anyway, take it easy, follow the exercise regimen they give you and keep your spirits up........let us know how you are doing- it sounds like mentally, if not physically, you are already in the black belt club to me.

:asian: :karate:


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
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Terre Haute, IN
That's too bad! Try to keep a good attitude.

For me, bruised ribs took me out of any useful BJJ training for some while. It's worse than it sounds!


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
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May 27, 2004
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Not BC, Not DC
Rib injuries are NEVER fun. I injured my teacher's ribs and I'll never forget it. I'd never forget it if he never reminded me about it on a regular basis, but ... well, he does. :whip: :uhyeah:

When he tested for black, he had double pneumonia and the stomach flu (I think), really high fever ... puked and everything ... but made it.


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
Sorry but once you are fully healed you will be able to get your BB, The worst was tearing my knee and breaken my arm in the same tournament some twenty years ago, first I broke my arm in the prelims and in the finals I had my knee go out with a very unorthodox kick to the back of the knee. it took almost a year of therapy and then a week later I tore the ligaments in the other knee only out about 3 months but God was that a bad year.


Hang in there and take care of yourself first. The BB exam will be there waiting for you. As everyone here has said, it's important to heal from your injuries. Then give it your all. With your dedication and determination, I have no doubt that you'll pass the BB test with flying colors. All the best of luck!! Keep us posted......Steve


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2003
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rachel said:
I was supposed to test for Black Belt in June but I injured myself almost 2 weeks ago. I thought it would be healed by now but its not.My orthopedic surgeon says no way can I test. I go to class anyway and sit against the wall and watch. What is the worst injury you have suffered training and what is the worst condition that someone has tested for Black Belt in that you know of? Im looking for hope that I can still test. Thanks

Sorry to hear about your injury Rachel. What happened to you? My worst training injury was to my knee during a grappling class. I came very close to tearing my ACL. I was unable to train for quite a while, and it was very hard to just sit and watch. I know that you're looking forward to testing, but its much better to wait until the injury is fully healed. Dont push yourself as you don't want to cause any further injury. I'd definately wait until you can give it 100%!!

Good luck with the recovery! :ultracool



Worst injury I have suffered training was while boxing. I threw a hard left hook at the exact same time my oppenent threw a wicked quick right jab which tore my rotator cuff. My arm just went limp it was scary, no matter how I tried to lift it nothing happened.

It was almost three months before I could do push ups again. Maybe six months till I had full use of my arm. That was almost ten years ago and I still feel a tingle sometimes when I bench press.

Moral of the story is don't get hit in the shoulder while throwing a hook.(not the most common martial arts punch so hopefuly you are safe) :)

Anyway I agree with the other posts, your black belt will patiently wait for you to heal take as much time as you need.

If it isn't to personal may I ask the nature of your injury?

Best of luck to you, although if you are half as driven as you sound then you don't need it


Black Belt
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Oct 20, 2001
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chicago area
rachel said:
What is the worst injury you have suffered training and what is the worst condition that someone has tested for Black Belt in that you know of? Im looking for hope that I can still test. Thanks
Worst injury was a torn meniscus in my knee. It folded into my joint so I couldn't straighten my knee. This happened during a demo in front of about a 3000 martial artists. So when it happened, I had to finish what I was doing and only colapsed after I got behind the stage. Surgery followed a few days later.

Worst condition I tested in was my 3rd black. I pulled my hamstring bad enough that it started to swell right away. I taped some ice to my leg and took a few Advils and finished my last hour and a half of my test. REEAALLL painful. I had to walk with a cane for about 4 days after. It really took about 2 months to completely heal (of course I'm older now so I don't heal as fast as in my younger days).


Orange Belt
Feb 26, 2005
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rachel said:
I was supposed to test for Black Belt in June but I injured myself almost 2 weeks ago. I thought it would be healed by now but its not.My orthopedic surgeon says no way can I test. I go to class anyway and sit against the wall and watch. What is the worst injury you have suffered training and what is the worst condition that someone has tested for Black Belt in that you know of? Im looking for hope that I can still test. Thanks
Ouch that's a tough one for you, especially with your BB test being so close!! I had a disc prolapse and microdiscectomy in 2001 at which time I was already a 1st Black - the recovery was long and hard but I have tested again since then twice - the most important thing for you to concentrate on is the healing of your injury - listen to your surgeon and do everything they tell you to do, especially if you have physio exercises etc - do them religiously. Dont take short cuts as ultimately this will result in your being away from training longer - its hard but you can keep yourself motivated by watching class, making notes, and what I found was to go over everything in detail in my mind - mental training keeps you where you're at!! Don't be discouraged by this it is just a hurdle thrown in your path which you must get over - but DO NOT be tempted to get up there and test until that injury has healed - think long term and hopefully many many more testings!! Good luck!


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
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May 27, 2004
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Not BC, Not DC
Bottom line, Rachel - It would be one thing if you were backing down because you had cold feet (still understandable and can be worked with), but you're injured and there's nothing you can do to change that but to heal. I severed my right ACL which delayed my test for a year (at least).

Remember - this is your baby, your training, your goal and will be your achievement. Make sure you're in top condition for your test. To do that, you'll have to heal ... and then you'll rock!

Now rest, and don't rush recovery. :asian:


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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I've broken 11 bones (some of these are fingers) in my years of training...along with sprains and tears and what not. I don't know why I've been so injury prone...perhaps being born on friday the 13th?

The worst injury I've ever had was an injury to my neck from a bad tomoenage. I landed on my head because the uki had my arms pinned. I woke up and couldn't feel my legs and that was probably one of the scariest moments in my life. It took me six months to recover. Thankfully, I didn't break my neck, but I compressed some vertebrae pretty badly.

Take it easy with training. Life is long.


Black Belt
Jan 19, 2005
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rachel said:
I was supposed to test for Black Belt in June but I injured myself almost 2 weeks ago. I thought it would be healed by now but its not.My orthopedic surgeon says no way can I test. I go to class anyway and sit against the wall and watch. What is the worst injury you have suffered training and what is the worst condition that someone has tested for Black Belt in that you know of? Im looking for hope that I can still test. Thanks
Postpone your test....a re-injury could keep you out of the martial arts for a LONG time.

My worst injury ever in martial arts was a torn hamstring back in 1996. OUCH! I don't even want to think about it.

Jamie Seabrook

Rick Wade

Master Black Belt
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
Norfolk, va
First of all let me say congratulations on even getting to the point in your journey to take a black belt exam. You have come further than 90% of the people that walk into a studio. Second remember you don't need a belt around your waist to tell you that you are good you already know that. Your dedication; going to the studio and watching training even when you can't workout tells me that you already have the dedication, maturity and drive it takes to be a true warrior. This will do nothing but build character. stay centered and focused and you will be a better person.




2nd Black Belt
May 20, 2002
Reaction score
Shreveport, LA
Rachel, I respect your desire to test for your Black Belt injury and all. But, wait and heal up. Do you really want to look back at that test and know that you were less than perfect? Do you really want to approach it knowing that you will less than perfect?



Master Black Belt
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
New Zealand
Rachel, thats gotta suck!! But dont go for your BB until you've been given the all clear by your doctor. You could end up making the injury worse.

The worst thing ive done in my short MA career was a groin strain. Dont ask me how I drove home that night, and automatic would have been great, as I could'nt push the clutch in!!! Ended up driving home in second gear I think. First time in my life that I cried over being hurt!!!! Took ages to heal.

Gentle Fist

Master Black Belt
May 2, 2004
Reaction score
Good luck on a speedy recovery. The shodan test will come around again. With plenty more to follow after it.