ninjutsu weapon qwestions

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
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Las Vegas, Nevada
Ed Green's equipment is the best I've found.

Exile I use Ed Greens tools as well. Definately one of the best out there.


To him unconquered.
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Sep 7, 2006
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Columbus, Ohio
His work is of very, very good quality. It may take a little longer to get because it is custom work after all.

I'll gladly pay more, and wait longer, for something really good. As I've often heard, it's not a bargain if it isn't any good! These days, it's often hard to get good quality products almost regardless of what you're willing to pay for them, so it's good to hear that someone is doing careful, craftsmanlike work in this area. There is very little that's more frustrating than a star which, no matter how accurately and technically correctly you throw it, still bounces off the target because it just doesn't have the mass (relative to size/shape) to penetrate the board!

Am going to place an order with him in the next day or so and will let you know how it plays out... and thanks again!

Don Roley

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Sep 25, 2002
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well I do not have an instructer. Or i would have done that but I do like the suggetion. all the training in ninjutsu is self trained. and I figured out how to use the weapon on my own. I have had martail arts training but not ninjutsu. or not offical training. so that is why I am asking.

You just can't be serious.

Let me put it to you bluntly. You play at being a ninja. You have no teacher, and thus you are no more privelaged to the title of a a ninjutsu practicioner than I am to the title as a medical student. (Oh yeah, I just bought a book on anatomy last week- more than you I would think.)

Get some real training, shelve the attitude that you can teach yourself and stop expecting people to help you if you won't do even that.


Senior Master
Jan 31, 2006
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Oslo, Norway
My name is Jack, I am not new to ninjutsu but l will admit that I don't know everything. I am decent with most ninjutsu weapon and continue to train. I have recently received a set of ninja throwing spikes, And l have no idea exatly how to use them. l know if l just throw them around enogh l will someday get it right.

Jack.. you remind me of another self-trained gentleman who spent some time on MT a while ago. He too liked to pick up weapons he didn`t know how to use and "bang them about". The name he went by was Paulgalactic and I find your style of writing very similar. Are you two the same person?


Yellow Belt
Jul 29, 2006
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The caribbean
well I do not have an instructer. Or i would have done that but I do like the suggetion. all the training in ninjutsu is self trained. and I figured out how to use the weapon on my own. I have had martail arts training but not ninjutsu. or not offical training. so that is why I am asking.

Same thing happen to me until i found an instructor. A video or a book teaches very simple things. It explains shuriken in flyght and many more. Books and videos are somewhat limited in instruction. I did self training for 4 years from books and videos and to tell you the truth you just learn basic basics. An instructor always tells you what you are doing wrong when you are doing it wrong on the spot. You don't need months or years to "figure it out". You might read about "the defender grabs the attacker's arm an twists...ect." An instructor teaches " in the kihon happo when train in the uragyaku, muso-dori, you turn..." In books and videos all is superficiall. Find an instructor. First learn to defend against thrown shuriken, then shuriken grappling and finally learn to throw the shuriken. Remember that once you throw a weapon/tool you stay defenceless. Train more on taijutsu. Try using the therm tools over the therm weapons. On shuriken training you could train with throwing stones, the weight is not so important in that you train with shurikens to use any improvise objects you might use in a real scenario. You can not always carry shurikens with you at all times. Thanks...

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