ninja on mythbusters this week (4/25/07)


Senior Master
Aug 5, 2005
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I just got this from a local friend...
The show Mythbusters, on the discovery channel with be doing a show on Ninja myths.
The show is scheduled to air this Wed. April 25th. 9PM.
Two of the Bujinkan practitioners will be Shihan Dale Seago, and Shihan Joel Everett.
It should prove to be a very interesting episode.

Just thought I'd give a quick heads up!
Thanks very much for the pointer, mrhnau—for once, let's hope that TV coverage winds up demystifying a lot of the rubbish that's grown up around the MAs (admittedly the kind of thing you'd expect from a program called Mythbusters), not adding to it. The thought of Discovery Channel or Nat Geo doing something on Ninjas is too scary to contemplate—you just know they'd bring in Ashida Kim as their guest expert. Fortunately, he spends so much time being invisible that they'd have a hard time actually finding him...

With Dale Seago on board, there's every chance that myths will indeed be busted. I'm looking forward to the program...
I hope I can see that too!!! Mythbusters is on a Friday here in the UK, and we're not up to the same thing as you are.
I'm interested in this show but also a little apprehensive when I watched their ad for it yesterday. Let us hope that it is good!

I know Dales work in it will be top notch but I am concerned about the mythbusters possibly messing it up. I have also heard that the ask a ninja guy will be on mythbusters and that raises my concern level. Will it be this episode? That I do not know.
You can find more here;


It's another forum and it was started by a guy who calls himself Dale Seago. I suspect it's really him.
The myths they are going to try and bust will be the walking on water and stopping a sword with shuko. (that is what Dale said earlier right here on MartialTalk)
I hope it will be a great show :)
Allthough this picture is a bit worrying...


But we'll see ;)
Let's hope that is doesnt take ages before the show gets to europe..
Shicomm we will let you know if it is any good come Wednesday night.

By the way I hope your trip to Japan was great. If you could please give us rundown of your experience when you can.
The myths they are going to try and bust will be the walking on water and stopping a sword with shuko. (that is what Dale said earlier right here on MartialTalk)

Do you think they will touch on the pirate thing? Which may be related to asimizujutsu? :)

I still hope for the best:)
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