New Special Forces unit to be deployed in Iraq


Senior Master
Aug 5, 2005
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The Pentagon Announced Today The Formation Of A New 500 Man Elite Fighting Unit Called The United States Redneck Special Forces (usrs). These Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, West Virginia, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee And Texas Boys Will Be Dropped Off Into Iraq And Have Been Given Only The Following Facts About Terrorists: 1. The Season Opened Today. 2.there Is No Limit. 3.they Taste Just Like Chicken. 4.they Don't Like Beer, Pickups, Country Music Or Jesus And 5.they Are Directly Responsible For The Death Of Dale Earnhardt. The Pentagon Expects The Problem In Iraq To Be Over By Friday.
After them, come the newly constituted Marine Auxiliary Platoon composed of 2LT Sean Hannity (leading the charge), CPL's Rush Limbaugh and Michael Medved, with 30+ other Right Wing Talk Radio blowhards. The only criterias for entrance into this elite unit is that members must 1. have pushed the war and our continuing involvement there 2. Never have served in the U.S. Armed Forces yet consider themselves expert enough in matters of warfare to have denigrated the records and patriotism and advice of former generals who criticized either the war or the planning of it 3. Be ready to work with Vietnam era body armour and unarmored vehicles - " 'cauz you go with the Army ya got" (or in this case, the newly created Marine Auxiliary Blowhard Expeditionary Force).

Analysts say that the chemical warfare capabilities (via flatulence) of this elite new unit are formidable.
After them, come the newly constituted Marine Auxiliary Platoon composed of 2LT Sean Hannity (leading the charge), CPL's Rush Limbaugh and Michael Medved, with 30+ other Right Wing Talk Radio blowhards.
Talk a lot and don't do much? Sounds like the Rangers to me. :p
Talk a lot and don't do much? Sounds like the Rangers to me. :p

Thats the Texas Rangers right? Oh sorry I'm gearing up for baseball and just trying to get back in the groove of our losing ways.
Thats the Texas Rangers right? Oh sorry I'm gearing up for baseball and just trying to get back in the groove of our losing ways.
Army Rangers. Just somewhat of an inside joke. When I was in the Marines, we had a joint forces operation every year called Solid Shield. And every year, my straight up infantry unit embarassed the boys from Fort Bragg.
Thats ok unfortunetly mine is a outside joke and that would happen to be the baseball team I root for and suffer with.

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