New Electronic Hogus


Master Black Belt
Jan 2, 2007
Reaction score
Kansas City
Ok, what do you think?!

Anyone seen them in action yet?
Just curious if they are as great as they are supposed to be...
Yes they had a demostration with them and I believe it will help with the actual scoring and missing of points.
I dunno... I've never worn a hogu, so I don't know how the new ones compare to the old ones - the ITF has never used hogu.
I still believe if your not sure its a point it should not be...... especially with pads on.

Dave O.
Yes they had a demostration with them and I believe it will help with the actual scoring and missing of points.

During the demo did they act as if there should still be judges there scoring, or is the score taken strictly from the hogus?
I saw this thread title and I thought hogus was similar to whatchamacallit or thingamajig... :lol:
During the demo did they act as if there should still be judges there scoring, or is the score taken strictly from the hogus?

They actually did not mention anything about referrees, But the chest protector can be adjusted for a certain amount of power before a point is awarded, so lesser power for the little ones and alot more for adaults.
That should take away all the ambiguity over whether a point has been scored, as well as leave no room for biased/corrupted/incompetent referees...

If it works.
Have not seen them in action, but there's an advertisement in either TKD Times or Black Belt showing Adidas-brand. No mention of price that I recall....

Have not seen them in action, but there's an advertisement in either TKD Times or Black Belt showing Adidas-brand. No mention of price that I recall....


They sell them on golden tiger. The price keeps going up. A month ago they were $395 now they are already $595. But, maybe that means they work well and are popular, which I think would be a good thing.
When I was in high school I fenced (with a sword). The weapon I was most proficient with was an Epee. In the tournaments we had an electric Epee. Basically is the point was depressed (a hit) a light would light up at the judges table. Their was a cable that run from the weapon, up the sleeve for the fencing jacket, out the back and attached to a reel that played out and retracted the cable. In the Olympics someone rigged their weapon to score when they pressed a hidden button. With Bluetooth tech I would want to make certain that someone could not interfere with the transmission between the chest protector and the receiving unit. Sorry retired cop and just naturally suspicious. ;)
Has anyone purchased or used the electronic hogus since this thread started?
We had the pleasure of trying them out and I actually like them alot, it takes away the guessing game on whether it was hard enough o be a point. So I say they should make them mandatory for all WTF matches.

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