Need actual help. Truly need some Knowledge / Input...


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Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
Are there significant concerns about where the US is heading right now (and most of the rest of the world, too... but I'm being sort of parochial...)? Hell, yes.

Is some sort of "immersion training in being lethal" the cure? Nope. It's not even a survival tactic. There are things you can do. I'm going to recommend an e-book by Don Roley -- Killer Chaos: Surviving the Crazy Years. Get in the Kindle form; he's pushing updates out from time to time. Much smarter tactics and suggestions. Because it's easy to become dangerous -- but being dangerous isn't going to do much.

Gerry Seymour

MT Moderator
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Mar 27, 2012
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Hendersonville, NC
I linked a video from a navy seal. And he canned that idea.

Obviously not hard core enough.
Maybe he thought you meant these:

frank raud

Master of Arts
Mar 23, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
. More like mastering a brutal and effective use of the basic boot knife,
I like your gumption, so I'm going to let you in on the big secret of knife fighting, and am not even going to charge you $5000.00 for this hard earned, real deal information. People have died seeking this quality of information. Are you ready? Here goes.....the pointy end goes in the other guy. Repeat as necessary.

Urban Trekker

Brown Belt
Apr 20, 2021
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Hampton, VA
I like your gumption, so I'm going to let you in on the big secret of knife fighting, and am not even going to charge you $5000.00 for this hard earned, real deal information. People have died seeking this quality of information. Are you ready? Here goes.....the pointy end goes in the other guy. Repeat as necessary.

Oily Dragon

Senior Master
May 2, 2020
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I am in the Pacific Northwest, so it would of course be nice if I didn't have to 'fly' to a I do--not--fly anymore thanks to all the *** hats liberal politicized virus horseshit agend etc etc add nausium
You're on the No Fly List?


Senior Master
Feb 28, 2019
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lethal self defense...and I mean absolutely Lethal. And I don't mean 'martial art

[don't] point me in the direction of entering into some form of martial art, and I am NOT interested in 'that' approach.
If you're not interested in "that" martial arts stuff, why in the world would you post on a martial art chat site??

I'm very happy one such as you is not interested in MA as a discipline. If you came into my school (or any genuine and responsible school) you would quickly be escorted out.

I suggest that you surf the internet some more to link up with those that share your desire, perhaps the Dark Web?, or maybe check out the last page of a comic book (do they still have those?) and respond to the ad from some guy in a cape and cool pointy goatee promising you the secrets of a deadly lost art.

And thank you for a most entertaining post!


Blue Belt
Oct 9, 2012
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I'm pretty sure you're looking up the wrong tree if you want to find apples. Learning to be lethal is super easy. Learn to shoot or stab or swing a bat and you got it! Even many martial arts will teach you everything you need to know; just not when/why to satisfy your blood lust. Killing is easy, live and let live might be tougher.


Senior Master
May 16, 2014
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killing is easy, its the not going to prison part thats hard to figure out.
sometimes its better to get close to the person and just do little things that erode their sense of well being as you get to watch their soul die a little more each day until finally that person is nothing more than an empty shell.

Urban Trekker

Brown Belt
Apr 20, 2021
Reaction score
Hampton, VA
killing is easy, its the not going to prison part thats hard to figure out.

Not for me. I've always played out the scenario in my mind of suddenly realizing that I'm standing next to a dead body with a murder weapon in my hand. How do I avoid going to prison? Well, there's another life I'm going to have to take...


Senior Master
Jan 3, 2018
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I know that in old school message boards like this one (as opposed to facebook groups, etc), the regulars tend to eat their young. MT is no different, but I'm a big boy and I accepted that when I came here myself.

So I really want to empathize with the OP, but I can't in this case. It's as if he's literally asking to learn some bullshido.
I think the attitude and mindset play a big part in your initial beginnings here, and well, anywhere. You tend to invite what you put out. If you come in with manners, respect and courtesy, the subsequent responses may be different... (not always of course! The environment and atmosphere you're entering plays a part too)

Deleted member 39746

Hello to whom ever it may concern. Here is the deal : I am having a real ***** of a time 'finding' out WHERE in heck I might find and pay for what I would be inclined to refer to as 'immersion' training for lethal self defense...and I mean absolutely Lethal. And I don't mean 'martial art', I mean more along the lines of 'get it done and kill the guy who is trying to kill YOU' type instruction. I am not a big man, and am not young anymore either. But---I have been lifting wieghts for my entire---life. AND, I am a former pro-mountain biker, so though I am 'thin' and small boned, I'm fairly tough, have built in strength from all my years of athletics, and very good endurance. I don't mind if I have to shell out 5 grand to access an immersion course --so long as it is the REAL DEAL. But I'll be damned if I can't find ANYONE....ANY WHERE who has ANY clue about 'where' I might find such a course. They all just keep trying to point me in the direction of entering into some form of martial art, and I am NOT interested in 'that' approach. More like mastering a brutal and effective use of the basic boot knife, and or, in conjunction with a hand gun, and or even a wooden club or club and knife. ..Just...somebody...does ANY one have clue here about what I am looking for...??? I want to become 'capable' of quickly killing someone who is trying to KILL ME as the way I see it, I don't think that 'reality' as we know it is going to be as 'nice' and 'peaceful' as we are all accustomed to and take for granted for all that much longer, it's just a 'gut' feeling. ..I hope I am wrong of course, but I am adamant to make sure I am one of the people who is damned well READY and RIPE in case the **** hits the to speak. ...Anyone??? And please, don't offer any stupid or wise-crack advice. I'm not in the mood for *** hats. Just someone who might think they know what I might be talking about. I am in the Pacific Northwest, so it would of course be nice if I didn't have to 'fly' to a I do--not--fly anymore thanks to all the *** hats liberal politicized virus horseshit agend etc etc add nausium....

Anyhow, thanks in advance to ANY one who has even a scant TRACE of bona fide, relevant input for me.

Only thing i can think of is tactical shootign classes or more commercial based training. I know kembatize brand does, i forgot what they are called, immediate violence drills or something? Basiically, you get taken somewhere, and a compeltely random and imemdiate thing is done to you, or chain of things.

this, it may go by diffrent names. But martial arts is more of a hobby, the best place you can find for that sort of deal is tactical shooting places, commerical training places and "comabtives" places. But commercial places can vary to ticking the boxes to get the relivent license, to being more expensive than worth, and so can shooting places for that matter and comabtives can be seen as more marketing and more of a martial art type thing. In that its a hobby not for proffesional use.

I dont think it would be the coruse, just they may run you through a sudden violence drill or two as a test to see how you do, as for people who do it outside of a course format, no idea.
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Deleted member 39746

What you need is not training.....
Outside of the hyperbole, what he wants is training, just not in fluff and in the crtieria he has made, that is for real life use, just about defending himself, no added fluff, no sports pre amble or preparing for competions, just going to a place using a course format to acquire skills he can use to defend himself. And hes not looking for a hobby.

Removing hyperbole and as much as i can tell. Now the person asking it may have done it as a "troll", but other people may have something similar to this question and look for the thread hoping somone would give a legitimate reply to something.

I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. I can say this much though.... if you're still under 16, you can enroll in CIA Summer Camp...
You have to do better than that to sell your videos, we all know inteligence gathering is 98% office work.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Oct 13, 2006
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Outside of the hyperbole, what he wants is training, just not in fluff and in the crtieria he has made, that is for real life use, just about defending himself, no added fluff, no sports pre amble or preparing for competions, just going to a place using a course format to acquire skills he can use to defend himself. And hes not looking for a hobby.

Removing hyperbole and as much as i can tell. Now the person asking it may have done it as a "troll", but other people may have something similar to this question and look for the thread hoping somone would give a legitimate reply to something.

You have to do better than that to sell your videos, we all know inteligence gathering is 98% office work.
Nah, most intelligence work is done in the pub. 😄

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
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Only thing i can think of is tactical shootign classes or more commercial based training. I know kembatize brand does, i forgot what they are called, immediate violence drills or something? Basiically, you get taken somewhere, and a compeltely random and imemdiate thing is done to you, or chain of things.

this, it may go by diffrent names. But martial arts is more of a hobby, the best place you can find for that sort of deal is tactical shooting places, commerical training places and "comabtives" places. But commercial places can vary to ticking the boxes to get the relivent license, to being more expensive than worth, and so can shooting places for that matter and comabtives can be seen as more marketing and more of a martial art type thing. In that its a hobby not for proffesional use.

I dont think it would be the coruse, just they may run you through a sudden violence drill or two as a test to see how you do, as for people who do it outside of a course format, no idea.

Hard sparring does the same thing. Because at some point someone is going to flip out and you are not sparring anymore.


Deleted member 39746

Hard sparring does the same thing. Because at some point someone is going to flip out and you are not sparring anymore.

Ehh, depends how you define sparring, sparring is more sport focused. its more sterile to rules, as opposed to the type of force on force sudden violence is. sudden violence is more random, and you have no idea whats going on (indicative to non sport applications) in sport you know both of you are going to throw down in some rule set.

i consider both force on force, just sparring is more sport focused and sterile, as opposed to other types. (for clarity in the above, as i forgot to write it and couldnt shove it in elsewhere)

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
Reaction score
Ehh, depends how you define sparring, sparring is more sport focused. its more sterile to rules, as opposed to the type of force on force sudden violence is. sudden violence is more random, and you have no idea whats going on (indicative to non sport applications) in sport you know both of you are going to throw down in some rule set.

i consider both force on force, just sparring is more sport focused and sterile, as opposed to other types. (for clarity in the above, as i forgot to write it and couldnt shove it in elsewhere)

Yeah. A while back I had to prove 2+2=4.

And the way I did that was to show that all of maths makes sense.

Anyway. Sparring is all of maths. But it exists because the parts make sense.

So when a guy flips out and puts a rush on you. Or you slip on the mat or just get caught. And you have to suddenly swim the deep water. You are engaging those same processes as if you were walking down the street and some random leaps out of the shadows and attacks you.

If I can make the parts work then I win at sparring. And the same if I get jumped all of a sudden for no reason

This idea that you have to lull me in to a dark room and ambush me for me to have a plan to address that isn't really as correct and is more of a self defense myth.

It is very unlikely that someone will attack me in a manner that is so far removed from that sterile application that the basic concept will work against me.

Imagine all I can do is good clinching and throw hard punches.

That is almost 90% of any sort of attack solved.
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Senior Master
Feb 28, 2019
Reaction score
i consider both force on force, just sparring is more sport focused and sterile,
You do differentiate the two, but this quote seems like you're equating them? The force level and other thing are different as I detail below:
So when a guy flips out and puts a rush on you. Or you slip on the mat or just get caught. And you have to suddenly swim the deep water. You are engaging those same processes as if you were walking down the street and some random leaps out of the shadows and attacks you.
No, to both of these ideas. While many of the skills in sparring can be applied to the street, these two situations and the "processes" are quite different.

1. In sparring, the goal is generally to score, not to inflict bodily damage.
2. Thus, the power and depth of penetration will not be as great.
3. Sparring has restricted targets and techniques. Real fight, anything goes, no safety net.
4. Sparring can use more "high risk" techniques as the danger factor is less. Street fighting is no place for fancy techniques or tricky tactics.
5. A match may last 3 minutes or more. A real fight will likely be over in 1, so maximum damage in the minimum amount of time is the strategy. End it ASAP before the X factor bites you in the rear.
6. You enter a sparring match fully prepared, expecting, to fight. And while you should have good situational awareness when walking at night, even occasionally visualizing possible scenarios as you do so, when it actually happens it's still a surprise requiring an immediate ramp-up.

All these factors combine to require a different mind set for the two activities. The possibility of severe damage or death is a game changer. As drop bear notes, there can be high stress instances in sparring, but nothing like the real thing.

To sum it all up, the deep-seated, in your primal gut, intent to cause severe bodily harm by any means possible is something no sport can replicate. Even heavily padded full power drills (they can get close and give the best simulation to the real thing) are not the real thing.

Beware of seeing these two things as very similar to each other.
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