National Prayer Day....


Apr 17, 2002
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At an OP in view of your house...
Not to be nitpicky here, but am I the only one that thinks a national prayer day is kinda stupid and uncalled for?

I consider myself more religious then the majority, yet, a national prayer day seems kinda dumb.

If your religious, shouldn't you be praying every day?

Is there a religious person out there that actually NEEDS the government to deligate a national day for "prayer" for them. I personally want my government to stay out of my religious business.

I don't know...what do you think?

Tulisan said:
Not to be nitpicky here, but am I the only one that thinks a national prayer day is kinda stupid and uncalled for?

I consider myself more religious then the majority, yet, a national prayer day seems kinda dumb.

If your religious, shouldn't you be praying every day?

Is there a religious person out there that actually NEEDS the government to deligate a national day for "prayer" for them. I personally want my government to stay out of my religious business.

I don't know...what do you think?

I never pray and when I read this thread title I considered whom or what I might pray for. Now you are saying its dumb? Don't you see? This day is not about you its about me!!! Oh well, its off to damnation, "La La LaLa La La, La LaLa La Laaaaah."
Sean (
Yes, well, national prayer day is when large aggregations of people go to an specified area and pray together. There is strength in numbers and God says that when 2 or more gather in his name and pray together, he is in their midst. In Florida, at the Daytona Beach Race Way (NASCAR), we have one going with Casting Crowns(Christian Band) and some guest speakers. We pray as one nation, under God. That's what national prayer day is SUPPOSED to be. We pray for our nation, what we've been through, asking God to protect. There is so much more to pray for. I can't make it to the raceway tonight, as I have to work because it is a super busy night at work tonight. But my mom and friends are going.

And on a side note: being religious doesn't mean that you have to pray. Being Religious can mean that you are working so hard and faithfully at Martial Arts that you have it as your lifestyle. Or you are religious about working. Your a Work-a-holic. I'm not really Religious. Not in the sense that alot of people have said about religion. I'm religious about Jesus Christ.

Religious has turned into a term used to describe some nutcases who sit around all day, have no fun, read ancient manuscripts, meditate and moan and hum and chant and all that crap. Not that it's what it means to me, but to ALOT of people I know, that's what it means. Heh...kinda funny.
Touch'O'Death said:
I never pray and when I read this thread title I considered whom or what I might pray for. Now you are saying its dumb? Don't you see? This day is not about you its about me!!! Oh well, its off to damnation, "La La LaLa La La, La LaLa La Laaaaah."
Sean (

ShaolinWolf brings up some interesting outlooks that many people have, that just don't sit well with me.

Many people believe that we should all, "Pray as one nation under God" like the pledge. However, this is exactly the kind of thing that leads to religious nationalism. Those who don't fit with my WASP (I'm no WASP, I am speaking hypothetically) values don't belong in my "Nation," because we believe in praying as one nation. Don't go against the government because even though it may seem like wrong things are happening, we are all doing it for "God." We can march into any country and impose our will and values on them because we are somehow the chosen nation because we believe in God.

I love my religion, but I love having the right to my individual beliefs without the government butting in. I think that the more we allow religion into our government (I am talking actual religious beliefs, not just morals and ethics), the farther we open pandoras box. It is just to easy for Government, controlled by business interests, to use "religion" as a means to control the public.

I'm going to pray that the government stays out of my business on this national prayer day.
I don't mind it,since nobody's forcing anyone to pray,but it reminds me that I do not pray enough.I think if it inspires a few more prayers,it's worthwhile.
I don't believe that the government is always right...all that is wrong that we are doing for God would only be what's wrong in human eyes. I mean, it's just impossible to do wrong FOR God. All wrong is done against God. I mean, God is Truth, and Purity. Wrong does not equal either of those. 180 degrees of those. So, though many claim in the name of God to do wrong, it's just selfishness and self-righteousness, along with justification. I'm not getting into the political side of things, but not everything the Government does it evil/wrong, though I know plenty of people who have a whiplash attitude where they recoil and strike like a rattlesnake when they here anything good about the government that people deem worthy of righteousness.

Anyways, Wrong is not Right, therefore it is not of God. But what's right in the eyes of man is not always right in the eyes of God. Vice Versa.

"We pray as one nation, under God?"

Include me out--but thanks for the beautiful summary of what's wrong with any, "National Prayer Day."

If you're wondering why the tone, it's because a) I resent having federal money used for this stuff; b) I'm pretty tired too of people shoving God down my throat.

What's that bit in the New Testament? The one that introduces the Lord's Prayer? The bit about not praying in public, as do the Pharisees and Saducees, but praying in private?
Yes, but that's been taken out of context. The meaning behind it is not to be a hypocrite. There are actual people out there that pray earnestly and honestly, from their hearts. That bit about the pharisee is to not be a fake. Don't go out in public to pray and think your better than the next person because you pray. That's just as bad as not praying. That's what it means.

That Pharisee in Jesus' parable is self-seeking, and self-serving. There was a tax collector right next to him asking for forgiveness from God and the Pharisee was thanking God that he was not a sinner like that man. The pharisee was a hypocrite.

Any of these honorary days are recognition days, not days of obligation (Paul, your Catholic take on this is showing :), my question is how can we, as Catholics have days of obligation and still exercise free will...just joking - if I didn't say that someone would start firing off tangents.)

I think it is fine to have the separation of church and state, but I think it is impossible to separate the two entirely because of the inherent power of religion as a moral force in our country. I am not just talking about "MY" religion, but all religion. People debate/lobby over abortion based on religious ideology as one platform is one example off the top of my head.

The whole point of separation of church and state was to prevent the 'new world' government of the US didn't fall into the power struggle traps that the 'old world' governments fell into between 'divinely ordained' leaders and the influence of a national religions creating partisan politics between earthly leaders of nations and religious leaders of the masses (Anglican, Catholic France, ....). Remember that some of our history is influenced by the Reformation movement.

This National Prayer day is no different than National Secretaries day or any other "day" on the national calender. It is a demonstration of tolerance/recognition for those who pray across all/any religious or theological beliefs.
Paul, I think you explained that very well,with one exception(please don't take offense),The language of "separation of church and state" does not exist in the constitution.What it does say is, something to the effect of(I don't remember the exact wording-but this is close) Goverment shall make no laws in respect to religion, and shall not establish a national religion.IMHO,this means that goverment cannot influince religion,but does not prevent religion influencing goverment.I don't think it is a bad thing for people to think there is a seperation of church and state.This basic misunderstanding has lead to the United States having the least religious violence of any country in the world.Keeping religion out of public schools has been the biggest factor.Since religious education for children is soley a parental responsibility,this in effect protects children from being influinced by other religions while attendind public school.I think the "National Pray Day" is a good thing as long as goverment does not make it manditory and does not imply favortism to any specific religion.
Gary Crawford said:
Paul, I think you explained that very well,with one exception(please don't take offense),The language of "separation of church and state" does not exist in the constitution.What it does say is, something to the effect of(I don't remember the exact wording-but this is close) Goverment shall make no laws in respect to religion, and shall not establish a national religion.IMHO,this means that goverment cannot influince religion,but does not prevent religion influencing goverment.I don't think it is a bad thing for people to think there is a seperation of church and state.This basic misunderstanding has lead to the United States having the least religious violence of any country in the world.Keeping religion out of public schools has been the biggest factor.Since religious education for children is soley a parental responsibility,this in effect protects children from being influinced by other religions while attendind public school.I think the "National Pray Day" is a good thing as long as goverment does not make it manditory and does not imply favortism to any specific religion.
Thanks for the tweek. I was close though :)
loki09789 said:
This National Prayer day is no different than National Secretaries day or any other "day" on the national calender. ...

Hey Hey Hey!!!! That's National Administrative Assistants Day to you bud! :redcaptur

MisterMike said:
Hey Hey Hey!!!! That's National Administrative Assistants Day to you bud! :redcaptur

I'm not worried about politically correct titles when I am too busy harassing them and smoking illegally in my office building and drinking on the job..

They do get harder to chase around the desk when I drink.... but I care less when they get away ;)
loki09789 said:
I'm not worried about politically correct titles when I am too busy harassing them and smoking illegally in my office building and drinking on the job..

They do get harder to chase around the desk when I drink.... but I care less when they get away ;)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Gosh, men are suchth pigs.

Tulisan said:
Not to be nitpicky here, but am I the only one that thinks a national prayer day is kinda stupid and uncalled for?

I consider myself more religious then the majority, yet, a national prayer day seems kinda dumb.

If your religious, shouldn't you be praying every day?

Is there a religious person out there that actually NEEDS the government to deligate a national day for "prayer" for them. I personally want my government to stay out of my religious business.

I don't know...what do you think?


Well for once I actually agree with you. I didn't read the other posts, but I would like to say I agree. They shouldn't make a national prayer day. By doing so it only implies that there is only one day to pray, thus making prayer seem less important.

And about seperation of church and state. I think that there needs to be a little involvment with religion on the government otherwise the government will make fewer ethical laws causing immoral chaos. But religion shouldn't be a staple in the government, just keepin some of it's principles in it like in christiantiy.
You know what I find funny about this?

The number of people who scream "Its wrong to shove God in my face" but then think its ok to scream to everyone else about being Gay, Black, hating Bush, a woman, etc etc etc...

What they are really saying is:


Bah. I'll give up my Right to stand on the corner and scream at you that you are going to hell when you FORCE them to take "Queer Eye" off TV.
Technopunk said:
You know what I find funny about this?

The number of people who scream "Its wrong to shove God in my face" but then think its ok to scream to everyone else about being Gay, Black, hating Bush, a woman, etc etc etc...

What they are really saying is:


Bah. I'll give up my Right to stand on the corner and scream at you that you are going to hell when you FORCE them to take "Queer Eye" off TV.

heh. The irony is interesting.
Yeah, I see your point. I'd forgotten all about "National Say A Gay Prayer to Satan Day," and "National Worship Black People Day."

I find it ironic that people have such little faith that they must bring in government to enforce their particular religious beliefs.

Oh well. I also see nobody bothers to actually read their Bible on these matters, and obey the injunctions about praying in private.