Name that techniques or Poomse


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
Here is a take on another thread:

Attention Bow Shift the left foot to assume the ready stance:
1. Advance towards 12 o'clock. Assume a left front stance ( oen apkoobi). Execute a low wedge block ( area Hechyo makki) with the fist closed.

Please name the proper poomse.
Then give another one in it place, as you can see I started with the basic movements from the beginning but you may start from anywhere in the poomse, thought this might be fun to see how people decribe in detail about there poomse.
If memory serves me right (and it has been a long time - used to cross train with a buddy that trained at Wang's (sp) TKD....

Palgwe, Palgia, Palgwai, etc (not sure on the spelling) 7 maybe 6.

As for coming up with another one... too many brain cells lost. :) I could never remember the names of things. I used to make up funny nicknames and my buddy would usually kick me! For the longest time I thought it was poems. lol!


How many are there in total?
HKphooey said:
If memory serves me right (and it has been a long time - used to cross train with a buddy that trained at Wang's (sp) TKD....

Palgwe, Palgia, Palgwai, etc (not sure on the spelling) 7 maybe 6.

As for coming up with another one... too many brain cells lost. :) I could never remember the names of things. I used to make up funny nicknames and my buddy would usually kick me! For the longest time I thought it was poems. lol!


How many are there in total?

It is 7 and between all of the different one there are probaly around 45-55 maybe more.
terryl965 said:
Here is a take on another thread:

Attention Bow Shift the left foot to assume the ready stance:
1. Advance towards 12 o'clock. Assume a left front stance ( oen apkoobi). Execute a low wedge block ( area Hechyo makki) with the fist closed.

Please name the proper poomse.
Then give another one in it place, as you can see I started with the basic movements from the beginning but you may start from anywhere in the poomse, thought this might be fun to see how people decribe in detail about there poomse.

I was gonna guess PalGwe Chil Jang HKP beat me to it.
Hmmm...the only palgue that I know of that starts off facing north and continues to face north while moving forward is palgue chil jang...number 7 i believe...and if a low wedge block is the same as double low forearm blocks then its my best guess that it is number 7
HKphooey said:
I could never remember the names of things. I used to make up funny nicknames and my buddy would usually kick me! For the longest time I thought it was poems. lol!

Hehehehe. I do the same thing LOL. I couldn't remember Taegeuk sah jang for the longest time, so I thought of "funky chicken" because of the high knife hand block/knife and strike. It helped me remember that form LOL. If I taught it to someone else, I would say "funky chicken" .... I mean, Taegeuk 4 ... oops hehehehehe.

Anyways, I'm not familar with the PalGwe's, so I'll go with the Taegeuks. How about this one (we do them slightly different than the Kikki-version, so I may throw you off). Here goes: Knife hand guarding block in (left) tiger stance, front leg (left) front kick, drop the same foot (left) into front stance, reverse punch, then (left) tiger stance palm block.

Hint: it's the last half of the form.
TG Pal jeong

(Left) Big Stance (front stance/wen apkoobi), high block (ugul makki)
Gemini said:
(Left) Big Stance (front stance/wen apkoobi), high block (ugul makki)

Pal-gwe Yi-Chang (pattern #2)?

If so then here is mine:
Left foot steps back (end up RFF front stance) while simulataneously executing a scissors block.
bignick said:
palgwe o chang...

too tired to think of a new one...

Hmmm. How's that thread seeding class coming? :rofl:

Sorry. Anyway.

(Toward South) Horse stance single punch (juchum seogi, momtong yop jireugi)(kiap)
Gemini said:
(Toward South) Horse stance single punch (juchum seogi, momtong yop jireugi)(kiap)

That's the end of TG 7.

How about:
....left side kick (wen yup chagi), right side kick (oren yup chagi), right middle section knife hand guarding block (oren momtong sonnal makki)?

ooh ohh I know!

I know 'cause I look like a duck doing it. :rolleyes:

Alright, alright. I'll let someone else answer one.
Miles said:
That's the end of TG 7.

How about:
....left side kick (wen yup chagi), right side kick (oren yup chagi), right middle section knife hand guarding block (oren momtong sonnal makki)?


Middle of #4.

How about: down block left arm, mid level block right arm, front kick right leg, down block right arm, mid level block left arm? I'm sorry I don't have the Korean terminology down.
CMS said:
Middle of #4.

How about: down block left arm, mid level block right arm, front kick right leg, down block right arm, mid level block left arm? I'm sorry I don't have the Korean terminology down.

I wanted to answer that! :p LOL. Anyways, sounds like TG 5 (I'm having brain farts today, so excuse me if I'm wrong LOL).

How about this one: Left front stance, low block ... wait too easy .... Ok here goes: left backstance, knife hand guarding block, right low side kick high side kick. I think this is too easy for you dan level guys LOL (oops hint, as well).
CMS said:
Middle of #4.

How about: down block left arm, mid level block right arm, front kick right leg, down block right arm, mid level block left arm? I'm sorry I don't have the Korean terminology down.


We'll work on that after Easter! :)

Along with Koryo!

karatekid1975 said:
Hehehehe. I do the same thing LOL. I couldn't remember Taegeuk sah jang for the longest time, so I thought of "funky chicken" because of the high knife hand block/knife and strike. It helped me remember that form LOL. If I taught it to someone else, I would say "funky chicken" .... I mean, Taegeuk 4 ... oops hehehehehe.

That's funny. I already think of Pyung Ahn Sam Dan as the 'funky chicken' because of the moves heading south down center bar.
Aw man. Don't let this thread go "poof." I liked it. Come on peoples. Give me a form to guess (I'm a rookie ... not a BB) so go easy LOL.

I got an easy one. low block (front stance). Step forward, punch. Repeat on the other side (hint: it's not Taegeuk 1).
karatekid1975 said:
I got an easy one. low block (front stance). Step forward, punch. Repeat on the other side (hint: it's not Taegeuk 1).

Well now, KK, you say an "easy one," but perhaps not so easy. Naturally it is not Taegeuk 1, because you said it starts with a "front stance." Taegeuk 1, 2, and 3, all begin with walking stances. In fact, the only two Taegeuk forms that begin with front stances are 5, and 6, but neither of those follow with a punch.

Now, you could be talking about Palgwe 3 (Sam Jang) which begins the first four movements as you described, or the answer could be Chon-ji of the Chang Hon forms from General Choi. There is also a basic form called "Kicho" that is used in many WTF Taekwondo schools for white belt that uses an "I" pattern and has the four moves you described at the beginning, and top of the "I" pattern, and again at the base.

Now, here's one for anyone to guess:
(somewhere in the form)

"Assume a left walking stance (wen apseogi), Execute a left outside-inside body block (Momtong An Makgi). Keep both feet fixed. Execute a right body punch (Oreun Momtong Jireugi)."

Good Luck! :)
CM D. J. Eisenhart