my worst mistake


Orange Belt
Dec 4, 2010
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hello everyone i want to share my regrets in what decisons i made.
well i have a tendency to lash out at people who insult me and make fun of me and i have lashed out at these 8 teenagers while i was on a walk on july 23 last year and they said that i looked sexy and cute and i told them to shut up and they were tanting me and i lashed out at them. i really wished i could have hurt them so much ut i decided that was not me at all. i have gone through things even harder then a normal teen would. you know i also think im more mature then most teenagers ecause they do stupied things sometimes. im just glad i am more serious most of the time and assertive then doing stupied things. you know i may not have a car but i have something better which is my martial arts which is the only thing i enjoy. you know having autism is really hard for me especaially when i don't understand why they do stupied things sometimes. life is hard for me sometimes and i believe the martial arts made me more greatful for the stuff i have.
well i have a tendency to lash out at people who insult me and make fun of me and i have lashed out at these 8 teenagers while i was on a walk on july 23 last year and they said that i looked sexy and cute and i told them to shut up and they were tanting me and i lashed out at them.

Taunting can be hard to take, but you want to be careful not to become so conditioned to it that you automatically assume that everybody is doing it. I yelled at a girl in high school for acting flaky and talking a bunch of **** to me. Found out later from a friend of hers that she was engaging in a social ritual known as 'flirting'. That had never even occurred to me. By lashing out, you ensure that people stay away from you and that is the crowning victory of those who pick on you - they don't even have to do the work anymore.

You need to find a way to let that stuff roll off your back. Noone can tell you how to do that; I know what works for me, but I am not you. Best of luck to you.
Remeber nobody can make you act anyway if you do not want to, let things roll off your shoulders. Today is the day to remember certain type of people only feel good aabout themself when they are trying to degrade someone else, be a better person because you are.
your right all they care is about themselves and not how others feel like i do.
Eggg, a lot of people your age especially males have a difficult time trying to sort out how to deal with things. Girls spend a lot of time talking to each other so work out things a bit easier than boys. I think every teenage boy at some time thinks they will never fit in with everyone else, it's harder for you I know but I also think you work at trying to sort things out which many don't.

If girls say things like that to you again, say something like 'yes, I know' and walk on, you could just smile and say 'thank you' while walking on. People want you to react by lashing out so either don't react at all or make a pleasant remark, it's amazing how much a pleasant remark deflects taunts. If it doesn't have the effect they want they give up.

I have to sometimes listen to a lot of abuse aimed at me with my job, I switch it off and talk to them politely, it makes me right and them wrong. It also actually annoys them which is quite funny but there's nothing they can do about it.

Sometimes a girl will tell you she thinks you are cute because she really does think you are! that is a very good thing. You will have to work out how to tell the genuine girls from the not so genuine but there you aren't alone you know, I think most men if not all men are confused by women!!

You are a martial artist now so you must have self control, if they are taunting you, don't lash out, smile at them and walk away. That makes you the winner. If a girl is telling you she thinks you are cute because she is a nice girl, talk to her and make friends.
hello everyone i want to share my regrets in what decisons i made.
well i have a tendency to lash out at people who insult me and make fun of me and i have lashed out at these 8 teenagers while i was on a walk on july 23 last year and they said that i looked sexy and cute and i told them to shut up and they were tanting me and i lashed out at them

guys have cat called me and called me sexy and cute and my mom had that done to her too a few weeks ago, both of us just ignored them

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