My SiFus III - Grandmaster Yip Man and SiFu Duncan Leung

Kamon Guy, This is the 3rd and final part of the project my SiFu started 10 years ago. He wanted to show his appreciation to his teachers and acknowledge them to the public. He especially wanted current practitioners to know of SiFu Duncan Leung and give them the opportunity to visit and exchange knowledge with his SiHing/SiFu/Friend. It is unfortunate that SiFu Duncan has retired. Thankfully he is still active on his message board for students to ask questions. Check it out sometime.

Personally, I think it's an inspiring and wonderful story about one practitioner's personal journey. SiFu Lee makes no claims except he's nobody and loves the Art he was lucky to get involved with. He encourages everyone to accept their Kung Fu brothers and exchange their knowledge in order to promote, sustain and improve the Art. He has maintained a non commercial school from his own finances, often rejecting new students in order to teach his small group of hard working individuals. In fact, he may retire from public teaching as well. Who knows?

Best regards,

Hmmm, it doesn't really seem liek a tribute but more like an autobiography

Not sure what you are trying to show. Please explain
interesting story of your sifus history in training, appreciated.