My "NEW" Car!


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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I finally decided that it was time I get somthing other than my 'Cycle... so here's my "New" Car... a 1972 VW Superbeetle.



It's in supprisingly good shape, and I payed next to nothing for it, and even got a second complete engine with it.
I think you outta put all kinds of goth stuff on it and name it Beetlejuice
Hello, Look at the money you will be saving in monthly payments,gas and insurance!

You got yourself a wise can still sell it for what you paid...right! How many cars you buy today..that happens.

A wise man puts his hard earn money in smart places..........VW is only a form of move....Aloha
Cool Cool Cool!

Hope you have a lot of fun with it :)
Paul B said:
SWEET! Are you keeping the fuzzy dice and the flower? :ultracool

While its not my style... I just might.

shesulsa said:
I think you outta put all kinds of goth stuff on it and name it Beetlejuice

I beat you to that joke at the gas station yesterday. My friend drove me up to Wisconson to get it, and I stopped at the gas station, he said "whats up" and I said i needed to get a couple gallons of Beetlejuice.

Technopunk said:
While its not my style... I just might.

Now that would really throw people for a loop. I can imagine that car pulling up blaring some Skinny Puppy or Naked Raygun.:supcool:
Swordlady said:

*hits arm and runs off* :CTF:
Giggles... around here we call it SLUG BUG!

I'm actually jealous, finding a 72 beetle in that good of shape and an additional engine to boot... those were damn good cars then and still are now.
Might be a might tuff to find parts for it but then again maybe not. Still those were really well made automobiles.
WHY VW company decide to stop production and then restart (with an uglier version) is a mystery to me. The engine in the back is what gave that little bugger it's traction during the winter and other slicken-slide areas... (like off road mud trails... :D ). The front trunk had loads of room. Now they got it backwards... oh well.

Congrats on a good choice.
shesulsa said:
I think you outta put all kinds of goth stuff on it and name it Beetlejuice

heh heh...I like that...

Cool car...
Blue punch Buggy no punch back. And umm no ninja stuff back...on second though I'll skip hitting you.
Paul B said:
Now that would really throw people for a loop. I can imagine that car pulling up blaring some Skinny Puppy or Naked Raygun.:supcool:

Lol! especially with the fuzzy dice! :)

Cool ride!
Technopunk said:
I finally decided that it was time I get somthing other than my 'Cycle... so here's my "New" Car... a 1972 VW Superbeetle.



It's in supprisingly good shape, and I payed next to nothing for it, and even got a second complete engine with it.

SWEET! Techno!

I think the Dice should stay, it is part of your stealth and disguise work. ;)

As to the Beetles being a nice car, they were. The real problem was that even the basic emission laws in the late 70's these things could not meet and until recently if you wanted one you had to go to Mexico and bring one back.

So I hope there are no local emissions stations you have to pass. And if you do it being over 30 years old maybe you could get Historic wavier for it. :)

PS: Do you keep the spare engine up front in the truck? :lol:
Nice car. Bet it goes like hell after you pull it backwards on the rug a few times... :uhyeah:
Rich Parsons said:
The real problem was that even the basic emission laws in the late 70's these things could not meet and until recently if you wanted one you had to go to Mexico and bring one back.

So I hope there are no local emissions stations you have to pass. And if you do it being over 30 years old maybe you could get Historic wavier for it. :)

I'm worried about that actually, because the cutoff in Illinois is 1968... so I will be required to test... dunno how it will pass.
Technopunk said:
Dont be dissin the Ninjamobile K-man.
I bet the only thing ninja-like about that car is that it deploys smoke clouds... :lol:
Cool car.... A classic.... I use to work on them

But based on the picture and like most old beetles, I doubt it still floats so stay out of lakes and streams stay on the road.
Technopunk said:
I'm worried about that actually, because the cutoff in Illinois is 1968... so I will be required to test... dunno how it will pass.
Better study hard.

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