My Mom does NOT have cancer.

Andy Moynihan

Senior Master
MT Mentor
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
People's Banana Republic of Massachusettstan, Disu
Said Andy amongst the *FOOOOOOSSSSSSSSHH* trailer air-brake sound effect of his stress level depressurizing back down to only SLIGHTLY unhealthy.

Just got the results back today.


There will be a momentary intermission while I simultaneously face Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Mecca and St. Louis, and thank every good-aligned deity whose name I can recall.

Just needed to share that, and to thank everyone who offered me their kind words and prayers throughout this time. Looks like it worked.


Fantastic News!!! I'm glad for you and yours for this news.

Hallelujah, that is GREAT news!!!!
Whoot! Happy dances for Andy's mom... and for Andy.


Yes yes yes yes yes....


I am so glad, Andy. Sometimes it really does turn out OK—I'm glad this was one of them.
YAY!!!!! Very happy for you and your family!
Said Andy amongst the *FOOOOOOSSSSSSSSHH* trailer air-brake sound effect of his stress level depressurizing back down to only SLIGHTLY unhealthy.

Just got the results back today.


There will be a momentary intermission while I simultaneously face Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Mecca and St. Louis, and thank every good-aligned deity whose name I can recall.

Just needed to share that, and to thank everyone who offered me their kind words and prayers throughout this time. Looks like it worked.


Glad to here all went well Andy, will keep her in the prayers as we do not want it to come back!!!
Excellent! While you're passing thanks around, thank her for being a mother you could care so much about and thank yourself for being a son who cares about those other than himself.

I believe there's a country song that says, "Live like you were dying"... now that she isn't, still love and spoil your family as if today were the last day.

Go breathe easy and enjoy life.
Great news, Andy!

But... I notice you didn't send a prayer in the direction of Chicago. St. Oprah is not going to like this at all.
Oh man, how did I miss this fabulous news (okay, I was away from Netland getting engaged, that's my excuse anyhow :D)?

I'm so very happy to hear that, Andy. Like Exile said, sometimes it does work out :tup:.

I don't overtly believe in a singular divine being but thank god(s) our (agnostic in my case) prayers were heard - whoohoo!
I, too, missed this! That's GREAT, Andy!

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