Motorcyclists: WEAR A FACE SHIELD


2nd Black Belt
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Suisun City, CA
A community service announcement from Pavement Muncher, Shaolinwind.

terryl965 said:
Glad you had one, how do you feel?

In significant pain. I lent my sister my leather jacket last time she was here. The jeans did a good job, I only had some bad knee scrapes. My hands and forearms are tore the hell up.

BUT.. I walked away. And I'm still cute as hell.
Shaolinwind said:
In significant pain. I lent my sister my leather jacket last time she was here. The jeans did a good job, I only had some bad knee scrapes. My hands and forearms are tore the hell up.

BUT.. I walked away. And I'm still cute as hell.

Well being as cute as hell is more important than any pain you could be in.

Jade Tigress said:
What the hell happened!!?? Glad you are ok.

A truck spilled some pallettes on rt 80. I swerved away from one, to meet a chunk of another. The road was TRASHED. There was no where to go to get away from the flotsam. I was ejected from the bike, probably rolled a hundered or so feet. I was in shock and it was a while before I noticed much of my flesh was hamburger meat. All I could think of was... Oh my god.. My bike! The bike is toast. Then I remembered my mom wanted me to get some palletes for the garage. Then I thought of Arlo Guthrie.

THe cops were nice enough to bandage me and take me someplace safe. I refused the ambulance since the wounds aren't THAT severe. Severe, but I can keep them clean. BTW.. Someplace safe: A bus stop at the next exit. 8 hours later I was dragging my bandaged *** in the front door. My friend is bringing me gause and motrin as I type. I'll take more pictures!! =)
Sorry to hear this mate. Bloody lorries are always causing accidents. If they're not jack-knifing on the motorway, or hogging all the lanes on the motorway, they're taking up all the room, or driving like nutters.
Kensai said:
Sorry to hear this mate. Bloody lorries are always causing accidents. If they're not jack-knifing on the motorway, or hogging all the lanes on the motorway, they're taking up all the room, or driving like nutters.
Pisses me off when they blow one of their duals and leave chunks of it all over the highway. Nothing like dodging big chunks of rubber with jagged pieces of the radial belt sticking out.

Man, I am so glad you just got scraped up. I mean, what Ive seen happen to people on those things is horrible. Im just glad your alright.

I dont mean to spoil the mood but I would like to tell a story of a "uncle" i have through my moms marriage that I think might help people be careful when it comes to motorcycles. (which I think are really cool. My biological mom and dad own harleys. LOL)

Ricky was 21 and engaged. He loved motorcycles more then anything. Well one day he was riding in the sierrea nevadas of california. Really curvy windey roads. He was going to fast. He had on all the protective gear.
He flew off one of the curves. He crushed his whole face. And the left side was ripped of his bones and you could see his brain. The rest of his body, well, almost every bone was broken.
He lost his finace. Because....He cant remember anything past his 21st birthday. He is now almost 45, and he still thinks hes 21. He doesnt know his dad is dead. He doesnt know his finace left him. He doesnt know any of this. My mom takes care of him. Changes his diapers. Feeds him. And helps him walk around when he isnt in a wheel chair.
He is one of the nicest people I have ever met. And its a good thing he thinks hes 21. Because it gives him the zest and spunk of that age.
But I would hate to see this happen to another child of another parent.
Hope it didnt sour the mood to much.
Again, Shaolin, Im glad it was nothing more then scrapes. It would have been horrible to have lost you. !!!!
:) :) :)
Blessings everyone.
Glad to hear you're OK! Your face thanks you for sure. What a horrible stretch of luck for my biker bretherin lately!

Last weekend I lost a friend and very nearly another when they hit a car that had flipped and spun into their lane. The passenger died on impact and the rider is in the hospital fresh out of an induced coma - his entire lower body is destroyed, though it looks like he'll keep both legs.

Be thankful you weren't hurt worse and be safe.
Whew, Shaolin!!!

I'm really glad you're still with us!!!! That was a good move on your part to have a face sheild on the helmet.

- Ceicei
Elayna said:

Man, I am so glad you just got scraped up. I mean, what Ive seen happen to people on those things is horrible. Im just glad your alright.

Not even scrapes baby, I'm missing flesh. THis is brutal and I just got finished peroxiding myself. I am in such incredible agony. The only reason i am typing is because this is the only comfort i got at the moment.
Ohhhh, you poor thing.
Well If i could I would feed you chocolate and candy and all sorts of things. And if it didnt hurt to much maybe a back rub. Hehehe.

Well you keep taking care of yourself and youll be just fine. Your a trooper!
:) :)

Plus, if you werent around who would I yell at?? Hehehehehe.

Be good to yourself....: ):)
Shaolinwind said:
In significant pain. I lent my sister my leather jacket last time she was here. The jeans did a good job, I only had some bad knee scrapes. My hands and forearms are tore the hell up.

BUT.. I walked away. And I'm still cute as hell.
that's all that matters
as long as cute as hell
Glad you are mostly OK, well, alive at least. Can't help but think all those people riding in shorts and tshirts (without a helmet of course) are just complete idiots. Glad you aren't one of them.

Oh wow...damn. :eek: I'm glad that you survived and are in one piece, Gerald. You are definitely a poster boy for the importance of wearing a helmet - complete with ALL face protection, not just those dinky metal hats that some try to pass as helmets.

Now if only you can talk some sense into the Pennsylvania lawmakers. The state repealed the mandatory helmet law a few years ago, and not surprisingly, the number of head trauma incidents caused by biking accidents increased by a LOT. One of the worst decisions ever made, I think.

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