More PC Stupidity

Ah. You're a student. Thank you for providing some context. I'm still at a loss. What are you researching? I have had people do all sorts of silly things in interviews. I had one guy tell me conspiratorially that he isn't gay. I had another guy demand (sort of) that he be paid for the interview. Some show up in jeans, or are smart alecs or just don't take the interview seriously. After each one, I shake my head and wonder why the person is wasting everyone's time. If you said this to me, "why is it important that you know that before meeting me?" I would thank you for your time, offer you a hearty handshake and show you the door. Over the years, I've come to trust my instincts and have no problem cutting an interview short if the person is TNT (thanks, no thanks.)

Maybe I'm dumb, but when I'm interviewing a potential new hire, I don't look for political agenda. I don't look for social agenda. I'm looking for technical qualifications, interpersonal skills, an eagerness to join the team and, more than anything, someone who is game. In the situations above, I just see a person (typically a young person) who has submitted an application/resume, made the first cut and been asked to an interview, who doesn't seem to want the job for which he or she has applied.

Now, just as a fellow forum poster, I'm just genuinely baffled as to what sort of legit research this could be. It sounds pretty stupid and I cringe at the thought that you might have received a grant.

The context of my paper is how subtle racism and political correctness affects people getting a job over outward and blatant racism.

For example. One of my "employees" (for lack of a better term and we will call this one 'Joe') filled out an application (I wont say for what company for legal reasons). He filled in everything correctly except he left race and gender blank (he is a black male, late 20's,). He has a degree in Electrical Engineering and has since gone back to school as pre-med (very ambitious). He is a super nice guy, straight forward, very intelligent and well spoken. His qualifications met all the requirements for the job he was seeking.

After the interview Joe told me about the interviewers reactions. Joe told me that the interviewer seemed surprised that my employee had all these qualifications. He asked several questions about his background and upbringing. Joe admitted that he couldnt tell whether the interviewers astonishment at his age or the fact that he was african american. Joe did note however that the interviewer was overly formal, he seemed agitated as though he wanted the interview to end quickly. There were no hand shakes of greeting or farewell, the interviewer ended the interview by only saying "we will call you in a week or two with our decision".

On the flip. Same company, same position, similar qualifications but this time with a white male, late 20's (he will be called Bill). Bill reported in with a very different response. The interviewer this time was also surprised at his qualifications but made it apparent that it was age related. Bill told me that the interviewer was laid back and laughing. After the interview ended he told Bill that he could all but guarantee him the job. There were still no handshakes.

That is one of the more obvious and blatant cases but it none the less gives you an example of what I am doing.

And no, no grant was received. Im doing on my own, out of my pocket for school. It might seem stupid and i agree a little simply because i hate school with a passion but I was given my the topic to explore by my professor and was told to come up with an original experiment. I intend to get an "A" and this is what I came up with to get that "A".

Nothing intrinsically bad. No more than "Oriental" or "Negro" are intrinsically bad, but all 3 words have fallen out of favor. Language evolves, and preferred words change, as in this case because the old word feels pejorative. Eventually "mentally handicapped" will be viewed as pejorative, and then something else will take it's place. That's the way things work, getting upset about it makes as much sense as getting upset at the tides.

I'm sure there are plenty of words that you consider offensive that had no offensive meaning originally.

Just pointing out that changing the label won't change the attitude behind it. We would be better off trying to educate and change the attitudes than doing nothing but swicthing around labels.

I really don't get offended by words. Again, it's the attitude behind it, look at the word "*****" and it is ok for blacks to call other blacks that, but NOT ok for a white person to call a black person that. It's not the word that is offensive it is the person who is saying it.

I know George Carlin had a lot of bits on language and word usage, he was right on point with them most of the time.
Just pointing out that changing the label won't change the attitude behind it. We would be better off trying to educate and change the attitudes than doing nothing but swicthing around labels.

I really don't get offended by words. Again, it's the attitude behind it, look at the word "*****" and it is ok for blacks to call other blacks that, but NOT ok for a white person to call a black person that. It's not the word that is offensive it is the person who is saying it.

I know George Carlin had a lot of bits on language and word usage, he was right on point with them most of the time.

I like what you said here and i agree but i have a slightly different take on it. As for the word "*****" or any variation of it, a lot of my black friends have said its not so much the fact that white people say it as it is the history behind the word. For years it was derogatory and demeaning (as it is still used today in some places). They said that from talking to their older relatives a lot of the younger generation started to use it after the civil rights movement as a sort of a slap in the face to white people. as in "we are going to take this word and make it our own" sort of thing.


Again, it's the attitude behind it, look at the word "*****" and it is ok for blacks to call other blacks that, but NOT ok for a white person to call a black person that. It's not the word that is offensive it is the person who is saying it.

Certainly you can understand why. I'm absolutely positive in fact that you take a similar view on different words. Would you mind if a man you just met called your children or spouse "honey" or "sweetie"? I'll bet your friends call you a few nasty names all in good fun now and again, when if a stranger did the same would earn a punch in the nose. And so on.
Certainly you can understand why. I'm absolutely positive in fact that you take a similar view on different words. Would you mind if a man you just met called your children or spouse "honey" or "sweetie"? I'll bet your friends call you a few nasty names all in good fun now and again, when if a stranger did the same would earn a punch in the nose. And so on.

I have been there when several old men have called my wife "hon" or "sweetie" and meant it in a nice grandfatherly way. If someone were to call her that with a different intent then the attitude would dictate the response, not the word itself.
WARNING MAYBE OFFENSIVE: It is my intention to discuss the subject absent of the PC guards and racial guards that are set in place in society. It is not my intention to use the post and my opinion to discredit, insult, harass, offend, be racist, or otherwise.
IF you are easily offended, have a chip on your shoulder, pro PC, wear your heart on your sleeve, hyper-sensitive to language etc., or in any other such offended my terms deem socially unacceptable DON'T READ this. Rated XXX (not as porn movies goes) for use of many socially deemed inappropriate and highly offensive words.

warning maybe offensive: it is my intention to discuss the subject absent of the pc guards and racial guards that are set in place in society. it is not my intention to use the post and my opinion to discredit, insult, harass, offend, be racist, or otherwise.
if you are easily offended, have a chip on your shoulder, pro pc, wear your heart on your sleeve, hyper-sensitive to language etc., or in any other such offended my terms deem socially unacceptable don't read this. rated xxx (not as porn movies goes) for use of many socially deemed inappropriate and highly offensive words.


WARNING MAYBE OFFENSIVE: It is my intention to discuss the subject absent of the PC guards and racial guards that are set in place in society. It is not my intention to use the post and my opinion to discredit, insult, harass, offend, be racist, or otherwise.
IF you are easily offended, have a chip on your shoulder, pro PC, wear your heart on your sleeve, hyper-sensitive to language etc., or in any other such offended my terms deem socially unacceptable DON'T READ this. Rated XXX (not as porn movies goes) for use of many socially deemed inappropriate and highly offensive words.

WARNING MAYBE OFFENSIVE: IF you are easily offended, have a chip on your shoulder, pro PC, wear your heart on your sleeve, hyper-sensitive, or in any other such way I have not mentioned DON'T READ. Rated X for use of many inappropriate words.

It is not my intention to use the post and my opinion to discredit, insult, harass, offend, be racist, or otherwise. It is my intention to discuss the subject absent of the PC guards and racial guards that are set in place in society.

Blind, SOB, Bastard, A-hole, Dumb-Fck Mother-F-fer, Sht-head Bastard, Bytch, Whore, Hooker, Pimp, Ho, Fool, Slut, Snob, Cougar, Trophy wife, dick, john, Stupid, Moron, Butt-kisser, Brown noser, Punk, Thug, Criminal, Con, Con artist, Ghetto (Jew where forced to live on that island when considered trash), White thrash, Hillbilly, Country, Black, White, Red, Yellow, Asian, African, Gringo, plus many more, these people should all get together as a group and make these words off limits, and exercise their PC rights too. Such words should be tagged PC unfriendly, as Fag, Retarded, Crippled, etc.

By no means should we expect those groups or people's who have offensive derogatory words be targeted and PC them out, NO WAY. May the PC god forbid we do that. We can't offend such offended groups for using derogatory terms for others.

For the op, what is happening to KofC is so that other groups can have their exclusive organizations. KofC is a "white male" oppressive organization. Seen as a symbol of what many PC groups are sensitive to, though I doubt the KofC where or ever was like the KKK. The new oppressive power organization is PC.
WARNING MAYBE OFFENSIVE: IF you are easily offended, have a chip on your shoulder, pro PC, wear your heart on your sleeve, hyper-sensitive, or in any other such way I have not mentioned DON'T READ. Rated X for use of many inappropriate words. It is not my intention to use the post and my opinion to discredit, insult, harass, offend, be racist, or otherwise. It is my intention to discuss the subject absent of the PC guards and racial guards that are set in place in society. Blind, SOB, Bastard, A-hole, Dumb-Fck Mother-F-fer, Sht-head Bastard, Bytch, Whore, Hooker, Pimp, Ho, Fool, Slut, Snob, Cougar, Trophy wife, dick, john, Stupid, Moron, Butt-kisser, Brown noser, Punk, Thug, Criminal, Con, Con artist, Ghetto (Jew where forced to live on that island when considered trash), White thrash, Hillbilly, Country, Black, White, Red, Yellow, Asian, African, Gringo, plus many more, these people should all get together as a group and make these words off limits, and exercise their PC rights too. Such words should be tagged PC unfriendly, as Fag, Retarded, Crippled, etc. By no means should we expect those groups or people's who have offensive derogatory words be targeted and PC them out, NO WAY. May the PC god forbid we do that. We can't offend such offended groups for using derogatory terms for others. For the op, what is happening to KofC is so that other groups can have their exclusive organizations. KofC is a "white male" oppressive organization. Seen as a symbol of what many PC groups are sensitive to, though I doubt the KofC where or ever was like the KKK. The new oppressive power organization is PC.
Nope.....I gotta stick with the pancake bunny here, sorry :lfao: (and scratching head)
I've never understood the sudden "badness" of the word "retard".

Retard means slow. If I "retard" something, I am slowing it's progress. It's a LABEL, are they going to change the name from "special education" because people call them "speds"?

Kind of like how when I was a kid they were called swamps, now they are "wetlands" and are protected.

I understand if "they" (KoC or any other group) won't let somebody in based on skin color or racial bias and putting a stop to that. But, if your group is based on a particular reason and association I see no reason why you can't do that. So does that mean that I can try out for Black Miss America?
As with any form of identity, the magic moment happens when people start using the term as a slur. Idiot used to be a great way to describe a retarded person, but since we call bad decisions idiotic, the word lost its meaning and took on a negative connotation. Try using that term now and you will get punched in the face, unless you are talking about a normal person that made a poor decision.