Modern Day Sword USE in "China"...


Blue Belt
Apr 13, 2007
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中国桂林 (Guilin, China)
Did anyone know that certain ethnic minority groups in China, including Tibetans, are permitted to carry and use Dao (Short swords/BIG knives)? This is because Dao are an intangible part of their culture. They openly carry these Dao in sheaths strapped to their thighs. Normal Han Chinese and foreigners (Moi) are not, however. Consider it a sort of Affirmative Action.

I heard that killing people (Only amongst their minority groups) is tolerated and that there is a "three strikes, you're out" policy. If an individual kills more than two people they will be incarcerated. I also heard that if you are in one of these minority groups' markets and you try to bargain for things AND do not buy the product, after a price is agreed upon, they will cut you down on the spot. If you only ask the price and then walk away, it is not a problem.

It seems there are even areas where the government has absolutely no control over them and they will attack any outsiders that encroach upon their territory. One of these areas is supposed to be somewhere in Sichuan, though there are others. There are even un-recognised ethnic minorities that are fighting guerilla-style, trying to be heard in a noisy country.

I have not veriefied any of this (Except that they carry Dao and use them as an all-purpose tool in their daily lives), though it seems to be a common belief among Chinese.

Does anyone know if there are any other societies or sub-societies like this in the world?