Misc Stories

Well this 4th of July two homeowners were cited for illegal fireworks...I warned them first and told them they would be cited if we returned..The Lt was working and had me return to the residence to confirm that this was the person I warned..One male that stood there and listed while I made my friendly speech to a group of residents about " Yeah its a stupid law, BUT IT"S THE LAW" claimed that he thought I was talking to his neighbors...Sheesh!!!!!
Sometimes non-LEO's wonder why some of us seem to be so short tempered..A tractor trailer strikes a utility pole causing the wires to hang very low, these wires are live...I get the call to close off the road..So I postion my cruiser in the middle of the road..I turn on all the red and blue blinkie lights and am standing out in the road with my police vest on..Ya wanna guess how many cars rolled up to my cruiser and asked "Is the road closed?"...
At least 20...

And at least 2/3 of them said something along the lines of "but I gotta go down there because it's the only way I know to go home!" despite there being a simple, 3 block work around available...

Every year, the jurisdiction I work in closes down one road for a parade. Every year, we put out signs weeks in advance. It's announced on the radio & TV. We actually direct traffic along the detour route. Every year, we get plenty of people who can't figure out what to do when they're detoured off the road...
20 is a good guess..I mean it was a bright and sunny day and the shade of a large tree made the emergency lights more visable..I am wearing one of those Gawd awful green and blue vests that say POLICE...Just beyond you could see the Yellow Lights of the power company trucks...

At least 20...

And at least 2/3 of them said something along the lines of "but I gotta go down there because it's the only way I know to go home!" despite there being a simple, 3 block work around available...

Every year, the jurisdiction I work in closes down one road for a parade. Every year, we put out signs weeks in advance. It's announced on the radio & TV. We actually direct traffic along the detour route. Every year, we get plenty of people who can't figure out what to do when they're detoured off the road...
Just a fun one...

One recent night, we hit the streets to show some of our unit's special version of TLC to a neighborhood. Along the way, we roll up on a parking lot because we've noticed an occupied car there... Two of our guys walk up on one car, one cop on each side of the car... and hit it with their flashlights. Just in time to see the driver lower the marijuana pipe from his lips, and exhale.:eek: :ubercool:
Just a fun one...

One recent night, we hit the streets to show some of our unit's special version of TLC to a neighborhood. Along the way, we roll up on a parking lot because we've noticed an occupied car there... Two of our guys walk up on one car, one cop on each side of the car... and hit it with their flashlights. Just in time to see the driver lower the marijuana pipe from his lips, and exhale.:eek: :ubercool:
You should hide near a Taco Bell during graveyard... Every night I saw people blitzed or smoking dope and driving...
This is to funny not to share....OK, wife is outta town and I work a busy 6p-12a shift..I crawl into bed and am awakened by VOICES coming from downstairs around 1am..Now the cats have not learned to talk and I know that the doors are locked and bolted..I pull out the Sig and my combat light and slowly creep downstairs..By the sound I know that the voices are coming from the kitchen..I swing around the bottom of the stairs where I still have cover if needed and I light up the room with the combat light...Ya wanna take a guess??? Seems I left my portable on the kitchen table and didnt bother to check if I turned it off when I went upstairs for the night...Feeling like a total ******* I went back to bed..
This is to funny not to share....OK, wife is outta town and I work a busy 6p-12a shift..I crawl into bed and am awakened by VOICES coming from downstairs around 1am..Now the cats have not learned to talk and I know that the doors are locked and bolted..I pull out the Sig and my combat light and slowly creep downstairs..By the sound I know that the voices are coming from the kitchen..I swing around the bottom of the stairs where I still have cover if needed and I light up the room with the combat light...Ya wanna take a guess??? Seems I left my portable on the kitchen table and didnt bother to check if I turned it off when I went upstairs for the night...Feeling like a total ******* I went back to bed..
Done that one myself...

That and unknowingly left a TV or radio on somewhere...
This is to funny not to share....OK, wife is outta town and I work a busy 6p-12a shift..I crawl into bed and am awakened by VOICES coming from downstairs around 1am..Now the cats have not learned to talk and I know that the doors are locked and bolted..I pull out the Sig and my combat light and slowly creep downstairs..By the sound I know that the voices are coming from the kitchen..I swing around the bottom of the stairs where I still have cover if needed and I light up the room with the combat light...Ya wanna take a guess??? Seems I left my portable on the kitchen table and didnt bother to check if I turned it off when I went upstairs for the night...Feeling like a total ******* I went back to bed..
That reminds me of this:
About 10 years ago I was out at a buddy's house in the country, we were leaving about 9 pm to go bar hopping and we saw the cherry of a cigarette in the distance, about where my car was parked.
I said "we forgot to take those videos back" and we went quickly, but, calmly back into the house, at which point we sprinted through the house grabbed a shot gun and Paul's 44 and headed back outside. We walked calmly towards the smoking intruder until we were about 100 feet away, then we raised our weapons and charged.

That's when we saw him

Damn near shot him

John Deere...

Yeah, some idiot left the key in the tractor in the on position, what we had seen was the indicator light...
Happening upon lovers is still worth a laugh..I see a car parked way in the back of a secluded lot reserved for those using the bike and hike path..I roll in dark and the car looks abandoned, taking no chances I hit the takedowns and the spot..Suddenly the cars rear seat is a flurry of activity.

.I see female naked body and turn off the lights..The male thanks me for dousing the light..After confirming age and ID of both parties( the female looked 16) I say "Go get a motel room".."Naw", was the males response." I think we are done for the night"...Ya think?
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I ran into a similar situation while in Hospital security but the people in the car were both 18.

When I hit the car with teh lights they made it out of the back seat and into the front seat faster than I ever thought possible.

I also told them to go get a room and the guy who was now in the drivers seat said thank you sir and drove off... it was then a I realized he was completely naked and she was only covered by a towel and they were now off the property and driving down a main road.
I was reminded about one of my best traffic stops..Its about 10pm and I hear the sound of those tricked out little cars coming up the street..I douse all the lights of my cruiser...The lead car had a sunroof and standing up in the passeger seat so her upper torse is visible to the vehicle behind is a girl that made Lynda Carter look like a boy...She is wearing the sheerist blouse I have ever seen and no bra, she is rubbing her chest and yelling to the girls in the vehicle behind her vehicle " I want your body", I want your f bomb-ing body..I pull the lead car over and watch in amusement as she now tries to hid her chest while she digs in her purse for her ID..I give them a warning...
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From one of the most embarassing things that happened to me while on duty dept:

I get a call to respond to a local residence. A male has passed out, he is unconcious but breathing. I arrive at the residence grab the oxygen tank and AED, I can hear the squads siren coming up the street. I trot toward the house and duck under the tree branch and run into another hidden in its shadow that strikes me just above the eyebrows and I go down..

Now the squad arrives and runs to my side, they broadcast they have an officer down. The Sgt who is at lunch hears this and wonders why no one told him it was one of his boys. I manage to push the EMT's off me and tell them to go to the house, and let the Sgt know that I am all right.

The male required far more medical attention than I could have rendered, the squad revived him and transported..