Metatarsal Stress and inflammation


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
May 27, 2004
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Not BC, Not DC
I is in a boot.

My left foot has been giving me serious pain issues for over a year. One year ago, I saw a foot specialist, had some x-rays done and he said I had a soft tissue, repetition injury and I needed to rest it. At that point, the pain had lasted about five or six months, I had regained all weight I had lost and I could barely walk some days. At that point, I asked for and received a cortisone injection which helped for about three months.

When it wore off, the pain returned - it is multi-level pain; that is, sometimes it is a severe, stabbing pain and others it is a deep ache, mostly on the top and sides of my foot.

The MRI I had two weeks ago shows inflammation IN THE BONE of the 3rd, 4th and 5th metatarsals. So I am now in a boot which mostly gives relief.

I am to return in five or six weeks to monitor the progress, but I wanna know WHAT THE HECK CAUSED THIS????

This is not plantar fascitis - wondering if anyone else here has been through something similar?
Wish I could help... My guess would be repetitive stress of some sort. Maybe take a look at your shoes? Do you train in shoes or barefoot?

Oh... and what do the docs say might cause it?
Wish I could help... My guess would be repetitive stress of some sort. Maybe take a look at your shoes? Do you train in shoes or barefoot?

Oh... and what do the docs say might cause it?

I trained barefoot for a long time but recently went to shoes hoping to ease the discomfort - don't think they helped, honestly.

The doctor said it's my anatomy. No other explanation. Making a DR appointment today to have bloodwork done.

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