MartialTalk Need Your Help....

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free is facing a serious cash flow problem.

The cost of our hosting has risen beyond what I can comfortably support myself. Each month we see over 2,500 daily visitors. As a result, we are using more and more server resources. This has forced me to upgrade the hosting account to a higher, and more expensive, level of service. As a result, we are now at a crossroads. If we are to continue to grow and expand, we need to find a way to support this growth financially.

I’ve thought long and hard about all the options available.

-We can stop our growth here: Cease adding new features, stop allowing new members to sign up, and so on. That goes against what we all want.

-We can switch to a paid-membership system. I believe this would only hurt us, and therefore, this option is out. MartialTalk will remain free.

-We can find new sources of income. I’ve always tried to cover the costs of running this site through sponsorships. Unfortunately, we’ve grown faster than we’ve added new sponsors.

The short of it is, we need to raise some funding fast or the long-term future of MartialTalk is at risk. I believe that most of you enjoy this site and appreciate the work that goes into it by myself, our staff, and most importantly, your fellow members.

I don’t believe in ‘something for nothing’ and I'm not looking for donations. I definitely don’t like having to ask for help. I’m asking every member who cares about this site, who wants to ensure it continues on for years to come, to find a way to help out. To meet this goal, I ask that you please consider taking out a 1 year subscription to MartialTalk Magazine. Its only $12 per year, and all the money goes right back into keeping MartialTalk up, running and growing. Please, check out our free first issue right now.

If you have a school or organization, please consider sponsoring a forum. It's great visibility for you and it helps us keep growing.

I hate to ask for help. But, we need it. Please, if you enjoy this site, and if you want to see it continue to grow and expand, we need your support. MartialTalk simply cannot continue at this level of service without additional funds. A MartialTalk Magazine subscription is an inexpensive way to help, and it brings you great content from and about some of the leaders of the arts. Please consider subscribing today!

Thank you.

Bob Hubbard
Owner & Administrator,
I see nothing wrong with your request for funds to keep up and running. When it is possible I'll subscribe.
I would also put out a feeler to the sponsors (many are probably members here) about an increase in their fees...if only by a few dollars.
Likewise a call to all members to get their schools sponsoring the discussion board. Also what about simple contributions? Aye getting sticky here but create a poll and see what the other members think.
... but it is hard to plan a monthly budget that way.

For a one-time capital outlay, like a new processor, let' set up a "Get MT more memory fund" or "Get MT dual processor fund". Seeing a goal and it being time limited often gets more donations than an open ended "we need money" plea.

If you can subscribe, then do. I have a couple of accounts and sites hosted at MartialTalk, as another way of donating to the forum. Those who pay for web hosting, as I did, may want to consider hosting at MT. Bob gives great rates and the service cannot be beat!

For the record, I still vote for a paid something under 10 bucks a year.

Then again...we;ve talked over this one over the phone already Bob, and i do see your point! :asian:
I'm considering a 'contributing member' idea, and will be adding that option soon. I'm waiting on the release of the new version of the forum software which has the ability built in. (I'd have to do some serious tinkering at this time to make it really work).

Thank you for the support. It is very gratefully appreciated!

I get paid in two weeks, and will be subscribing on that day. Don't worry about asking for $$ - what you provide here is special, and I don't see a problem with paying for it.
I will be subscribing to the magazine. That's very reasonable, you could get a couple more bucks too. Good luck.
I will subscribe too...but what about an idea like the USN does with it's "Good Cause Auction". It's a thread where members specficially donate things (usually knives due to the forum genre, but also things like training tapes, books, and even seminar slots or free training time) and then other members bid on the items... the proceeds go to keeping the site running and the upgrades necessary, etc.

It works out nicely as the buyer gets something they want for a good price and the money keeps the forum that we love going...

Just a thought.

Michelle about an "auction" type of setup. People wanting to get rid of old martial art books, videos and the like...and a percentage could go to MT?
What about the partner program? That may generate some additional revenue.
I've been running the thing for a few months far, haven't made a dime out of it.

The auction stuffs being considered, though I'm not ready to roll it out yet...still alot of work to do on it... But definately keep the ideas coming. :)
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
I don’t believe in ‘something for nothing’ and I'm not looking for donations. I definitely don’t like having to ask for help.

Don't ask for donations if you don't want to. But since Pay Pal is a bit expensive(right?) and you have the ability to run Credit Card transactions then you need a


Just put a button somewhere up with the others to take "Tips."

No good Bartender would be without one. I am so impressed with this idea that I put the bold tag on it. I mean they are rewards for doing a good job and MT certainly qualifies there. If you like, start the experiment in the cafe thread at first.

Also, if you want to do an auction, just do auctions on eBay if you like. Start a thread here and link to each item as it goes up for auction. They can be donated from members or you can go get something wholesale and auction it off.

I'll subscribe to the magazine, but honestly, I'd rather just give you $12 because I'm not likely going to read the magazine faithfully.

I think a Video Vault could be worth $12/yr though. But I'm not sure what could/would/should go in it.
A "TipJar" would be an idea. I'd need to look into it more as my current processing really makes anything under $5 not worth the effort.

I appreciate the support. So far, we've had 5 signups, with a few more promises to do so shortly.

I was asked what exactly is the problem. This will be a little technical, but I'll try n do it in english so everyone can follow. (I sometime speak 'geek' too much I think. :) )

martialtalk is 1 of about 200 websites on this server. It is using up over 70% of the resources though. In most cases, a site at MT's level is on a server all by itself. To do that, where MT can run 'free' and not worry as much, will cost more than I can afford. I've had additional hardware installed in the existing server to balance things out a bit, but long term, we need to move MT off this box into its own home. That will cost about $200/month, which I just dont have.

The alternative is to reduce some of the services we have to help cut back the load to a more 'server friendly' level. That would mean removing Avatars, Signatures, Private Messagine, Searching, Smilies and more. I don't want to do that cuz, I think those features are part of what makes this place fun.

If we can get 200 total new subscribers, that will fund us to either beef up this box so we have no worries, or move MT to its own home. 300 subscribers would allow a nice buffer for additional growth. A plus is the site would be faster as its got everything to itself.

Another person asked "Bob, don't you own the server and arent you already giving MT the space"?
Yes. I own the hosting company, and have been donating the space. MT has outgrown all of our regular plans and has been in the 'get your own box' stage for a while. I don't have the cashflow to afford that myself on my own.

I'm waiting on the release of the new forum software. Once thats ready, I'll also be rolling out a 'premium' membership which will have some nice perks. Regular memberships (what is currently there) will continue to be free.

Thank you for the support folks. It is well apreciated. :)
I think Mr. Billings said it.

Put up a "Total Board" and countdown from 300 new members.

Then maybe start a Telethon thread to get the 300 people to sign up.

It will be more effective than asking for 300 to just do it. Like in a Nike commercial or something.

This is 300 magazine subscribers, right? I'll be there shortly myself.
pknox - New software is currently at Beta 7, we're expecting the first release candidate this month. If they follow usual form, I expect the full release by New Years.

Doug - I'll look into it. Good Idea. :) recently had a fund drive. They had big giant annoying thing on top of the page with one of those "we are this close to are goal" theometers. Their goal was $30000 and they said the annoying crap at the top of the page was going to last untill they reached that goal. I was like "great, that thing is going to be up forever."

It was gone in two days. and MT are *very* differnt sites but I wanted to share that story.