Martial Talk



I never thought that when I joined Martial Talk to tell how bad the USJJF national tournament was run that I would be here so long. I figured that I would end up banned in the first week but it turned out pretty good. This is a pretty diffrent kind of community it really opened my eyes up.
This site was way too cool to pass up. After I seen the potential I very seldom go to another forum. They just seem to be a waste of time.
At a price. There are a half dozen autoresponders set up (Silverwolf etc) that exist solely to bash any and all forms of TMA. Kinda gets boring after the 100000th time. ;)
I browse a lot of other forums but this one is good. I like it because you don't feel intimidated to share your view.
lol just don't say anything bad about Kempo. Actully I think this forum is alot like Sherdog just with less people and the forum more about traditional MA.
lol, this is deffinantly one of the coolest places around. And Surprisingly I found this place the day my life started to get really good.......:D
Originally posted by JDenz
lol just don't say anything bad about Kempo. Actully I think this forum is alot like Sherdog just with less people and the forum more about traditional MA.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

i think you're ok saying something about kempo...

KENPO...on the other hand...there's a lot of hot heads around this forum when it comes to kenpo....american kenpo that is...

don't worry kenpo people...i'm just ribbing you...i'm one of you too.

i'll say...when all is said and done, this is one of the most polite, if not THE most polite and respectful martial arts forum i've ever seen. it's surprising at times. ego is unavoidable in the martial arts of any kind, and these days it's running rampant. martial talk is most times a refreshing exception to what seems to be the rule now.
Ya sometimes I feel we are to polite. But everytime I start to think that someone I don't like makes me feel diffrent
lol see I can take that I refuse to be mad at my computer for something you just said
Originally posted by tarabos
i'll say...when all is said and done, this is one of the most polite, if not THE most polite and respectful martial arts forum i've ever seen. it's surprising at times. ego is unavoidable in the martial arts of any kind, and these days it's running rampant. martial talk is most times a refreshing exception to what seems to be the rule now.

Very well said.
