Martial Artist Fights off Gang Armed with Knives (UK)

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score

Security guard Mr Elliott was delivering cash to the ATM machine when Mursell and Powell ran towards him with a knife while Bryant acted as get-away driver.
As they slashed at his clothing, former kickboxing champion Mr Bryant fought them off and pinned Powell to the ground. Police rushed to assist Mr Elliott and arrested the gang.
Speaking at Harrow Crown Court, Mr Elliott said: “I have trained since the age of 14 in various types of martial arts to black belt level, including boxing, Thai boxing, and Taekwondo.
“I feel that my self-defence knowledge kicked in immediately and it took over which helped prevent my attacker from succeeding.
“I checked myself over for injuries and I noticed a slash in the front of my polo shirt. Fortunately my ID card was under my shirt and I believe this prevented me from receiving any serious injuries.”
I went to a baptism and a speaker was there who once was a catholic priest. He was in Egypt doing some priest thing, when a Muslim ran up and stabbed him. Well, he just happened to have some Seventh Day Adventist Book in his breast pocket and he came away without a scratch. He then became a Seventh Day Adventist... go figure.
It's nice to finally see someone defend himself and not be chastised by the general public for doing so. Even more, it's nice to see him receive praise!
Gonads, that one. Right on! I like his testimony.

Curious here ... isn't the act of self-defense illegal in London?
Good on him! And defending himself against multiple attackers at least one with a knife! He might have saved some future life by stopping that person that night.