Lucky Shot


Green Belt
Founding Member
Nov 12, 2001
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
I think most have seen the movie "Karate Kid" and seen where Daniel caught the fly with the chopsticks. Well I got my own little fly story.

I am 5'11" tall, and i have been working on leg flexibility and kicking. This evening I was doing some dishes and had a fly land on the cabinet about shoulder height. I executed a front snap kick to the cabinet and dropped the fly to the ground, much to my own amazement.

Anyway I am not planning on going on a rampage, but I thought this was kinda funny.

Best Regards,

We shall now call you,,,,JD Nelson, the Master Fly Killer. We all will now bow down to your superiority :)
One day (about two years ago...) at a seminar in Schenectady, New York, Frank Trejo was whipping flies out of mid flight with his belt. When I asked him why... he quietly folded his belt in his lap, turned, leaned in close to me, and whispered: "This belt has death on it now..." :eek:

JD Nelson must have been taking lessons from Frank Trejo. Perhaps there is a reason for this madness... Maybe they're Cobra Kai Flies? :lol:

Have a great Kenpo Day,
Billy Lear
yep. LOL. I've got a sprained hand to attest to his skills as a 3rd brown... Billy as 2nd brown frightens me!

(Just kidding, Billy... put the katana down...please?)
Billy looks like Charles Manson. Especially when he's doing kenpo. its the eyes...its this totally cold look that says that he could kill you in a second if he wanted to... and you just have to trust that he won't. LOL.

Just kidding... Billy's a great guy who wouldn't hurt anyone (on purpose, unless you've really, really pissed him off) ... he has been known to fire guns at small, furry animals, though. I think he scared that poor skunk silly.

Originally posted by JD_Nelson

...This evening I was doing some dishes and had a fly land on the cabinet about shoulder height. I executed a front snap kick to the cabinet and dropped the fly to the ground, much to my own amazement...

Ya know, I've seen something like that...

My wife was playing around, throwing punches at me and a few friends while out at a night club.

A friend jokingly asks her 'Don't you have any control?' she says 'yeah' and turns around throwing a punch at a martini glass (she intended to stop short of it)...

She snapped the punch at the glass, it looked as if she had really just barely missed the glass, and a few fractions of a second later the top half of the glass just falls over next to where it had started, broken at the top of the stem, the base still exactly where it started. Was pretty funny at the time, though after many attempts she has been unable to reproduce the effect quite the same as that night.

I guess you had to be there...


Known in south Texas as the "Lord of the Flies" Ricardo works hard training Fly's in the Tracy methods of flying. For all you armatures out there plucking them out of the sky's...... go pick on mosquitoes or grasshoppers and leave the fly's to develop under Ricardo's guidance.

Did the fly look like he was going to attack? I always thought kenpo was about self-defense....

It's a sad day when another kenpoist swings over to the Dark Side, using his/her skills for evil rather than good....


I bet that poor fly won't have the guts to attack you again, you brute:)
Hey Jeremy
Guess Tod was wrong...
with your Kenpo skills
You really could hurt a fly.
I'd say take it up with him in class this weekend. ;)
Your Brother

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