Lovable lefties, more fun in greece

You really don't understand what's going on in Greece do you?
Lol . They are greek. Not american anything. Are you conflating again? Sounds kind of like a smear campaign to me.
How could he. I think a lot of people in Europe don't get it....

I'm afraid we do get it, that's why we have a Civil Service and teachers strike here on Thursday and a potential general strike in the autumn. It started with the banks and the American sub prime market now countries are going bankrupt. Jobs are being lost, the people taxed more, have to work longer until they retire on less pensions. We know very well what these 'austerity' measures mean, for one thing the banks just keep rolling in the money and we are paying for it. The Greeks have had enough and are showing their displeasure to the government who are due to vote on Wednesday on these austerity measures which are harsh. As the Greek people say, the recession isn't their ( or ours for that matter) fault so why are they having to pay for it? why indeed.

and the fat cats are still laughing all the way to the bank...
The sub-prime disaster is completely covered in the book "Reckless endangerment". It names the names and the government and wallstreet bodies that caused the collapse.

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