losing weight on a budget...


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 24, 2002
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does anyone else run into this problem...

Healthy foods are EXPENSIVE!

I'm at a point in my life right now where I don't have a whole lot of cash... (will be starting a new job in September that's a 12K raise, but I've been struggling with this for a while, so I was wondering if others were in the same boat)

Its cheaper for me to grab a couple of tacos or a burrito at taco bell than it is to go to the store, get fresh fruits and veggies, lean cut meats, fresh fish, and wheat breads that don't taste like sawdust. And nevermind those diet shakes (the EAS Results ones work great for me, I just don't have the cash for them right now).

How do you deal with eating healthy when you can't afford foods that are good for you?

Bob Hubbard

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Some timps from various threads

Originally posted by KenpoGirl
One tip for you and anyone who opts for fast food for convience sake is to go to all the fast food web sites and look at their nutritional guides. (They have to post them by law I believe) and see what you can and can not eat. Here are the biggies

McDonalds Menu Page

Burger King Menu section

Arby's Nutritional Guide

Denny's Nutritional Gude

Domino's Menu, look for the nutritional guides at the bottom of the lists

Swish Chalet Nutritional guide

Taco Bell Nutritional Guide

Just add up the calories of what you usually eat and see what you get.

Example. I usually order a Big Mac Combo when going to McDonalds. I looked it up on the site, for a Big Mac, Med Fries, and Med Sprite there are 1124 calories.

My current diet guide is 1200 to 1500 calories a day. That means this one meal took up nearly all of my calories for that day. Scary stuff eh?

No wonder the majority of people in North American (that includes Canadians) are over weight or obese. Something to think about.



Q. When dieting, when is the best time to weigh myself?
The best time to weigh yourself on the weighing scales is when you get up in the morning.

As the day progresses, your weight can rise several pounds.

But don't weigh yourself more than once a week.
This is asking for trouble!

Some Tips: http://www.annecollins.com/weight-loss/fas...weight-loss.htm

You may want to give this site a look. Its got some tips that seem reasonable to me. Remember, a balanced diet, some excercize and a good nights sleep will be the healthiest way to go.

How to Lose Weight As Fast As Possible
Rule No. 1
Don't try to lose weight fast, without first checking with your doctor

Rule No. 2
Don't waste your precious time trying to achieve the impossible!

The speed at which you can lose weight (without regaining it) is dependent on various factors. Including: Your present weight. Your general lifestyle. How active you are. How regular your lifestyle is. Your health & family history. The amount of stress in your life.

The fastest possible weight loss
In my experience, the quickest that the "average" person can lose weight successfully
is as follows:

If you're 224 pounds (16 stone) or more
You can lose up to 4 pounds a week
This adds up to 28 pounds (2 stone) in about 7 weeks

If you're 182 pounds (13 stone) or more
You can lose up to 3 pounds a week
This adds up to 28 pounds (2 stone) in about 9½ weeks

If you're 154 pounds (11 stone) or more
You can lose up to 2½ pounds a week
This adds up to 28 pounds (2 stone) in about 12 weeks

If you're under 154 pounds (11 stone)
You can lose up to 1½ pounds a week
This adds up to about 14 pounds (1 stone) in 7-10 weeks

Does this sound too slow for you?
I hope not. Because you won't do it any faster.
Sure, you might LOSE weight faster.
But you'll REGAIN it just as quickly.

See also: Fast Weight Loss Story 1 and Fast Weight Loss Story 2
Rule No. 3
Make sure you follow a sensible balanced diet

In my daily slimming consultancy, I meet many slimmers whose bodies have been wrecked by gimmicky diets, single-food plans and other nonsensical diet-programs. And it takes me ages to help them recover. So if you really want to lose weight fast, AVOID the gimmicky diets and choose a sensible diet plan that allows you lots to eat and offers a balanced menu.

Rule No. 4
Never go hungry! Remember, hunger is still the biggest diet-killer!

Most slimmers still think that the less they eat, the faster they lose weight. This is nonsense.
Why? Because food makes us happy. So the less we eat, the more uptight and miserable we get. Result? Hello cookies, Goodbye diet!

The moral? If you want to lose weight fast and keep it off, don't allow yourself to go hungry. A full stomach is still the best protection against temptation - so KEEP YOURS FULL.

Rule No. 5
Make friends with good food!

We live in a fast-food society.
We eat too much restaurant-food, junk food, instant snacks and processed foods.

These foods are usually very high in the two most-fattening ingredients: FAT and SUGAR.
Which is why obesity is becoming such a problem, especially in America where an estimated 1 in 3 children are overweight (never mind the adults).

The moral? If you want to lose weight fast and keep it off, make friends with good food.

Fast Weight Loss Food Tips (Obvious, but important)
1. Learn more about food and nutrition
2. Do more home-cooking and less eating out
3. When eating out, choose non-fat or healthy options
4. When shopping, choose fresh foods whenever possible and buy less processed food
5. Drink water, 100 per cent fruit juices diluted 1/2-1/2 water, or calorie-free soft drinks

For more information about sensible eating, click: Sensible Eating
To find out how you can lose up to 28 pounds in 4 weeks, click: Weight Loss.

See also: http://rustaz.com/bbs/index.php?&act=ST&f=23&t=579


I've also found that's it's costing me a lot more money since I've changed the way do groceries. The way I look at it, most of us spend a few dollars here and there every week on things we don't really need. We don't notice this money being spent because it's in such small amounts. Since it is well worth it to buy the healthy foods such as fresh fruits and veggies, lean meats, etc.. I spend the money necessary on those groceries but then I just cut corners in other areas like maybe not buy that piece of clothing or go out for that lunch etc...

Also, watch the sales and when you see good deals on those healthy things, stock up - this goes especially for the meats since they can be frozen. There are also lots of really good frozen fruits and veggies that you can stock up on when they go on sale.

As far as good whole grain breads, make it. Using a breadmaker, there's nothing better and you can find so many really good whole grain recipes - and it's soooo easy.


McDonald's has a Chicken McGrill. With no mayo, it's pretty low on
fat (add all the mustard you want too). They also have salad
shakers which are healthy, and cheap .. I guess buying in bulk
really does help LOL.

Jack In The Box has a Chicken Fajita Pita .. pretty good on the
calories and low on fat as is. They also have cheap salads, but
not your normal everyday "garden salad".

Stretch any salad dressing with dill pickle juice (I personally only
like this when done with the "creamy" dressings).

I realize you said "healthy", which can be a broad statement, so ignore what doesn't fit. I definitely concede your point .. healthy
is $$$.


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Apr 24, 2002
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I love the chicken fajita pita, and the chicken mc grill...

the thing is... those are between $2-3 each. At jack in the box, you can get two tacos for under a buck, and ditto with two hamburgers at micky d's.

why is it that if its good for me, it costs more money?!



Forget all the health food stuff...really.
It is going to be expensive....but change the way you live..that is a big part of it.

First.....eat often...good stuff like Higher protein. Eat Chicken, tuna fish, and veggies. They are not all the expensive, and you can get quite a few meals out of them.

I will have a high protein shake at about 4:30am. Work out, ANother high protein shake, then about 10am 2 chicken brests.
11:30 i have 2 tuna fish sandwiches (fat frree miracle whip).
After that, every 2 hours i eat something decent with more carbs. Pasta salad I love...not to bad either.

Now I am a bigger guy, but I lost about 20 #'s very easily by eating more often, better stuff....and i never had to eat any tofu type crap!!

good luck.


Apr 17, 2002
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At an OP in view of your house...
I am in agreement with progressive tactics on his methodology; however you might not need the protien shakes. I like the protien shakes for supplementation, but I am a bigger male (as is Progressivetactics). I also know that these products can be a strain on the budget.

So, I would like to add a few suggestions.

#1 decide the type of diet you want. Essentially you have to cut calories to a degree, so decide if you want them to be fat calories or carb calories. Some people like the low carb, moderate fat, high protien diets. Others are more comfortable with the low fat, moderate carb, high protien diet. Either is fine, it just depends on you.

#2 COOK IN BULK! The key to staying within a budget is eating out as little as possible. Cook every couple of days in bulk instead. Now, this will require "smarter" grocery shopping, meaning finding what is healthy and on sale. It will seem like your spending a lot on food because your grocery bill is representing your food expense for the week. However, If you were to track your food expense you'll find that by eating good foods and cooking in bulk is actually less expensive then getting fast food, and just cooking per meal. You conserve more, and waste a lot less. Also carry a small cooler with your food for the day with you to work, or wherever. When everyone is going out to lunch and spending $6, $10, or $15, or whatever, that'll be $$ and empty calories you'll be saving.

Also, when grocery shopping, carry a small calculator and tally up what your spending as you shop. I find that this helps a lot. Before I would do this, I would be picking up this thing or that thing, but it wasn't all stuff I really needed. Then when I get to the checkout...suprise! I am spending a lot more then I expected. Don't get suprised at the checkout. By calculating it as you go along, you have more control over what your spending.



Apr 17, 2002
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At an OP in view of your house...
Also...stocking up is good when there is a sale, but only to a degree. Don't get caught up with stocking up too much on something that won;t get used, or will take a year to use. A month's supply of anything is the highest you should go, otherwise your just wasting $$. There will always be sales; they come and go.

In other words, if there is a sale on saltine crackers, don't you buy 10 boxes unless you consume that in a month. If you consume 10 boxes every year and a half, you basically wasted $$ and room in your pantry.

These may sound like trivial suggestions, but I have seen people get caught up in all sorts of bad habits.



I agree with Paul.
One other thing to remember:

Taste Buds are trainable.
Don't quit something because the first time you try it, it tastes terrible. ALMOST ALL FOOD THAT IS GOOD FOR YOU TASTES LIKE CRAP....You can move past that, though. I couldn't stand Diet pop in the beginning....now if I drink a pop, it is a reward...and it is a diet.. Tuna Fish sandwiches with fat free miracle whip....Yippee, right? Well, actually.......i am craving my daily fix. You can move past cravings and 'bad' tasting stuff. Triskits...what about these flavorless harsh pieces of drywall with salt......I can't get enough of them.....a box in the car...a box at the house...i used to keep one at my desk for snacking through out the day..

Unbelieveble as to what you can get used to......Hey Paul.....kind of like marriage.....Strange what you will learn to accept and tolerate!!!


This should be easy. No money = No food! The weight will be gone in No time! Very simple.


yeah, but you want to look good while dieing of starvation.
Look at those etheopian kids hangin with Sally Struthurs. They all have bloated stomachs, like they just got out of her food trailer before shooting the commercial.
The trick is to go the brink of starvation, without looking bloated....because that is all we really want, is to be looking like the best shaped guy/girl in the funeral home!


Here's a thought for you folks in the cities. If you have the time, travel outside the metro areas to the ag areas and find farms that grow the food you need. You can usually buy food direct alot cheaper than in the store, plus get connected with other farmers that can supply other items. Try farmers markets, but be careful because sometimes the food isn't cheaper than in the store. Don't get hung up on organically grown, find a small farmer that gives a crap about his farm and you'll find some of the best grown and safe food. A plus is that you can go out and pick some yourself for exercises.

Mountain Sage


yes, but i have yet to find a farm in my vacintity with ice cream and doritoes!!!


I hope progressive I don't have to explain the process of making ice cream and doritoes at home from scratch:D . A person can make some killer dorito type chips at home. I made some hot pepper one that looking at them made your eyes water.

Mountain Sage


well, mt. sage.....maybe in eastern oregon you have to make ice cream and doritoes from scratch....but in detroit, most of the things grown are illegal unless prescribed by a doctor for glaucoma. I wouldn't have the foggest idea how to make either. But I can certainly walk 1/2 mile in either direction and purcashse both of them!!!


Yellow Belt
Oct 3, 2010
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Melbourne, Australia
First.....eat often...good stuff like Higher protein. Eat Chicken, tuna fish, and veggies. They are not all the expensive, and you can get quite a few meals out of them.

Agreed with that. Those food are healthy and they shouldn't be expensive. There are lots of foods you can eat and spend lot of money. Look for good, cheap combination's.

On the other hand, make food your priority number one in life, maybe save some money on some other things if you can.




Master of Arts
Dec 17, 2009
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There are alot of reasons why the worst food for you is the cheapest. The government subsidizes corn, so food industries use corn in everything, because it's cheap. The patties you get at fast food places are made with meat that is basically "FDA grade Z, but edible meat." You may be getting "Angus" beef at these places, but it certainly isn't the good stuff. The preservatives in these foods is astounding as well.. .

But as for economical healthy food sources, many have been listed previously in this thread. Some fresh produce can cost more, but by in large, most of it is cheaper than it's counterpart in a big mac. You just have to be a bit more regimented and calculated in your shopping, as mentioned previously. Someone also talked about frozen veg, which is a great way to get great high nutrient produce that isn't as perishable as the stuff in the produce aisle. There are plenty of protein sources that don't cost much too. Look at dry beans, you can by them by the pound for only a couple of dollars, and 1 cup of dry beans usually equates out to 2 1/2 pounds of cooked. Not to mention the fiber content (which fills you up quicker). Greens that you have to slow cook, i.e. collards, mustard, etc., are awesome and super cheap. Certain fresh produce will keep longer than others, things like head cabbage keep for a good while and are great in stir fries, salads, and used in place of carbs for wraps.

When I was in Chiropractic school in Chicago, our clinical nutrition/pharmacology professor used to take patients to their grocery store to teach them how to spend the same amount of money of the food budget and make much healthier choices.

Farmers Markets are a great way to get produce cheap too!

You just have to put more effort into cooking for healthy food to be as economical as fast food.


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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I think possibly in the 7 years since the OP posted this the problem may have been settled, hope so anyway as all food is more expensive now.:)


Master of Arts
Dec 17, 2009
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I think possibly in the 7 years since the OP posted this the problem may have been settled, hope so anyway as all food is more expensive now.:)

Haha! I read all these posts, and didn't realize until you just posted that the OP was from 2002.. . I gotta pay more attention to those things :p


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Jul 2, 2006
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Northern VA
I think possibly in the 7 years since the OP posted this the problem may have been settled, hope so anyway as all food is more expensive now.:)
But that doesn't mean that new members can't shed useful light on the general situation, if not the OP's specific situation. I mean, I think we're all still eating and still trying to eat healthy on the cheap, no?

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