looking for Parker videos



Does anyone out there know if you can still purchase the Ed Parker videos, sophisticated basics 1 & 2.

I am trying to expand my kenpo video library and thought the Parker videos were no longer being sold. While searching for something else I accidently stumbled across some, but three days after ordering my purchase was refunded ( out of stock).

Are they still in print??
Please help.
E-bay might be your best bet. Maybe someone here has a set they want to sell. Didn't someone have an ad for Ed parker tapes that used to run in Black Belt mag?

Brian Jones
Thanks Brian and seabrook I just located a set and bought it.
Anytime you want videos, just e-mail [email protected] He has the largest collection of Martial Arts Videos on the east coast (that I've seen), he's also the founder of Lotus Video Productions. Best of luck! :partyon:
I have quite a few Ed Parker videos and would love to trade copies for others I don't have. If anyone is interested let me know what you have.
They were both pretty cool. I enjoyed hearing Mr. Parker speak again and also enjoyed watching Mr. Chavies footwork in the second tape. As far as the information in the tapes, it's like having Infinite Insights vol. 2 on videotape.

Speaking of Mr. Chavies anyone know what he is doing now? I have taken two seminars of his( 1 in Long beach in 95 and one in Las Vegas in 97 I think it was) but haven't heard much from him since.
Hi Folks,
Due to the recent death of My Mom's companion, I have created a webpage to raise some funds for the funeral expenses that my mom has had to incur. It has been extremely difficult for her with the loss of a 34 year relationship and the financial as well as emotional burden has worn heavy on her. So, i decided to help by opening up my martial arts library and offering some rare tapes. The webpage will be updated often as I describe new items I find and view from my archives.
Thank you for your time and any assistance you can be would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time,
Hi Folks, Due to the recent death of My Mom's companion, I have created a webpage to raise some funds for the funeral expenses that my mom has had to incur. It has been extremely difficult for her with the loss of a 34 year relationship and the financial as well as emotional burden has worn heavy on her. So, i decided to help by opening up my martial arts library and offering some rare tapes. The webpage will be updated often as I describe new items I find and view from my archives.
Thank you for your time and any assistance you can be would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time, KENPOJOE
Mr. Rebelo,
Sorry for your loss. I'll definitely take a look at the webpage.
