Looking for opinions on my testing.

The instructor owner of the school who had recommended Shaun's promotion test, is a very good friend of ours as we all trained together under the GM years ago. This is his first shcool, and he really wants to make it a top notch program. Unfortunately, as stated in a previous thread, one of the masters in question is also his landlord. Now that the deception is out in the open, what really ticks me off the most, is now he can see that he really isn't in control of his own school. After talking to my son, we have decided to continue to train and better ourselves until we test in May. Our insturctor will also be testing for his 4th at that time as well. We will all rise to the occasion and show everyone including the questionable masters, what being a black belt is really about. Honor, respect, and indominable spirit.
Not necessarily... maybe time for a change in middle management, though, and if Shaun's account jibes with what the GM thinks about what happened, that could happen pretty soon.

I am not talking about changing styles, but he needs to condier finding a new place to train. Again,this is what I would do. There is no need to put up with stuff like that.
The instructor owner of the school who had recommended Shaun's promotion test, is a very good friend of ours as we all trained together under the GM years ago. This is his first shcool, and he really wants to make it a top notch program. Unfortunately, as stated in a previous thread, one of the masters in question is also his landlord. Now that the deception is out in the open, what really ticks me off the most, is now he can see that he really isn't in control of his own school. After talking to my son, we have decided to continue to train and better ourselves until we test in May. Our insturctor will also be testing for his 4th at that time as well. We will all rise to the occasion and show everyone including the questionable masters, what being a black belt is really about. Honor, respect, and indominable spirit.

You've got the right attitude, TKDM. But I would also think that your GM might have something to say to his assistants. Regardless of the details, they lied to him---pretty bloody disrespectful, however you slice it, eh?! It sounds like a bit of housecleaning is in order there.

So maybe some good will come of this in the end, if your GM now sees what kind of things are being done in his name. Meanwhile, good luck on your training---keep your eyes on the prize...
I guess I'm just gonna have to just take it and deal with the BS until the next test and then make the guy sorry he ever lied, by doing my best and showing him and all his students what it really means to be a BB. You know I would'nt be so pissed about the whole situation if he would have been straight up with me and told me the real reason, and I suspect the reason is that he and one of his students was going to become a master and he was going for his 5th dan and did not want a junior to undermine their skills in front of the GM. If he would have just told me that I would have said that's fine, just test me another day himself. I just don't think it's right for him to make me wait 6 months for any other reason than he is looking out for my best intrests, not his. But like I said I will go back to training and will test in 6 months, and show everyone that I am the bigger man by just doing my best and being a good role model to my juniors and seniors.
I guess I'm just gonna have to just take it and deal with the BS until the next test and then make the guy sorry he ever lied, by doing my best and showing him and all his students what it really means to be a BB. You know I would'nt be so pissed about the whole situation if he would have been straight up with me and told me the real reason, and I suspect the reason is that he and one of his students was going to become a master and he was going for his 5th dan and did not want a junior to undermine their skills in front of the GM. If he would have just told me that I would have said that's fine, just test me another day himself. I just don't think it's right for him to make me wait 6 months for any other reason than he is looking out for my best intrests, not his. But like I said I will go back to training and will test in 6 months, and show everyone that I am the bigger man by just doing my best and being a good role model to my juniors and seniors.

What a good attitude! Perseverence is one of the best tennants of tae kwon do. To show that you are willing to continue in the face of adversity speaks well.
I guess I'm just gonna have to just take it and deal with the BS until the next test and then make the guy sorry he ever lied, by doing my best and showing him and all his students what it really means to be a BB. You know I would'nt be so pissed about the whole situation if he would have been straight up with me and told me the real reason, and I suspect the reason is that he and one of his students was going to become a master and he was going for his 5th dan and did not want a junior to undermine their skills in front of the GM. If he would have just told me that I would have said that's fine, just test me another day himself. I just don't think it's right for him to make me wait 6 months for any other reason than he is looking out for my best intrests, not his. But like I said I will go back to training and will test in 6 months, and show everyone that I am the bigger man by just doing my best and being a good role model to my juniors and seniors.

Shaun, you've got that right. This too shall pass... a couple of years down the line and it won't make any difference, except that you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you acted with dignity.

matt.m said:
What a good attitude! Perseverence is one of the best tennants of tae kwon do. To show that you are willing to continue in the face of adversity speaks well.

To matt.m you listen!
Acting with dignity when others have failed to do so is what sets you apart.

I must remember this when my neighbor in my building has another midnight to 4am party...
Acting with dignity when others have failed to do so is what sets you apart.

I must remember this when my neighbor in my building has another midnight to 4am party...

Now that is a test of character... I don't think I'd measure up, if it came to that... especially if I hadn't been invited...
Now that is a test of character... I don't think I'd measure up, if it came to that... especially if I hadn't been invited...

We've been pretty patient with him, since it only seems to happen a few times a year, altho it is noisey enough that his speakers may as well be sitting on my bed, pounding my heart with the base... We have taken a position of not wanting to be the killjoy neighbors, even tho the building has an official policy of no noise after 10pm.

Over the last couple of weeks, we have been building a loft in our unit (we live in a converted Sears Building, high ceilings, big open space, etc.). All of our work has been during daytime, "noise" hours, it was approved by building management, etc.. But to properly anchor the loft, we needed to use a roto-hammer to drill into the concrete floor and ceiling. Well, this is a pretty noisey operation, but it had to be done, and keep in mind that we have been pretty quiet for the 5 years we have lived here.

So who should come knocking on our door to complain, on the first afternoon that we started building, and again a few days later when I had to do some more drilling? THE PARTY GUY!!! Go figure. It's always the biggest offenders are the first to complain. He was probably drinking all night and was hungover, heh heh...

We've continued to be polite about it, even bought a bottle of wine for him and his wife, and for the neighbors on the other side once the major building was done, as a peace offering (the other neighbors said they hardly noticed, go figure).

Well, we have some more drilling to do, as we need to hang some curtains around the loft for privacy issues, it's going to be kind of a guest room, and we don't have any other way to anchor the curtains. We will give a few days advance notice before we start again, but if he complains again, I think my days of tolerance with him have come to an end...