life begins at 80

Thanks Manny just when I was thinking about whining about doing MA at my age! (lol).
Great video, thanks for sharing.
That is indeed inspiring. Mind you, given that my dad is that age, only has one leg and still shows that much 'fire' gives me hope for my future too :D.
Its great to be reminded that age is just a number!

Any time that I feel discouraged or that I started my martial art "too late", I can remember how "the hobbit" was still rolling past 90, and that Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt at the age of 80. So surely I can learn to bob and weave at my age!
I'm hoping I can still do that in 40 years. Inspireing.
I've been sick this week, monday I have to atend a meeting so I could not go to training, tuesday I have a meeting at church too so I could not training, yestarday I was so unconfortable abou the flu I have that skip class too. I saw this video and yes it is inspiring I can't waint to recover to go training.
