Last Person #5

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What do you know...lunch time has finally arrived. THIS will be the fastest part of the day.
am i the only one who gets adds on MT for various dating sights. "meet Russian girls now" "Arab women dating" "Chinese women are waiting for you" "meet hot Thai girls"

i know a lot of adds are run off algorithms. just wondering if it is everyone getting them or just me...due to my time spent other sights .....:oops: :sorry:
I recently have gotten ads for home (Zillow), running shoes, board recruiting services, scanners. I don't think my surfing is as interesting as yours.
Ate too much on lunch...ugh! Well, I can walk it off at the end of the day when I go to my car. It's about an 8 minute walk away, which is enough to break up this bloated feeling.
I recently have gotten ads for home (Zillow), running shoes, board recruiting services, scanners. I don't think my surfing is as interesting as yours.
dont get me not complaining about the eye candy i see as i visit MT
I recently have gotten ads for home (Zillow), running shoes, board recruiting services, scanners. I don't think my surfing is as interesting as yours.

I rarely get any ads...and when I do they are all martial arts supply ads..... what can I say..... when it comes to web surfing....I am apparently pretty boring
Just registered me and Maria for a Tough Mudder Half (5 miles) next October. Now I need to register myself for a Tough Mudder (10 miles), but have to decide between Virginia in June (possibly hotter than 6 levels of Hell) or the day after I do the Half (probably walking) with Maria.
Just registered me and Maria for a Tough Mudder Half (5 miles) next October. Now I need to register myself for a Tough Mudder (10 miles), but have to decide between Virginia in June (possibly hotter than 6 levels of Hell) or the day after I do the Half (probably walking) with Maria.
Virginia in June... Very good chance of being warm. Humidity may not be too high... maybe.
It was fall in the Northeast here in the Northeast today.

And with that...goodnight MT
Today, we have awoken to a Southern fall here in the South. Tomorrow, we will have a brief Southern winter (or Northeastern fall), before returning to Southern fall.
For some strange reason.... I really want a donut..... maybe after class.... I will go get me one

as for the weather..... to be expected in the Northeast.... tomorrow however is basically being reported as the Monsoon season..... until Monday....but by then.... I will have had a donut
After an eighteen day vacation, it's back to work today. Ah, well, good to have a job.
I'm trying to talk a buddy into joining me. He's not a runner, so it will have the advantage of turning it into a mostly-walking event.
What are the details? Which event... I might get a streak of crazy and be persuadable... Could be fun.
What are the details? Which event... I might get a streak of crazy and be persuadable... Could be fun.
Tough Mudder. It’s much fun, and my buddy in VA doesn’t think he’s up to it (back and knee problems), so I’m looking for others to team with. I don’t know how much I’ll be able to run (I expect to be capable of at least half, if my ankle ever heals), but’s I guarantee to be fairly slow even when running.
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