Last Person #5

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My lease here runs out at the end of July. So I guess I know when I will be changing my address from Stillwater back to Troy.
Dangit! How is it GP is MIA for quite a while, but now he is about 3 posts ahead of me this month???
Good morning to all.

Making some major advances in my own training, at least in my mind, by leaps and bounds as I type up my ideas on exactly how I train. It's a good feeling!
Looking forward to getting to a class tonight. It'll be the first time I've managed to get into a class with someone senior to me in many months.
Looking forward to getting to a class tonight. It'll be the first time I've managed to get into a class with someone senior to me in many months.

This Wednesday will be my first time to class in two weeks. I don't think I will be with any seniors, but sometimes you just have to take what you can get.
I have not been to a class in months...and as far as my Taiji shifu's class goes, I have not been to a class with anyone senior to me in years....but there are seniors in the glass ;)...

But, with that said...I am going to go for a walk now
Yikes...I got so into my work that I never took lunch!

Going at 2. Be back at 2:45. Out at 4:15!!!
This Wednesday will be my first time to class in two weeks. I don't think I will be with any seniors, but sometimes you just have to take what you can get.
I enjoy any time I get to practice with someone with more than a couple of years of experience. The latter is my usual class attendees, so when I visit another school, I'm happy to get to play with other parts of the curriculum.
All right...I am too excited to not post this. While there IS a page on there where the artist and I offer our freelance services, and there is also a page called "Support REDemption," those are not the main thrust of this site, nor are they the reason I am sharing this here.

I just wanted to share my webcomic, since I have talked about it so much. Aside from the comic, there is a blog, videos from our YouTube channel, an "about us" section, and much more.

REDemption: The Webcomic
type of call I hate at work - a sales rep calls
asking for help.. I then say how I can help him
and he then says I'm wrong which makes me
wonder - then, why did you call..?
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