KT:Ohana Kenpo Web Site

Clark Kent

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Ohana Kenpo Web Site
By Rich_Hale - Fri, 16 Nov 2007 22:13:51 GMT
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


In Hawaiian, Ohana means Family.

Ohana Kenpo means Family Kenpo, or Kenpo Family.

www.OhanaKenpo.com is a new web site that is a family of schools who teach the Ed Parker System of Kenpo.

The purpose of this site is to offer a web presence to everyone who teaches Ed Parker's Kenpo and especially to those who have no web site of their own.

There is no charge for having a page on OhanaKenpo.com, but before anyone submits an application for a page, it would be a good idea to look over the web site and see if they agree with its content.

In the future I will be listing various curriculums (16, 24, 32) and examples of Kenpo techniques, sets, forms, etc., but I will not suggest any one curriculum is better than another.

As is the case in any family, the schools on this site will differ to lesser and greater degrees. No two schools will necessarily teach the same curriculum or have the same standard for achieving rank. But, everyone should have an opportunity to teach and we can only teach what we know and believe in. With this comes experience, with experience comes a greater understanding of what Kenpo really is.

If you would like to have a page on OhanaKenpo.com, simply go to the site and submit your school and instructor information for consideration.

Your brother in Kenpo,
Rich Hale


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