WW3 Combatives

WW3 Combatives

Yellow Belt
Jul 20, 2016
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Any relation to the climbing family of Swiss Guides, Edward Feuz Sr. &Jr. (both deceased...)....?
As far as I know, he is still alive. I haven't talked to him in over a year. My cousin is closer to him than I am and he hasn't said anything about him dying. Perhaps the Ed I know is the third Ed in his family.

drop bear

Sr. Grandmaster
Feb 23, 2014
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As this is a friendly forum I feel I should start with the good points as far as I understand them..he has taken a combatives system... Damian Ross self defense training system -of which he was an instructor- and then looked at it with a view to adding the principles of Russell Stutelys OPEN CIRCLE fighting method...which draws on the Dragon society international grandmasters Muncy and Moneymaker.....I am a coach for OCFM...He then adds this technology to the combatives as he sees it should be done..plus wing chun principles etc.

This is an innovative thing to do and something I woud love to do ......so the actual concepts here are very sound....

Most bloggers here are objecting to the marketing......and some execution in clips.......I can fully understand the guys speaking from experience...the knife is an area I cant comment cos I don't think there is any real realistic defence....clear the weapon and attack..maybe.

so I defend the innovation ....we are all immature and getting better...he had the balls to do this and post....we were all younger once....so I think in time this innovation will catch on....just my opinion and in the true spirit of the martial arts I respect yours,T

So is he trying to be conceptual or technical?

There seems to be a lot of techniques. Which i wouldn't try to do if i was banging together a combatives.

Tony Dismukes

MT Moderator
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Nov 11, 2005
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Lexington, KY
The man that created this system is Edward Feuz.

I wonder why he titled it "ancient" if it was something he created. I also wonder why he called it "qigong" if it's Swiss in origin. Not your responsibility, of course, but it seems that he gave his creation a rather misleading name.

I understand why you would attack me.

Not really an attack on you personally, but certainly a critique on the videos you've shown and the sales pitch on your website.

I was able to see what everyone was saying. It's not that I don't know what I'm talking about or that my form is bad. It is that my videos are seen out of context and there is no explanation to why I am doing what I am doing in the videos.

Even if your system was the best in the world, you wouldn't be doing your students any favors by providing instructional videos where you don't explain why you are doing what you are doing.

What is it that you train in? This will give me a better understanding of where you are coming and why you see things the way you do.

I've been training martial arts for about 35 years now. My current primary art is BJJ, but I do some other training as well and have spent time on a variety of arts over the years. I've tried to do some rough calculations on the mat time I've spent on different arts over the years and it currently works out to something like this:

5500+ hours BJJ (black belt)
2000+ hours Muay Thai (instructor license)
1500+ hours Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (black belt)
600+ hours Yudansha Fighting Systems (a Danzan ryu spinoff)
500+ hours Boxing
400+ hours Judo
300+ hours SCA heavy weapons fighting
100+ hours Kali (various flavors), Wrestling
10 - 100 hours each TKD, Bando, Tai Chi, Karate, Sambo, Wing Chun, Capoeira
less than 10 hours each Silat, JKD, Shaolin Do, HEMA

That's not including time spent reading and studying videos, which I've also done quite a lot of.

I'll let the others provide their own bios, but I can tell you that several of them have training backgrounds that
are as extensive than my own or more so.


Black Belt
Jun 19, 2016
Reaction score
Texas, USA
When you practise pulling to develop pushing strength, it is like pulling back on a sling shot. Developing the back muscles actually pulls on the pecs causing them to open up. Which engages them and makes them function.

Wow. It's hard to know where to start with all of that, but this is as good of a place as any. What you wrote there is the exact opposite of how the body actually works. When a muscle on the posterior side of particular joint contracts, it does not make it easier to recruit the muscles on the anterior. In fact, it actually makes it harder to recruit them. It's called Reciprocal Inhibition, and there are a ton of studies showing this phenomenon, from simple reflex actions such as removing one's hand from a hot stove, to more complex tasks such as training for strength, or cyclic tasks such as cycling.


Black Belt
Jun 19, 2016
Reaction score
Texas, USA
At his strongest, he was able to lift 6 times his body weight, he could do 1000 push ups with out stopping and could jump 5' high. I know it sounds impossible...

It sounds impossible because it is BS. The strongest people in the world, as in elite level athletes in lifting sports, cannot lift anywhere near that much. The world's greatest Olympic Weightlifters lift only approximately 3 times their body weight, and World Record holding Powerlifters lift around 3-4, and that is with a squat suit, deadlift suit, and bench press shirt, plus knee wraps and wrist wraps, to make things easier.


Black Belt
Jun 19, 2016
Reaction score
Texas, USA
This system focuses on pulling instead of pushing.

All muscles pull, and none of them push. That being said, you certainly can training pressing/pushing motions. However, the suggestion that by training a pulling motion (such as a row, etc), you are developing the muscles on the opposite side of the body (pec major, minor, anterior delt, etc.), is entirely false. Muscles respond to damage which is induced mechanically and metabolically. No loading = no damage = no adaptation. In relatively untrained persons, you can see low/moderate strength adaptations through stretching a muscle statically, but that is about it.
WW3 Combatives

WW3 Combatives

Yellow Belt
Jul 20, 2016
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Wow. It's hard to know where to start with all of that, but this is as good of a place as any. What you wrote there is the exact opposite of how the body actually works. When a muscle on the posterior side of particular joint contracts, it does not make it easier to recruit the muscles on the anterior. In fact, it actually makes it harder to recruit them. It's called Reciprocal Inhibition, and there are a ton of studies showing this phenomenon, from simple reflex actions such as removing one's hand from a hot stove, to more complex tasks such as training for strength, or cyclic tasks such as cycling.
Since I am only a student in this system, I have a very limited understanding of the science behind it all. I can only speak from experience. I was told that most of the world does exercise backwards. Don't take my word for it. We all have different perspectives that we have trained from. This works for me and I will continue to do it.
WW3 Combatives

WW3 Combatives

Yellow Belt
Jul 20, 2016
Reaction score
I just learned that I should not be speaking about Ed and his system. It is not my place to use his name. I would appreciate if we didn't go around telling everyone about him. Out of respect to his wishes. I was just trying to explain to everyone what my system is about. My understanding of his system and his family are way too limited for me to speak about it. I only know what I have been taught about my own body and the little stories he told me while we were training.


Black Belt
Jun 19, 2016
Reaction score
Texas, USA
I was told that most of the world does exercise backwards. Don't take my word for it. We all have different perspectives that we have trained from.

This is not a situation where more than one thing can be true depending on how one looks at it. Nor is it a matter of perspective on what we have trained. It is about volumes of scientific data from peer-reviewed journals on how the body does or does not work.


Green Belt
Jun 22, 2016
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Since I am only a student in this system, I have a very limited understanding of the science behind it all. I can only speak from experience. I was told that most of the world does exercise backwards...
Hey! You may be onto something here!
From now on, I will not lift weights. I will have people hand them to me then I'll drop them on the floor! Brilliant!!
And to think...all this time, I'd been exercising backward. [emoji12]

"Re-stomp the groin"
Sent from my iPhone 6+ using Tapatalk

tony dear

White Belt
Jul 31, 2016
Reaction score
Edward Feuz is the creator of Ancient Swiss Medical Qigong. It is not a martial art. It is a system of stretching and exercise that supports postural health. Postural health is maintained through proper muscle length and balance. This is achieved through the stretching and exercises. I will break down the name. Ancient (Our original human design), Swiss (Comes from Swiss Mountain Climbers), Medical (You can correct any and all physical imbalances. Imbalances cause many different illnesses), Qigong (The exercises which are supported by belly breathing, develops energy in a similar way to the art of Qigong).

Ed has been training since he was a child. When he was born, one side of his body was shorter than the other. So his family worked with him and taught him many things. He has also had many injuries that should have paralized him. One of his lower vertebrae has been completely destroyed. Like it isn't even there anymore. Even with all of this he is in perfect balance. He is 70 years old, has a 10 pack and can lift 3 times his body weight. At his strongest, he was able to lift 6 times his body weight, he could do 1000 push ups with out stopping and could jump 5' high. I know it sounds impossible but it is true. I am no where near that.

I broke my back when I was 21 and this is the only thing that has helped me. I have been training in this system for 3+ years and because of having to correct my injury it is taking me longer to progress through the system. It has taught me a great deal about my body and has taken my once debilitating pain away. The understanding it has given me has allowed me to look at my Martial Arts and Combatives in a different way. I know the world has no idea what ASMQ is. This system focuses on pulling instead of pushing. When you practise pulling to develop pushing strength, it is like pulling back on a sling shot. Developing the back muscles actually pulls on the pecs causing them to open up. Which engages them and makes them function. Shoulders back and down, not pronated forward. The stuff I have learned so far totally rewired what I had originally thought. All those years of training my body incorrectly, so much wasted time. It was a big shot to the ego but one that I accepted fully. I was in a great deal of pain and I wanted it to end.

Ed owns a gym called Rocky Mountain Health and Fitness in Nelson BC. Canada. He does consider his knowledge in a way a secret. He does not advertise, he doesn't need to. The amount of people he gets from refferals is more than he can handle already.

I hope my explanation helps. I am not a coach in this system. Simply a student that now understands his body on a whole new level.
Thanks Joe.... very clear now.

tony dear

White Belt
Jul 31, 2016
Reaction score
Ancient Swiss Medical Qigong is a real thing. It is not a martial art. It is a system of stretching and exercise that focuses on Postural health, proper muscle length, creating balance in the body and incredible strength. The man that created this system is Edward Feuz. He does not advertise it. It is very similar to what Paul Check teaches but better. I am not a coach in this system. I am just someone that has been practicing and living it for the past 3+ years. I broke my back when I was 21 and it is the only thing that has helped me. It taught me how the body is supposed to move. In our lives we become very much out of balance and this causes pain and overtime limits our ability to move our bodies freely. It brings us back to the physical state we were in when we were children. Ed is now 70 years old, has a 10 pack and can lift 3 times his body weight. At his strongest he was lifting 6 times his body weight, which is unheard of. His family line are Swiss Mountain climbers. They know exactly what they are doing when it comes to developing incredible strength and endurance. They were the ones that marked the route for the railway system in the Rocky Mountains. I will break down the name Ancient Swiss Medical Qigong, the way it was explained to me. Ancient(Our original design), Swiss(Comes from Swiss Mountain Climbers), Medical(Can cure any physical imbalance), Qigong(uses and develops energy in the body through proper breathing through every movement).

The way I have incorporated this into my system is by keeping everything within proper healthy human movement. Using our natural range of motion. Everything connects to the core, I use joint focus, large muscle groups. Fight or Flight are the natural reactions to stress. All the muscles used in Flight are also the same muscles that are used in Fight. Not saying I am the first person to realize this. I am just saying that Ancient Swiss Medical Qigong supports this and shows it on a level which most people are not aware of. Wing Chun is the only Kung Fu that what designed around human movement. When I started traininig in ASMQ I was able to understand what I was doing incorrectly. My imbalances caused me natural do things wrong.

My training in martial arts is not a joke. I have been training the past 14 years and I train everyday. It is my life. My certifications are not from weekend seminars. I earned my rankings and I train very hard. I understand why you would attack me. A lot of people in the martial arts world talk the talk but have never walked the walk. I have trained with what I consider amazing teachers, who also trained with amazing teachers. Their knowledge and experience has been passed on to me.

I know what I am offering is different. It is like nothing I've seen before. The combination of the 3 systems works so great together. They are all systems that are based on principles (Self Defense Traininng System, Wing Chun Kung Fu and Open Circle Fighting Method. I believe practicing principles is the best and most effective way to practice martial arts and combatives. It is about learning how to move the body and then using this understanding in all the techniques. It creates a base that the student can work from, a consistency that works through out the entire system.

I understand that people here have been training way longer than me. Which is awesome. I am not taking anything away from them. I do very much appreciate all the comments. My ego took a shot haha, but after stepping back and looking at all the comments with a clear and calm eye I was able to see what everyone was saying. It's not that I don't know what I'm talking about or that my form is bad. It is that my videos are seen out of context and there is no explanation to why I am doing what I am doing in the videos.

I never said I was a knife expert. They are 2 videos out of 162 of a complete system. If you were to have watched the entire striking module the knife videos would make total sense. My mistake was to share them without the background to go with them. Which leads to misunderstanding and barge of bashing lol.

What is it that you train in? This will give me a better understanding of where you are coming and why you see things the way you do.
The instructors you have trained with have my complete respect and they have passed on to you all you needed to know to combine the best of three worlds....but into a set of principles.....with further dvds and explanation I am sure it will catch on......combatives from DAMIAN ross IS AWESOME......combatives with pressure points is more awesome.....plus wing chun..... human body based kung fu is the other paert of a very effective secret sauce...... this system is not really for martial artists...the principles can be added to MA though.... its for combatives enthusiasts getting an extra edge......I have a ton of dvds for self defence... this one is my new go to ....

tony dear

White Belt
Jul 31, 2016
Reaction score
If they give nothing away, then there's no point to having posted them in the first place.

They do give something away, though. They demonstrate the general quality of your movement, if nothing else.

If the resume posted on your site is accurate, then we do have a pretty good idea of your training experience and skill level. Judging from what you showed in your videos, the resume seems believable.

Feel free to explain what "Ancient Swiss Medical Qigong" is and provide sources.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. In this case I'd be happy to start out with just a clip of you moving your body in a highly effective, powerful, efficient, and natural way. Once we have that, we can discuss what qualifies as "most" with regard to those qualities.

I totally understand youthful enthusiasm. I think many of us, when we were at the point of having a little bit of experience in a few different arts, had a dream of creating a new system of our own that combined those different arts. Some people actually carry through and do it. Of those, a small percentage end up creating something really solid that passes the test of time.

If you look at those arts which really met success, despite being created by relatively inexperienced martial artists, they had to prove themselves. It wasn't just a matter of putting out advertising copy which said "this is the best thing ever, trust me!"

Bruce Lee had just a relatively modest base in Wing Chun, Boxing, and a smattering of other Kung Fu styles when he created JKD. However he was also a physically talented workaholic who trained with, taught, learned from and impressed some of the top martial artists and fighters of his day. He demonstrated his skills publically without fear of critical judgment. These factors, combined with the students he left behind and the fame from his movie career, resulted in JKD being an established, enduring art.

Carlos Gracie had just 2-3 years of "jiu-jitsu" (really judo) training before he started teaching. However he and his brothers and their students and extended family devoted decades to developing their art and proving its effectiveness through challenge matches against all comers. Thus the modern popularity of BJJ.

If Mr. Landry hopes to emulate the success of founders such as these, then he will need to put his art out for all to see and try to impress through the quality of his technique rather than the hyperbole of his sales pitch*. More importantly, to my mind, he will need to work on improving the quality of his technique so it can live up to his sales pitch - but that's just my opinion. Anyone who doesn't know me or my qualifications for making such a judgment is advised to take my opinions with a grain of salt.

*(Personally I would probably place some of the responsibility for said hyperbole on Mr. Landry's coach, Russell Stutely. Mr. Stutely also makes grandiose claims on his website. He's the one who made Mr. Landry a coach in his system after a couple years of video training and one month of in-person training. He has also apparently given his approval to Mr. Landry's new creation and business approach.)

tony dear

White Belt
Jul 31, 2016
Reaction score
If you do Martial Arts for business...inevitably you will have to innovate..... then market like hell to be successful...have a competitive advantage etc.....those of us who earn their living in another field dont have to do this...so we can be overwhelmed by the claims etc......I take all with a pinch of salt but really listen to the principles and check if something would improve my efficiency in dangerous situations... in this I think combatives coupled with a knowledge of pressure zones and how the body works will be a sound concept and worth exploring.


Founding Member
Oct 29, 2001
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Kennewick, WA
If you do Martial Arts for business...inevitably you will have to innovate..... then market like hell to be successful...have a competitive advantage etc.....those of us who earn their living in another field dont have to do this...so we can be overwhelmed by the claims etc......I take all with a pinch of salt but really listen to the principles and check if something would improve my efficiency in dangerous situations... in this I think combatives coupled with a knowledge of pressure zones and how the body works will be a sound concept and worth exploring.

You mean like repackaging really basic martial arts and selling it to people and telling them that by training "30 minutes per day two times per week, you will turn into a weapon of mass destruction?" What a joke. Self Defense Training with Damian Ross That is "market like hell" to succeed, and apparently you (literally) bought it.

You know what happens when that one hour of training per week runs into four hours of training per week who actually train against bodies? Those "engines of mass destruction" get their *** kicked.

tony dear

White Belt
Jul 31, 2016
Reaction score
Thats why I also train with bodies in kung fu and krav maga in Prague.

Tony Dismukes

MT Moderator
Staff member
Nov 11, 2005
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Lexington, KY
combatives from DAMIAN ross IS AWESOME

If you do Martial Arts for business...inevitably you will have to innovate..... then market like hell to be successful...have a competitive advantage etc.....

If by "innovate" you mean slap a new brand on some basic techniques and "market like hell" you mean spout a bunch of malarkey which can only be classified as delusional or outright lies, then Damian Ross does seem to be following your recipe for business success.

In the real world, training an hour per week without a training partner for 6 weeks will not make you into an invincible killing machine who can instantly pulverize attackers twice your size, no matter what system you are studying. Mr. Ross is preying on the gullible. I wouldn't recommend that Mr. Landry follow in his footsteps.

frank raud

Master of Arts
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
...combatives from DAMIAN ross IS AWESOME......combatives with pressure points is more awesome......
I learned combatives from Carl Cestari, first in person and then with his videos(I can be seen in the Fairbairn and O'Neill seminar tapes) and am certified in PPCT. Pressure points(as I learned them) are contradictory to combatives as taught by Carl, and I would assume Damian.

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