Knee pad and elbow pads


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
What are your thought of letting competitors wear the elbow and knee's gaurd now. until this year it was forbidden and do you find all this extra equipment is worth it. For me it just makes you a little slower with everything on but the result are not getting as hurt.
I haven't looked at this rule change, does it mean like knee and elbow pads (like volleyball players wear) or like a knee brace? I guess as long as it is all approved (no dangerous parts to hurt the other person) I don't really have a problem with it, but I agree with you on potentially making you slower. It does seem that there is a learning curve with sparring gear though. When I first started I was constantly readjusting my forearm pads, etc. just because I wasn't used to them and now I don't nearly as much, maybe it would be the same for the knee/elbow pads?
Personally, I don't see where they will help. I've never had injured knees or elbows while sparring. My knees creak and groan on occasion, but not as a result of sparring (AFAIK). Unless you are falling to your knees and elbows often during a match, what's the point?

Miles said:
Personally, I don't see where they will help. I've never had injured knees or elbows while sparring. My knees creak and groan on occasion, but not as a result of sparring (AFAIK). Unless you are falling to your knees and elbows often during a match, what's the point?


I agree why but they are letting competitors use them now.
1.) 7 years ago I was caught and spun down to the mat when sparring and damaged the miniscus <sp?> in my left knee. Fluid built up so much that I swear I could hear it sloshing around. Had to have fluid drawn off 3 times before things got better.

2.) Twice this year I've had knee-to-knee contact when my sparring partner and I both went to throw right leg round houses.

Both incidents were VERY painful. I would have no problems with knee or elbow pads.
the elbow and knee pads aren't really meant to protect the person wearing them, but the opponent, because sometimes when you kick, you hit their elbow and it really hurts. maybe its because i don't wear an instep guard, but who knows?
I like the idea wearing elbow pads. I fought a guy at a tournament (back in the stone ages) who was a big deal & on our state team. His 1st roundhouse landed right on my elbow. He finished w/ me (easily) & fought & beat 2 other guys. Then, he looked at his dad & said, " We need to go to the hospital, I can't walk." He was out of action for 6 months.

As his opponent, I don't really care. As an instructor, I think elbow pads are a great idea. JMO.
I think it was the 1988 Olympic games in Seoul, Korea, that I was watching on TV when I saw one competitor fall and snap is arm backwards, breaking it in half - - OUCH! I don't think any elbow pad would have helped there.

Many of us have our own horror stories of injuries which causes us to be inclined to desire better padding during sparring. In the several decades that I have been involved as a competitor and referee, I have seen virtually no knee or elbow injuries at tournaments, but a few broken fingers, toes, and a black eye or split lip.

However, I have had my elbows hit and I have accidentally kicked elbows, so I am all for a little more padding. I have worn both elbow and knee pads (not the knee brace that does not cover the cap, but a knee pad) in practice, and find it doesn't slow me down, in fact, the added tension around the muscles tends to help in my opinion. Nothing slows me down more than the fear of hitting someones elbow with my instep which leaves me limping for a few months. :)

I vote for full body armor!!! :tank: :lol2:

CM D. J. Eisenhart
Well I agre with Last on this full body armour what a concept. Sign me up.