Kenpo and 18 daoist palms; any connection?

don bohrer

Brown Belt
Mar 12, 2002
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
Is there a connection between kenpo and 18 daoist palms? This question came up during a conversation I had with my instructor last week. I have just began my search for answers. It is an interesting question, eh?

A Chinese philosophy founded by Lao-tzu in the 6th century b.c. that teaches conformity to the Tao by unassertive action and simplicity.

If any of you guys have studied 18 daoist palms or have insights on possible connections I would like to hear it.
According to my little history thing there is:

From what I researched the 18 hands were the root of pretty much all modern martial arts, so you can replace the word 'kenpo' with pretty much any martial art and the answer will still be yes (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

From what I understand, the 18 hands were strikes with each hand to all 8 major compass points (16) + a straight out punch with either hand (2). Since they were developed for exercise rather than defense (initially) you can see how they're a bit useless in the self defense context!

Originally posted by satans.barber

According to my little history thing there is:

From what I researched the 18 hands were the root of pretty much all modern martial arts, so you can replace the word 'kenpo' with pretty much any martial art and the answer will still be yes (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

From what I understand, the 18 hands were strikes with each hand to all 8 major compass points (16) + a straight out punch with either hand (2). Since they were developed for exercise rather than defense (initially) you can see how they're a bit useless in the self defense context!


Have you ever seen the Universal Pattern, Kenpo is predicated on that pattern. At your rank you'll see alot of stuff you don't understand yet, so don't take anything for granted.

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by ProfessorKenpo

Have you ever seen the Universal Pattern, Kenpo is predicated on that pattern. At your rank you'll see alot of stuff you don't understand yet, so don't take anything for granted.

Have a great Kenpo day


I have seen it but I don't understand it, it just looks like Ed was playing with a Spirograph to me! I'm trying to read these II books in order, and I think it's in the last one so I might learn a little more when i get to it.
Nobody in our club has ever mentioned it (typical!).

I still can't see the merits of punching to pure North though!

I have always appreciated the Taoist over the Zen. It shows an interesting side of my personality, to those who actually know me.

18 Hands of Lo Han is the "exercise" that Bodhidharma brought to the monks in China per my early lessons in the Chinese Kenpo system. No one has ever contradicted this in any of the histories or research since.

These 18 directions of movement are included in the Universal Pattern, if you look only at the streight lines. I love the analagy to a "spirograph", but suspect that this will be more clear to you as your training continues. Remember, it a 3-Dimensional figure whose center can be transposed over any of your weapons, your opponent's weapons, center, etc.

Have fun and see if you see the 18 directions in the pattern.

Originally posted by Michael Billings

These 18 directions of movement are included in the Universal Pattern, if you look only at the streight lines. I love the analagy to a "spirograph", but suspect that this will be more clear to you as your training continues. Remember, it a 3-Dimensional figure whose center can be transposed over any of your weapons, your opponent's weapons, center, etc.

Have fun and see if you see the 18 directions in the pattern.

The compass points are evident, but that's only 16. I don't see the last 2 straight punches, but they're in a differnent plane to the other strikes, so I don't see how they can be incorporated into a 2D diagram...? :rolleyes:

18 Hands of Daoist Palm are not the same thing as the 18 hands of Lo Han. Having said that, there is, in the Universal Pattern, virutally, every motion you will find in, virtually every martial art.

Originally posted by Sigung86

18 Hands of Daoist Palm are not the same thing as the 18 hands of Lo Han.

From Big Trouble in Little China?

Nope.....wait....that was Lo Pan wasn't it ;)
