karate vs jujutsu


Blue Belt
Oct 19, 2006
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i know that a lot of people say that it does not matter which style a person takes but what matters most is the teacher. but i am asking about the styles themselves. meaning, what are the pros and cons of karate and jujutsu when compared with each other? is one style better for on the street self defense? which style is better for more then 1 attacker? these are the type of things that im wanting to find out more about.
God bless and thanks all.
Both Karate and JuJutsu have a huge number of styles and there is a lot of variety in focus and what is being taught. In my experience JuJutsu tend to have a wider curriculum with pherhaps all the following; striking, locks, throws, grappling and weapons, with focus on throws and locks. Karate may also have all of those but striking is more emphasized and stances are important. JuJutsu might be better at restraining a person and karate better against many, but this is somewhat academic. The style won`t do anything for you. You must make it work.
Hello, Great points above. Is one art really better than other? or is it the person who make the Karate or Jujitus better.

Most times if both persons'are very proficent in their arts? ....In all likely hood both arts will work against one or more persons. Both these arts teach how to fight more than one person.

It is hard to compare because, NO two fights will be the same. It comes down to how experience you are? ..how fit..? how skill your level?

IT will always be the person who make the arts sucessful....because both arts have prove themselves in the past, It work for those who became proficent.

It is like comparing two handguns...which is better the S/W or Ruger pistols of the same calibar? It come down to who can be the most proficent. Both can do harm? or kill?

If you want the best martial art skill to learn? That is a hard question because "what do you want to accomplish here? Your goals?

By training hard in what you do? become the best you can be? Karate,Jujitus,Judo,kempo, etc...any martial art? .....You will able to fight back and win!

It is the person who makes the art! Comes down to: YOU and only you can make any martial art effective!

The martial art is just a tool.....it is how you learn to use the tools!

become a (apprentice for life), make the one you are learning become a part of you.

Hello, Great points above. Is one art really better than other? or is it the person who make the Karate or Jujitus better.

Most times if both persons'are very proficent in their arts? ....In all likely hood both arts will work against one or more persons. Both these arts teach how to fight more than one person.

It is hard to compare because, NO two fights will be the same. It comes down to how experience you are? ..how fit..? how skill your level?

IT will always be the person who make the arts sucessful....because both arts have prove themselves in the past, It work for those who became proficent.

It is like comparing two handguns...which is better the S/W or Ruger pistols of the same calibar? It come down to who can be the most proficent. Both can do harm? or kill?

If you want the best martial art skill to learn? That is a hard question because "what do you want to accomplish here? Your goals?

By training hard in what you do? become the best you can be? Karate,Jujitus,Judo,kempo, etc...any martial art? .....You will able to fight back and win!

It is the person who makes the art! Comes down to: YOU and only you can make any martial art effective!

The martial art is just a tool.....it is how you learn to use the tools!

become a (apprentice for life), make the one you are learning become a part of you.


Well said!