Just heard of this style



A friend of mine told me he studied Okinawan seeda kan??

First question is, how do you spell it :p and second, can anyone
give me a general idea about the core of this style?
Seidokan was the first thing that came to my mind, too. If not, could be just another one of those small, "new styles" that pop up all the time.:confused:
I'm no expert on the Okinawan language, however I doubt the word 'seeda' comes from there?

Maybe your friend can give you a bit more information about their training, like who he trained under, where and when?

If he knows what kata he trained in it should be simple to work out the linage of the style.

Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Okinawan seeda kan

Could it be Seidokan?


So it IS an Okinawan M.A?

Good friend of mine, up in Pennsylvania. He told me a few years
ago that he studied martial arts, and just recently I asked him
what style. This was one of them, but he didn't know how to
spell it. Thanks for the info, I'm going to send him that link and
ask him if that's what he was talking about.
Thanks for sharing- I'd never heard of this style
Originally posted by Kirk
So it IS an Okinawan M.A?

Yes it is Okinawan.
Mr. Toma (the head of seibukan) and my teacher are/were good friends and sometimes trained together even though their arts are entirely different.
Looks like a good school. Nice facillities and seemingly good instructors.

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