Jesse Ventura, just a tad crazy?


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
I think Jesse might need to update his meds.

Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura is so upset by the dismissal of his airport security lawsuit that he threatened Friday to apply for dual citizenship so he can spend more time in his beloved Mexico — or run for president of what he labeled "the Fascist States of America."

Well...if he is unhappy in America, he'll be thrilled with the wonderful government of Mexico.:)
Yeah you know you never know what's going to come out of Ventura's mouth when he opens it. He's good for a laugh from time to time, but most of the time I just shake my head.
He's right about the TSA. They are violating his rights and the rights of ever other American. The US is giving away it's liberty for security. I completely understand the motivation to move to another country before the situation gets really bad.
Thats the beauty of this great land nobody is keeping him here. Bye Jesse. Im not sure who he was making the threat too about leaving but im pretty sure for a Threat to work people need to actually see the results as a bad thing.
If all the people who care about preserving America's culture of liberty leave, what do you think will happen here?
If all the people who care about preserving America's culture of liberty leave, what do you think will happen here?
I didnt say I wanted people to leave But I think the years of Steriods and bumps to the head have fried poor jesse.
I worked for his campaign in college. He's a real guy that is a lot smarter then people realize.

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Ventura's a showman. He knows how to get attention. It made him a success in 3 industries now. (Pro wrestling, Hollywood and politics).

He's pissed because tossing his suit on BS grounds is a bit of a slap. But he's in a better position than I am to smack the pedophiles in the TSA around, and I hope he keeps on fighting against intrusive and ineffective security theater.
Yes...and going to Mexico would be better how?

No winter to speak of. At around 28%, Mexico's top-bracket income tax rate is lower than that of the U.S. There's a much lower cost of living and housing. Medical costs are lower. Medicines are cheaper, and many drugs that are prescription drugs in the U.S. are available over the counter.

In other words, your dollar goes further.

The food is great-and usually locally grown: there's good beef, fruit and sea food. As long as one avoids the border regions, Copper Canyon (sob!), and parts of Sinaloa, there reallly isn't much in the way of drug violence, except for the occasional foray into once-sacred resorts.

Jesse's lived in Mexico since something like 2006;his house is in Baja California Sur- it's nice there. I had a condo in San Jose Del Cabo until last year, myself, and keep my boat in San Carlos now-it's an easier drive for me.
A friend of mine's father is a retired miner from Minnesota. He moved to Baha and eats filet mignon when ever he wants. Certain parts of Mexico are damn good and if things keep going like they are North of the border, Mexico may be building the border fence.

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Mexico was nice I just got back few weeks ago but Im sure I would want to live there. Like I said the great thing about this country is your free to leave whenever you want. No need for empty threats. I always find it funny when these rich hollywood types make stupid threats to leave when they dont get their way. Well "Dont let the door hit you where the good lord split ya"
He's right about the TSA. They are violating his rights and the rights of ever other American. The US is giving away it's liberty for security. I completely understand the motivation to move to another country before the situation gets really bad.
How do you have the type of security needed to stop the obvious threat to our country we have, with out sacrificing something. I am not sticking up for the TSA, but, their following directives from someone. Or, are they just winging it.
How do you have the type of security needed to stop the obvious threat to our country we have, with out sacrificing something. I am not sticking up for the TSA, but, their following directives from someone. Or, are they just winging it.

They're reacting and winging it as they go, inconsistently.
All those water bottles, snow globes etc they confiscate at the gate?
Tossed in a trash can for a janitor to dispose of later. If they were a real risk, they'd treat them like potential explosives.
They don't screen all cargo despite a legal requirement to do so. Terrorists -are- planting test packets in cargo.
Despite molesting kids, leering at your wife, and cupping your balls, they still consistently fail to find bowie knives, 12" razors and -loaded- firearms in -xrayed- carry ons.
They still have passengers getting -on planes- without tickets. Who made it past 2-3 layers of TSA screening.

The TSA is as effective at security as a nylon stocking is as birth control.
TSA sucks. Jessie rocks.
How do you have the type of security needed to stop the obvious threat to our country we have, with out sacrificing something. I am not sticking up for the TSA, but, their following directives from someone. Or, are they just winging it.

We learn to live with all kinds of dangers. I choose to surf and I know I could drown, for example. There is no way the government can protect us against a diffuse and low probability threat like terrorism without completely locking us down into a police state...and even then, they still can't. I'd rather take responsibility for my own safety, carry a gun or a weapon if the risk warranted it for example, and preserve all of my Constitutional freedoms. TSA and Homeland Security are gigantic wastes of money and probably have very little to do with actual terrorism and much more to do with locking down the country at home to preserve the Empire abroad.

Look at the troubles we see now and imagine the **** that's going hit the fan when the government raises taxes, cuts pensions, confiscates retirements, and inflates the value of our currency away to pay for the 700 plus military bases, eight plus foreign wars, and trillions in international banker bailouts. We ain't seen nothing yet.

Vote Ron Paul 2012.
How do you have the type of security needed to stop the obvious threat to our country we have, with out sacrificing something. I am not sticking up for the TSA, but, their following directives from someone. Or, are they just winging it.

Two words: El Al :

Sure. They profile. If the model is followed correctly, most people won't even notice. It would require paying more than the TSA does;most of those miserable D students who do the actual "screening" (it's not screening, it's fear-driven pseudo-security psychodrama) are paid between $17K and $30K.

They suck-big time. :lol:

El Al, on the other hand, has managed to be the Israeli national airline and have only one flight hijacked since 1948
Two words: El Al :

Sure. They profile. If the model is followed correctly, most people won't even notice. It would require paying more than the TSA does;most of those miserable D students who do the actual "screening" (it's not screening, it's fear-driven pseudo-security psychodrama) are paid between $17K and $30K.

They suck-big time. :lol:

El Al, on the other hand, has managed to be the Israeli national airline and have only one flight hijacked since 1948

And there is not just one security checkpoint. The entire airport is a security checkpoint. People look at you. People ask you innicent question. The profile behaviour. And it's actually faster than most US airport because ther is not one chokepoint dedicated to security. Once in a while, people are puuled out of the check in line for questioning. Questions can be inane. But you never know if you were picked because they wanted to question you, or because they wanted to observe the reacton of the guy next to you at NOT being picked.
Gel-type candles
Gel shoe inserts - Gel shoe inserts are not permitted, but shoes constructed with gel heels are allowed and must be removed and screened.
Non-flammable liquid, gel, or aerosol paint
Yes - 3.4 ounces (100ml) or smaller container
Flammable liquid, gel, or aerosol paint
Snow globes and like decorations regardless of size or amount of liquid inside, even with documentation.

A small snip-it from the TSA web site for legal carry on. I could not care less about the TSA. Bottom line is, if I carry any of the above items on board a plane, I deserve to get them taken away. As I stated in my post, I'm not sticking up for the TSA, just the rules in place.

When I travel, all I want to do is get from point (A) to point (B). My son, daughter, wife and I have all traveled separately, and together over the years, and have never had a lick of a problem. When the time comes where I get hassled, like some of you have, I will join the ranks of being pissed off at them. But, for now, regardless of how much they make per hour, they are the obstacle I need to pass, so I can get to where I am going.

It didn't used to be to the extent it is today, but freedom comes at a price. Join the military, and it could cost you your life. Don't follow the directive of LE when they say "let me see your hands, and it could cost you your life.

Aside from being fondled by TSA, and no matter how stupid they are, and no matter where they are on the pay scale, for that small window of time, you are in their jurisdiction, and they are in charge. I will say it one more time, "I don't care about, and am not sticking up for, the TSA". But, someone has them in place for a reason, and I don't believe they are winging it, but are being allowed to do the job of screening plane passengers................. Some may be overzealous, but this has not been my experience.
Aside from being fondled by TSA, and no matter how stupid they are, and no matter where they are on the pay scale, for that small window of time, you are in their jurisdiction, and they are in charge.

In the United States, the Constitution is in charge. This document recognizes our natural rights and everybody within it's jurisdiction is mandated to follow this document as the supreme law of the land.

If we recognize the TSA as a legitimate organization with legitimate powers, we're saying that the Constitution has no meaning. We're saying that all of the people who swore an oath to uphold and protect it have basically sworn an oath to a worthless piece of paper. Americans desperately need to put aside the guns and butter state propaganda and remember what it means to be an American.

Here's a quote from Jesse Ventura that I think sums up the situation, "Liberty is security from tyranny."