It's almost here!


Purple Belt
Mar 9, 2007
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Maryland USA
In fact, it may have already arrived in your neighborhood. I'm talking about spring of course. Yesterday I saw 3 to 4 inches of daffodil greens and I heard spring peepers while I was driving home WITH THE TOP DOWN. Woohoo! For those of you who have had enough of winter, keep the faith. Better times are just around the corner.

When I heard the spring peepers I was reminded of my crazy uncle who had 8 or 10 78 rmp records of frog calls recorded by Cornell University. I can still see the records in my minds eye. They were very distinctive due to the fact that they were made out of a red material.

Did you know that you can tell frogs species by their call?
In fact, it may have already arrived in your neighborhood. I'm talking about spring of course. I was driving home WITH THE TOP DOWN. Woohoo! For those of you who have had enough of winter, keep the faith. Better times are just around the corner.

Yep, I saw that and a handfull of motorcycles..Today it's cold and snowing..Hurry up Springtime.PLEASE..
I can tell it's spring, the crocuses are wilting through being drowned, poor little things, and my seedlings are popping up. We've got a cold spell forecast next week too with snow in Scotland, a sure sign of spring that... lets hope it's the last of the year.
We got 6 inches of snow last night. I hate snow, and winter, and all things associated with snow and winter. I long for spring, for the birds, the foliage budding, the flowers blossoming, the bbq smoking, the warmth, the sun, the longer days.....
Saw motorcycles, saw grass, had temps in the upper fifties and now.... it's going to snow....a lot... tomorrow and Saturday.

I have nothing against snow, I generally like it actually, but it is time for Spring
I was ejoying the nice weather through this week, but there's supposed to be freezing rain tomorrow. I heard a ton of birds, saw a fox run across the road, groundhogs watching traffic, and I think I even saw a couple of rare animals too!
In fact, it may have already arrived in your neighborhood. I'm talking about spring of course. ...

I love spring. Spring and fall are the best seasons in Missouri.

Instead of running on a treadmill yesterday, I went out and ran around a walking track. The weather was perfect — about 75 degrees and just beautiful.

On the down side, there were already some mosquitoes. grrrrrr :mad:

Well, I really hate to be a party crasher, but it's been like in the 80's here the last few days ... sorry

Bastidge. I spent the first 16.5 years of my life in Cali (excepting the two years I lived in the West Indies)

The last thing I need is your reminding me the weather there is always perfect :)

80 degrees THERE is wonderful. 80 degrees HERE is usually miserable by July or August since it will also be 80 percent humidity, if not higher.

80 degrees in the spring here is still pretty nice.

But TODAY? It was back down to mid 40s for today's high. We have a saying in Missouri: if you don't like the weather, wait a couple of hours — it'll be different.

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