You could say that about any pet and any owner that gave any kind of treatment to their animals. I've seen people shell out thousands to treat diseases for their pets. One of my best friends is a vet. Would you shell out $1k for Rover or Fluffy if it meant 5 more years of happiness?
No, Its someones beloved pet.

I would do the same for my cat, dog, or child. Pets have way of wiggling into your heart and staying forever and being worth just as much medical treatment you can afford to help them live comfortably and happy.
Well with a dog you can tell if it's happy to be with you. With a cat you can tell it's happy to be with you. With a fish, well it's probably happier if it's swimming around without bumping into an invisible wall. Song birds/parrots... well they'd probably be happier flitting from tree to tree. Lizards/snakes/reptiles... (I've had snakes) ... they... well...umm... they just don't care one way or the other and just as soon have you leave them alone. Other furry mammals (Ferrets, and rodents) well... it varies but they'd probably be happier in the wild too.

With a chicken? It's probably happy you're not making dinner out of it.
Don's right... It's a CHICKEN!
You could say that about any pet and any owner that gave any kind of treatment to their animals. I've seen people shell out thousands to treat diseases for their pets. One of my best friends is a vet. Would you shell out $1k for Rover or Fluffy if it meant 5 more years of happiness?

Come on! How can you compare Rover or Fluffy to a chicken? You never hear "Taste like Rover" or "Taste like Fluffy" but i have heard once or twice "Taste like Chicken" Bevis and Butthead forever, chickens never!
Yes, it's a chicken - i'm glad to see that you guys can read!! (alright...that was just a joke).

Yes, chicken are food....and taste food too. But that said some people like to keep them as companions.

Would i pay that type of money to save a chicken - no.
Would i pay that type of money to save one of my cats - yes, without a thought.

Some people keep cats, some keep dog, others birds, others fish and some even chickens.

Let's just say that if everyone had hearts as big as that couple the world would be a better place!!
Yup. It's a chicken. It's also their money to spend as they choose. I probably wouldn't have spent the money, but that's only because I wouldn't have had a chicken as a pet in the first place.
Yup. It's a chicken. It's also their money to spend as they choose. I probably wouldn't have spent the money, but that's only because I wouldn't have had a chicken as a pet in the first place.

We have actually had chickens as pets. well, more as egg producers, but my sister used to really like them.
Yes, chicken are food....and taste food too. But that said some people like to keep them as companions.

In some countries, that can be said of cats, dogs, horses and other various cute and cuddly creatures.

Let's just say that if everyone had hearts as big as that couple the world would be a better place!!
You can't house break a horse. People still spend thousands on their horses health care.

Yeah but nobody keeps a full sized horse in their house dude. I've seen those miniature horses but that's like one or two. And while not (normally considered food) horses can serve a useful function around the farm/ranch whatever. Like dogs they're working domesticated animals and thus worth the thousands spent.
Chickens I guess are useful for eating bugs and such... but when they're out in the yard!
Of course with a bowl of dumplings or cubed on-top of a heaping plate of Fettuccine Alfredo they're a lot more useful. Yum :fanboy:
ROFLMAO at reading the Sun and actually believing anything that was in it!

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
I dunno... the SUN is more reliable than say Fox News right? :p