ITF / WTF better apart or together?

I also think that The Kukkiwon/WTF would be much more reluctant toward a merger than the ITF asthey have more to lose. I don't see it happening.
That's pretty much what I see as well. The ITF stands to gain more than the WTF... but the ITF is unlikely (at best) to be absorbed quietly.
I think ITF and WTF technique have diverged sufficiently to where they are now different styles altogether. That's ok, too. Look at the various karate styles: Isshin-ryu looks fairly different from Goju-Ryu, even though Goju was one of the influences on Isshin-ryu. TKD has developed the way it has over time - there's no way to turn back the clock, nor do I believe there's any real benefit to doing so.

agree 100%

I dont want any WTF influence in my life or on my style.

We call ourselves "American Tae Kwon Do" for a reason.
Since my master is both ITF and WTF (and in fact Gen. Hi tested him for 2nd Dan.) I can say the two organizations are different in enough ways for me to feel they should go their separate way.

The WTF is going more and more Olympic, while the ITF isn't. That's ok. Each is an asset to the spreading of the martial arts. Just as I feel Tang Soo Do/Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan should stay out of the federation. The way they think and train are much different.

There is no reason to try to get everyone under the same roof. It hasn't happend in Japan and definatly not in the USA, so why Korea?

The martial arts will never find the perfect 'art'. For perfection is not in the human experience. So let the arts flourish, each unique, each with value.

Since my master is both ITF and WTF (and in fact Gen. Hi tested him for 2nd Dan.)
Just a side note question - do you mean Gen. Choi, Hong Hi? If so - Korean names are listed family name first - that's why the comma is there, to separate the family name from the personal name. So his family name - what would be the last name in European cultures - is Choi, not Hi.
They could never get along niether one would give up control long enough to even make a difference. To bad because the concept of them both bringing it together under one banner is intriging.
My school's grandmaster, Woo Jin Jung, is in support of the merger. In his schools we study both ITF and WTF forms. I find it challenging to learn both since there are similarities in some of the forms.
A merger would be hard but not impossible. The biggest problem is that people need to set aside their personal issues and work for the betterment of the art.
I hear people in other forums as well complain that a merger would be bad and they don't want to learn the other side's forms. I've always believed that you should always be learning and improving. I don't thing learning extra forms are going to kill anyone, maybe cause confusion but who hasn't mix-ed up their newest form with the previous one.